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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 07/12/2007 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION — 1 - t-,., VISUAL ARTS COMMITTEE July 12, 2007- 3:30 p.m. �UttN > Sixth Floor Conference Room, City Hall : ��� J/J U„ • 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas • Members of the audience will be provided an opportunity to speak during th'meeting. It is requested that presentations be limited to 5 minutes. It is helpful when addressing the j Committee if you identify yourself, give your address, and state your point as briejy as.'- possible. The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact Chris Semtner at(361) 826-3468 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in large print and/or computer disk. La Ciudad de Corpus Christi promueve la participaci6n con respeto a raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad, religion, incapacidad fisica o creencia politica. Habra servicios razonables para todos los participantes de acuerdo con la Acta de Americanos con Impedimentos. Para recibir asistencia or servicios razonables, favor de Ilamar al numero 361-826-3468 por lo menos 48 horas anticipadas. Esta informacibn esta disponible por medio de impresiOn grande o con un disco para la computadora al que lo pida. AGENDA 8 91��7 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALLA rn III. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC 0-), IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTESco� V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION, POSSIBLE ACTION) 9zsZ�z �Z�tio A. Parkdale Library B. Firestation C. Kaffee Library VI. STAFF REPORT VII. NEW BUSINESS Merkle proposal VIII. ADJOURN POSTING STATEMENT: This agenda was posted on the City's official bullgtiin board in the Leopard Street entry foyer, 1201 Leopard Street at 1U,C)C (.ny /p.m. on 7'") j 3 , 2007. Chris Semtner, Superintendent of Cultural Services Parks& Recreation Department Visual Arts Committee Regular Meeting Thursday,June 14,2007,3:30 pm Sixth Floor Conference Room-City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Jack Gron None None Lynda Jones Molly Merkle Frank Trimble Ed Grove I. Call To Order-The regular meeting of the Visual Arts Committee was called to order at 3:35 p.m. by Chair,Lynda Jones. II. Roll Call III. Approval Of Minutes- No formal minutes were taken before this date. IV. Hearing From the Public-None V. Old Business For Discussion/Action A.SouthsidelKaffee Ideas for the Southside/Kaffee Library RFP were discussed. Frank will research the particulars and find out the sizes of the panels, site plan, lighting,elevations etc. These will then be attached to the RFP when it is posted on the website. B.Firestation and Parkdale There was nothing to report on the Firestation and the Parkdale projects as the artist proposals are due next week and we will be meeting on them then. An email will be sent out as to where and when the meetings will be held. VI. Staff Report-None VII. New Business A. Sculpture Idea Molly Merkle proposed an idea for use of the Permanent Art Trust Fund money. The idea consisted of using neon artists to create a piece to be placed on the Selina Auditorium wall. This wall faces the art museum, science museum, bridge and port. It is felt that a piece here would help define the area as a sculpture garden and also help tourists identify the area as an arts and culture area. Molly will research the idea further and bring her findings to the next meeting. . B. Permanent Art Trust Fund funding With the review of the subgrant process and the vote on the contingency fund pending,Permanent Art Trust Fund funding was discussed. Since contingency funds might no longer be rolled into the PAT after the vote at ACC and less maintenance money is left to roll into PAT,Visual Arts may need to ask for money off the top of the Subgrant money each year. This is not a new idea. This is the way it was done in the past. VIII. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 4:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lynda Jones Visual Arts Chair