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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 05/08/2008 "NW ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSIONS
Regular Meeting, Thursday, May 8, 2008, 4:30 p.m. 31415167)
Sixth Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus afi,Texas,,, 761?s,
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1. Berlanga, David (1) ❑ ® 10. Prewitt,Judith, Dr tI ® `�hris gefritrtdr,
2. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria ® Ei 11. Pena, Joe ® Karen Davi son 'SI ati•
3. Frederick, Kim (3) ® 12. Pena, Kristi (1) 111 ® Halo •
r_._....- - _ __-.. .O ra.t. .
4. Garcia, Beto ® ❑ 13. Schenk, Joe
5. Grove, Ed (1) ® 14. Stewart, Anne (4) lEiZ I !
6. Hilliard, Joe (2) ® 15. Trimble, Frank(1) ® ; —�
7. Hovda, Heidi ® 16. Watson, John '
8. Jones, Lynda ® ❑ 17. 0 _
9. LaBarrett, Joye ® Total: 11 5
I. CALL TO ORDER—The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
4:46 p.m. by Chair, Ed Grove.
II. ROLL CALL—The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum.
(Gloria Bilaye-Benibo arrived at 4:46pm)
Lynda Jones made a motion to excuse Heidi Hovda and John Watson's absence for this meeting. Joe
Hillard seconded. Motion passed with one opposed.
Joe Hillard made a motion to excuse Joe Pena's April 30th special called meeting absence. Joye
LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed.
Judith Prewitt made a motion to excuse Joe Schenk's April 3e special called meeting absence. Joye
LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed.
Lynda Jones made a motion to accept the April 10th minutes as submitted. Joe Hillard seconded.
Motion passed.
Lynda Jones made a motion to accept the April 30th minutes as submitted. Joye LaBarrett seconded.
Motion passed (Joe Hillard reported that minutes were "awesome")
a. Performing Arts-Joye LaBarrett
Joye LaBarrett reported that the Performing Arts Subcommittee did not meet.
Joye distributed the Festival of the Arts budget.
Chris Semtner reported the Framing for Debra Miles painting ($840) is not on budget— permanent art
Joye reported no invoice received from KMBH (NPR) radio ($390) and no invoice from reel simple.
Joye will call KMBH (NPR) radio to get invoice.
Joye needed clarification from Lynda on the artist's supplies. She thought was $700.
$200 Tabor, $200 Moltz, $300 Strand, $100 Garza, $100 Byers— Should be $900
Chris reported that the Security ($928.20) and Porta Potties ($237.50) came out of the Cultural
Services budget.
b. Visual Arts - Lynda Jones
Lynda Jones reported that the Visual Arts Subcommittee met today.
Lynda reported that the Merkle art project will be complete before school starts; the Mel Chin base is
installed and dog to be installed soon. The O'Dowdy maintenance is in progress (lot more tiles off so
may need to pay more).
Joe Pena will reseakate stoppers around the sculpture.
The visual arts committee thought that it would be a good idea to have a different title for Festival of the
Joye LaBarrett reported that the"Chalk it up for the Arts"was only a tagline for the Festival of the Arts.
Chris Semtner suggested the tagline change every year.
Joye reported that the ACC voted on the terminology of"Chalk it up for the Arts". She will check her
Lynda reported that Ricardo Ruiz is ready for substantial completion report.
The committee talked about the website for ACC and what they want on the visual arts section. There
is info in the bylaws that cannot be found on the website.
Lynda reported the Visual Arts accomplishments:
Visual Arts Festival involvement included:
3 gallery shows
3 Lectures
8 Demonstration events
Bayfront Art Tour map designed, printed, and 10,000 mostly distributed
Tram Script written with help
Electronic Billboard design
Cake design
T Shirt design
Post Card design
35 vendor artist tables
Percent for Art Projects for this year include
Northwest Library project with Aloe Tile is completed
Southside Library Merkle art is completed
Parkdale Library project is near completion
Fire Station project started
ABC project near completion
Lynda suggested that all committees make a list of accomplishments for the yearly report to city
The visual arts committee talked about the budget($150,161.76 as of May 1)
Lynda discussed the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund List:
Convention &Visitor's Bureau gets money for tourism. Lynda thinks they should have advertised
the Festival of the Arts. Chris Semtner reported that it was advertised by Convention &Visitor's
Bureau. A press release was sent to CVB. Joe Schenk reported that he got press release from
Aimee. Lynda suggested that we have a more direct link with CVB.
Corpus Christi Symphony received 12 thousand and is asking for subgrant money. Is that double
dipping? Chris S reported that is was not. Jazz Festival gets money for Hotel Occupancy Tax
Fund and not longer asks for subgrant money.
Lynda reported that she talked to someone about the website and they were willing to help. She has
not done an RFP. Chris S reported that if under$1000 needs to be competing bids but can be oral.
Lynda suggests each subcommittee send their input on what they want on website in writing to
executive committee.
Judith reported that websites contain more than visuals. She suggested that the changes to website
be centralized such as whoever handles the city website so that changes are not made by everyone.
Chris S suggested funneling the changes through Karen Dawson.
Lynda reported that Molly ran into someone doing art incubator. That person charges $1000 and is
taking the artist under his wing for 3 months. He teaches them and helps them get a job.
Lynda reported that the Art Museum has 3 exhibits coming up. Check the website and/or become a
c. Cultural Enrichment-Joe Hilliard
Joe Hillard reported that the Cultural Enrichment Subcommittee met today.
Joe H distributed the Cultural Enrichment Committee's suggestion to the ACC of a 'Corpus Christi
Poster Contest'.
The Cultural Enrichment committee suggests that ACC use the Lahaina Town Poster as a template
for a similar event/competition in Corpus Christi. Micro details have not been discussed.
Joye LaBarrett questioned if ACC can do cash prizes. Chris Semtner will find out.
Joe H reported that the artist will submit their original artwork.
Everyone thought the Poster Contest was a good idea.
Joe H reported that the Cultural Enrichment Subcommittee will be helping Visual Arts Subcommittee
with website.
d. Youth Arts Development-Ed Grove
Ed Grove reportedt1110
he Youth Arts Development Subcommitti not meet.
Joe Schenk reported that there are a lot of Youth Arts at the museum.
Congressional Art Competition —Saturday, May 10 at 1pm
Winner of art competition get their artwork displayed at the US Capital.
e. Subqrant-Joye LaBarrett
Joye LaBarrett reported that the Subgrant Subcommittee met before the retreat on April 30th.
Joye reported that the Subgrant Subcommittee received 17 applications from 15 organizations—if all
score 100%, the total will be$143,000.00
Joye reported that the Council Chambers was not available for the June 12th Subgrant presentations so
the presentations will be in the Basement Training Room. The room is booked from 1:45pm-6pm. The
presentations are scheduled on the day of the regular June meeting. Ed reported that ACC will need
bottled water/ refreshments for the presentations.
The budget is not available until around August 1. Last year the budget for subgrants was under
$100,000.00. Chris will request the same as last year. Chris reported that the committee can propose
additional money by going to the public hearing.
Kim Frederick suggested that the commissioners notify him when they are going to present yearly
report to City Council so that he attends to propose more money.
Ad Hoc Committees
f. Arts Incubator-John Watson
No Report
a. Committee Assignments
b. Commissioner Categories/ Realignment of current member categories
Judith Prewitt suggest that the categories be left as they are
Judith reported that the concern is not what category but who serves on what subcommittee.
Karen Dawson reported what City Secretary's office decided regarding realignment:
Normally the board would wait until its regular yearly appointments to do the realignments for a lot
of members (September) but since this is a Mayoral appointment, city secretary's office has to run
it by the Mayor first and then take it to Council for approval then Armando approve us doing a
1. Get Board's recommendation for who they want to realign and who they are
recommending for the vacancy that is leftover after the realignment.
2. Tammy will take it to the Mayor for his review and approval
3. Tammy will put on the Council Agenda for June 17th.
Gloria suggested that each commissioner serve where they were assigned.
Joye made a motion that Lynda should contact each commissioner that the changes will effect and get
in writing (send to Karen) from them if they are in acceptance with change. Joe Schenk seconded.
Motion passed with one opposition.
c. Filling of Vacancy
Joye made a motion to table filing the vacancy. Joe Hillard seconded. Motion passed with one
opposition (Judith suggests the vacancy be filled now and not wait)
d. • Formation of Festival Ad Hoc Committee to write RFP to hire help
Ed Grove reported that the Planning Group, not Ad Hoc Committee, is working on the RFP. They have
had informal discussions. If an agreement is reached, the group will email each commissioner to get
their input.
Joye suggest that before RFP, ACC contact Corpus Christi Convention Business Bureau to see how
involved they want to be with the Festival of the Arts.
Ed does not think contacting the Corpus Christi Convention Business Bureau should stop the Planning
Group from proceeding with RFP. Ed suggested that we look for all alternatives.
e. City Council Liaison
Lynda reported that the letter is going around and she will finish getting signatures. Chris suggested
that after all signatures are obtained, be send to Sally Gavlik to present to City Manager. City manager
will present.
f. ACC's expanded role in the promotion of the Arts
Joye reviewed the task listed under the ACC's expanded role in the promotion of the Arts so that each
commissioner can see if the task is viable. Unless opposition, everyone is going to perform task.
(Joe Hillard left at 6:15pm)
g. Formation of Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee to review bylaws
Judith made a motion to constitute an Ad Hoc Bylaws Review Committee to review bylaws. Motion not
The suggestion waRIKubmit changes to council; do not need art1110 Hoc Committee
Update and redefine the general charges of responsibilities for the Cultural Enrichment, Youth Arts
Development and Performing Arts Committee.
If the ACC tabled an item of discussion/action, it would fall under Old Business and our bylaws
need to correctly allow/reflect that agenda item.
The ACC voted last fall to include in its agenda the 30 second roundtable discussions. The bylaws
should be changed to also allow/reflect those changes.
h. Formation of Ad Hoc Committee to review the 1996 Community Cultural Plan
Lynda Jones made a motion for the Executive Committee to review the 1996 Community Cultural Plan.
Joye seconded. Motion passed.
i. Addendum to Application for Arts & Cultural Commissioners
Ed Grove distributed a copy of the addition to application for arts& cultural commissioners.
Ed suggested that commissioners would contact prospective commissioners when applying that they
understand the commitment of the Arts & Cultural Commission.
Joye LaBarrett made a motion to pursue finding out if we can add more specific information to website.
Joe Hillard seconded. Motion passed.
Judith Prewitt reported that she was told after being appointed what her responsibilities were.
Judith suggested the commitment verbiage be added as a revised bylaw.
Lynda Jones suggested that ACC have their website so that the commitment verbiage can be added to
the site.
Joye reported that the prospective commissioners may not necessarily look at the ACC website when
applying for a commission.
Joye reported that after talking to Tammy Riley (City Secretary's office); the space on website is limited
on what can be added
Joe H. suggested that under Park & Rec on the website; add a link for more information.
Joe Schenk suggested changing the word "committee" to"commission" on the addition to application
Joe H made a motion for executive committee have a meeting to discuss the wording for the
application for arts & cultural commissioners. Lynda seconded. Motion passed with one opposition.
a. Permanent Art Fund Trust Fund Balance—Chris Semtner
Joye questioned where the $18,066.76 (balance transfer from HOT fund) came from on the
Reconciliation of the Permanent Fund. The Reconciliation was distributed with the Agenda Packets.
Joe H suggested that Chris S and Joye meet at a later time to discuss the money.
(Judith Prewitt left at 6:24pm)
b. P.A.L.S. —Chris Semtner
Joye reported her balance as$2,119.90. Diana's balance is$2,044.90
Chris determined the difference in the figures was the collected $75 vendor fees from 2007.
c. Open meetings act training for new commissioners— Karen Dawson
Karen reported that John Watson, Kristi Pena, Joe Pena and Joe Schenk need to have open meeting
act training.
Karen asked for suggestions on a good time to have open meeting act training. Joe Schenk & Joe
Pena suggested any time. Karen will schedule the training and notify the commissioners.
d. Agenda format— Karen Dawson
Karen discussed the Agenda format
Use current Agenda as an example. The Agenda is based on the bylaws (under Order of
Committee Report—Just list the subcommittees (does not have to be specific)
New Business and Staff Report— Need to be specific enough that the public can
Lynda suggested changing Committee concerns to Current Concerns.
Lynda suggested that the ACC Committee report on June 12th around 1:30 to have the regular
meeting before subgrant presentations.
1111110 ‘11110
X. Adjournment
As there was no further business Gloria Bilaye-Benibo made a motioned to adjourn. Joe Schenk seconded.
The motion passed. Chair, Ed Grove adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Chris Semtner, Superintendent
Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department