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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 10/16/2008 - Special RECEIVEp ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Special Called Meeting, Thursday, October 16, 2008, 1:00 p.m. DEC 0 5 2008 Corpus Christi Museum of Science & History,1900 N Chaparral Street, Corpus Ch isti,Texas 78401 CITY SCORE , MEMBERS.....— P.__.........A -- MEMBERS P 'Y's OF'A STA CE 1. Berlanga, David ❑ ® 10. Jones, Lynda —..__®._._._.-0....__.. Chris Semtner __ 1 2 Bissell, Paul ❑ ® . 11.. LaBarrett,Joye _.__.._._..._t_._......El __-0.....-- Karen Dawson ® 3. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria ❑ ® 12. Pena,Joe i ® ❑_ Wes Vardeman 4. Frederick, Kim ® } ❑ 13. Vacant— ........_..._......... — .......... 5. Garcia, Beto Ei z 14. Prewitt,Judith 6. Garza, Amorettez El ' 15. Schenk, Joe 7. Hilliard,Joe 16. Trimble, Frank ® ❑ 8. Hovda, Heidi 1 ® ❑ i 17.Young, Lari ® ❑ 9. Kemm, Ericha 1 ® ❑ Total: 12 4 I I. CALL TO ORDER -The Special Called Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 1:09pm by Chair, Lynda Jones. II. ROLL CALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. HEARING FROM THE PUBLIC - None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None V. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Performing Arts-Kim Frederick- No Report b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena - No Report c. Cultural Enrichment-Joe Hilliard - No Report d. Youth Arts Development- Ericha Kemm - No Report e. Subgrant-Joye LaBarrett- No Report Ad Hoc Committee f. Arts Incubator- No Report VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) (Joye LaBarrett arrived at 1:13pm) (Heidi Hovda arrived at 1:15pm) (Joe Hilliard arrived at 1:17pm) a. Subgrant Appeals-Joe Schenk concerned that there are 5 organizations that filed appeals which is about 25% of the organizations that applied. That tells us that something fundamentally wrong either with the process or in how the money is awarded. Concerned about the amount money and that it will come back to haunt us; Lynda Jones has the same concern. Looked back through the spreadsheet. Under artistic merit, Art Museum of South Texas has 77% and no one got over 80%. Maybe the instrument that ACC used to judge this during the subgrant presentations may not have been understood. Lynda's concern is not with the subgrant committee but with the entire commission's evaluations. Judith stated that more should be said so that new people get the perspective. b. Budget adjustments to reflect the above-Joye revised budget because of Coastal Bend Wildlife withdrawing. Judith Prewitt wants copy of revised budget (summarized). Frank Trimble made a motion to accept the numbers as they have been presented by the Subgrant committee but apply a curve to those numbers to bring the top score up to the $10,000 not to exceed the previous year's budget. Joe Schenk seconded. Frank Trimble amended motion to increase subgrants from $73,188 to $94,404. Joe Schenk seconded. 5 voted for, 4 opposed, 2 abstained. Motion passed. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to amend budget as follows: $12,000 out of Festival of the Arts, $5,000 out of marketing, $3,000 out of training & $1,000 out of Puolic Art Trust Fund. Joe Schenk seconded. 9 voted for and 1 abstained. Motion passed. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to keep scoring for subgrants the same as submitted. Frank Trimble seconded. Motion passed. c. Determine where to move the Manjarris piece due to the Bayfront Construction (tabled from 10-9-08 meeting)— Heidi Hovda made a motion to move Manjarris piece closest to Shoreline. Heidi Hovda amended motion to move Manjarris piece closest to Shoreline but position correctly. Lari Young seconded. Motion passed. d. Review of previous ACC annual goals— Lynda Jones reviewed previous ACC goals. e. Set goals for next year— i. Invite Council Members to speak at and attend ACC meetings, future planning workshops. ii. ACC present annual reports concerning the Festival of the Arts and Sub-granting impact on tourism and the community. iii. Invite media to ACC events; keep the media & community members informed and maintain relationships with: 1. College Newspapers— Kim Frederick & Joe Pena 2. Inclusion on sales circulars, telephone book, libraries & inserts concerning ACC events— Ericha Kemm iv. Develop ACC website— Executive Committee v. Develop an Arts Directory—Joe Hilliard vi. Produce a collective Arts Calendar— SGC —Joye LaBarrett vii. Promote & coordinate a Festival of the Arts— PAC — Beto Garcia & Kim Frederick viii. Obtain more info from DMD concerning the SEA town project— Heidi Hovda ix. Invite Gignac Associates to speak at an ACC meeting — Frank Trimble x. Attend subgrant supported events—ACC xi. Research feasibility to develop an Arts Incubator— Heidi Hovda, Joye LaBarrett, Amorette Garza, Ericha Kemm xii. Provide workshops to benefit all art organizations—Arts Incubator Committee xiii. Obtain current CCISD (Martha Fair)—Arts and Education outreach effort info— Lynda Jones xiv. Museum of South Texas—Arts and Education outreach effort info—Joe Schenk xv. Develop resources to provide non-profit and arts administration education opportunities— Joe Schenk xvi. Implement the Consultant Recommendations: 1. Review the 1996 community cultural plan by establishing an ad hoc committee to determine what has been accomplished and what outstanding items are relevant to the community now. —Joe Schenk, Joe Hilliard, Joe Pena, Heidi Hovda 2. Review bylaws and conflict of interest policies annually—Chris Semtner & Wes Vardeman xvii. Joe Hilliard stated that he sees us as having these goals: 1. Having a Festival of the Arts a. City Council designated ACC to do Festival of the Arts 2. Subgrants 3. Maintaining public art Joe Hilliard -ACC is not doing the things that we need to be doing but we could be doing them. Need a website where you can see everything going on for the arts and not relying on the caller times. ACC is not a powerful group doing what we can be doing. Amorette Garza— Need a goal that is more tangible and is more encompassing of making the art a more prominent part of Corpus Christi. Festival of the Arts is an action step of that goal. Heidi Hovda—There are tons of things the ACC can do. That is more long range vision type of things. Examples: Fredericksburg, TX— has an arts council that started off by doing things like creating an arts enterprise zone that works similar to a business enterprise zone. Encourage people to open up galleries. Get artist that are living in places they can not afford and offering incentives. They have developed a great artist community. Lynda Jones— Need some research that shows that that arts brings people in. Heidi Hovda will bring to next meeting a list of city's that might be comparable to Corpus Christi. Heidi will also explore ACC hosting a show on Public Access. Focus on everything that is going on with the arts. Develop a TV show that can show on Public Access. It will not cost money but will cost time. Kim Frederick—too many irons on the fire. Everyone's plates are full. There is no way we can continue this many things. Judith Prewitt—The Festival of the Arts was broached to the council by the people who were associated by the ACC. A lot of research was done into other cities and what they do. The ACC got very involved in the sub goals and not a lot of time in long range goals. Joe Hilliard —The Festival of the Arts is a big task? What other irons do we have on the fire? The subgranting process takes a lot from the subgranting committee but does not require much from the other commissioners. Kim Frederick - Suppose to be seeing about 40 shows a year and filling out a report. That is how we grade when we do the subgranting. (Joe Pena left at 3:12) f. Short Break g. Plan Festival of the Arts i. Overview of Festival of the Arts 1. Lynda Jones proposed a layout a. Stay out of North area and leave Jezebels their parking lot. 2. Kim Frederick will call Chris Kailas to reserve Sherill Park 3. Let Performing Arts Committee know of any suggestions 4. The Festival of the Arts will require port a potties but will come out of Arts & Cultural funds instead of the Tourist District 5. The Festival of the Arts will be March 26-29 a. Bring artist in on March 26 b. Educational Workshops and Reception on March 27 c. One workshop on March 28 d. Everything in full swing on March 28-29 ii. Broke into 4 committees to plan events for Festival of the Arts h. Committee reports on Festival Planning - i. Performing Arts; Visual Arts; Cultural Enrichment; Youth Arts Development 1. Performing Arts: Kim Frederick a. Need a contact person from each committee to make planning committee to meet once a month (2 hour meeting) b. Everyone will get a scan copy of the layout so each group can pencil in where they are going to set up c. Need list of what you need and what you want to use i. Can not get everything and will need help locating the items d. Will get measurements (parking lots & streets) e. Will work on placement& flow f. Everything has to work through Performing Arts because they control the Festival of the Arts budget (Kim Frederick left at 4:47pm) 2. Cultural Enrichment: Joe Hilliard a. Will have a tram and may have a trolley b. Electric Billboard —will see how much it will cost c. PSA— Heidi believes we can reuse the r-SA from last year(voice over and add some things) — by Feb 1 d. Film Component will need chairs & screen (B&T) e. Moving forward on Poster Contest i. There is an art show component to and would like to incorporate into Festival of the Arts where each person who submits will submit framed; the jury will pick which ones will move forward and be hung at Art Center (hang top 5 or 10) 3. Youth Arts— Ericha Kemm a. Tents (one tent available for KidsZone and Heidi will bring her own personal tents) b. Reading area where a book will be read c. Costume contest d. Hip Hop dance troop e. Different activities for different ages 4. Visual Arts— Lynda Jones a. Docent for tram b. Explore selling 4 of the Males artwork (Debra Males idea) c. Amorette will design postcard d. Permanent Art—Art Guys come down to do Permanent Art e. Frank will do posters to show where everyone goes f. Demonstration artist will be in the patio gallery (will need to pay them) g. Vendor artist—charging $50 a table i. 34 artist last year and hoping for 60 this year h. Lari Young will contact vendors i. Charge flat fee of$25 for vendors i. Rating for films—family oriented or post signs to notify parents VII. STAFF REPORT - None VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS - None IX. ADJOURN As there was no further business, Joe Hilliard made a motion to adjourn. Frank Trimble seconded. The motion passed. Chair, Lynda Jones adjourned meeting at 5:01 pm. ( , S--)C — A. Dawson, Support Services Assistant Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department