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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/13/2008 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION RFcc/VE'D
Regular Meeting, Thursday, November 13, 2008, 4:30 p. , . '
Committee Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Chri-ti, Tex 3 X 2008
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MEMBERS I P......._..I...-.-A MEMBERS P._...._....1__. A_..._ �''• T
1. Berlanga, David 1 ® 1
0 10. Jones, Lynda ® I ❑ ! Chris Semtner MI E
2. Bissell, Paul i ® 1 ❑ 11. LaBarrett, Joye ® ❑ i Karen Dawson I®
3: Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria 12. Pena,Joe 0 1 Z Wes Vardeman
4. Frederick, Kim 13. Vacant
5. Garcia, Beto I0 14. Prewitt, Judith t —
6 Garza, Amorette15. Schenk,Joe
7. Hilliard,Joe ® ❑ 16. Trimble, Frank ® .. ❑_ _
8. Hovda, Heidi ❑ ® i 17.Young, Lari El I El
9. Kemm, Ericha Total: . 12 4
I. CALL TO ORDER -The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
4:37pm by Chair, Lynda Jones.
II. ROLL CALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum.
Amorette Garza missed October 9 meeting due to work. Judith Prewitt missed October 9 meeting due
to a religious holiday. Gloria Bilaye-Benibo missed October 9 meeting due to family matters. David
Berlanga was dismissed from October 9 meeting due to ACC error. Beto Garcia missed October 9
meeting due to work.
Frank made a motion to excuse Amorette Garza, Judith Prewitt, Gloria Bilaye-Benibo, David Berlanga
and Beto Garcia's absences for the October 9, 2008 meeting. . Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion
a. Regular Meeting, October 9, 2008
i. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to table approval of regular meeting minutes for October 9
until December meeting so corrections can be made. Paul Bissell and David Berlanga
seconded. Motion passed.
b. Special Called Meeting, October 16, 2008
i. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to approve the October 16th minutes as submitted. Ericha
Kemm seconded. Motion passed.
a. Performing Arts-Kim Frederick
i. Kim passed out a tentative schedule for the Festival of the Arts. Names are listed next to
each task. Take a look at this schedule. If you want your name added to a task, Kim
would love to hear from you. The main thing the Festival of the Arts needs from each
committee is one representative from each group so that the Festival of the Arts committee
can be formed. The Festival of the Arts committee will run with the entire Agenda. The
Festival of the Arts committee will be working with the Art Center after the Holidays. The
schedule is not detailed. Contact has been made regarding sound, lights, tents and tables.
The PSA's have gone out. We are already getting people to respond who want to perform.
Everything is in gear. The key to this is that every group needs to check with Festival of
the Arts committee before spending a dime to make sure it has been budgeted or money
can be found. Cultural Enrichment is doing the poster. Kim and Frank are working on floor
plan so each group will have a map of where they are going to be. The budget is
comparable to last year and maybe a little less. As much as you can get donated would
help. Joye LaBarrett is a great resource. We would lova any kind of help and volunteers.
Kim will need the names of representatives before December meeting. Beto has contacted
Budweiser. We are making great progress.
b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena - None
c. Cultural Enrichment-Joe Hilliard - None
d. Youth Arts Development-Ericha Kemm — None
i. Meeting after this meeting
e. Subgrant-Joye LaBarrett
i. Subgrant committee met earlier this week. Completed and updated the completion reports
and instructions. Implemented a check off list so they can use as a tool. Will probably be
meeting in December. Their main goal is in January to have a workshop for all Art Groups
that applied this year whether they received an award or not. They will come to workshop
so that we can go over the new forms with them and make them aware of any changes
that may be made.
a. Discuss 2009 Art Tour Brochure, Festival Brochure, Festival Poster
i. Price of the brochure and poster will be about$2300 to $2400 to do another 5000 brochure
1. More quotes are coming in because
a. Table art tour brochure, festival brochure and library brochure to
December meeting
ii. Joe Hilliard made note that we not call it the Festival Poster because it may be happening
during the Festival of the Arts it does not have anything to do with Festival of the Arts
1. Name is to be determine (Corpus Christi Poster)
2. Joye LaBarrett stated that is needs to have Arts & Cultural somewhere on it
3. Joe Hilliard passed out the proposal by the Cultural Enrichment Committee for the
Corpus Christi Annual Poster Contest
a. The lowest bidder to do the printing is sixteen hundred and change. That
is from Golden Banner.
b. Will need packing tubes.
c. Would like to ACC purchase the original pieces from the winner to add to
permanent art collection.
d. This is an income opportunity for ACC. Joe Hilliard has meeting with City
e. Any income from this would go into PALS.
i. Entry fee for each submission
ii. Sales from poster
f. Another idea would be to auction these posters off
g. All will be signed by artist
h. Cultural Enrichment committee and Visual Arts Committee will narrow
down to top 12. Would like to keep jury within the ACC. The visual arts
committee would be great jury because of the few working artists as well
as commissioners. For the future, if there are not working artists we would
have the freedom to ask some guests to be on the jury.
i. The winning artist would get$500 either through the sale of the piece
through the permanent art fund or the set aside cash stipends. The model
that we use will give them a percentage of their sales.
j. We reserve the right to reprint in the future—add to entry form
k. When we reproduce it, then that would be that year's poster. Underneath
the reprinted poster we would put"This poster produced by the Arts &
Cultural Commission"
I. Maybe hang the original piece in City Council Chambers. Wes believes
that they would have a problem with hanging items in chambers. It may
be okay to hang in hall of City Hall.
m. Other awards: Audience Awards and Most promising new artist award
n. Ericha approached all artist online art supply for donations when doing
work for K-Space
i. Joe Hilliard: worried that we may get resistance from people
saying that we are donating to the City of Corpus Christi and not a
ii. Do not want to put their logo on it
o. Selling by Festival of Arts was not on tin le table. The time table was to
present the winner and have a gallery showing of the top 10 or 12 finalists.
Not print a poster and sell at Festival of the Arts.
i. Have a huge marketing push that it is for sell or do it at Festival of
Arts that it is ready to sell by Christmas.
1. Not for sale at Festival of the Arts
a. Do not know leadtime to print the poster
b. How long does it take to paint the poster
c. Need to do a call for entries
2. Paul Bissell stated that we can get the word out at the
2009 Festival of the Arts
b. Discuss ACC Logo Design
i. ACC tried to do a logo of their own. City stated that ACC had to use the city logo and it
had to be teal. Harbor Playhouse website had a purple logo. Things have changed since
they were told what needed to be done. ACC would like to have a logo that looks like a
arts commission and not the city logo with the palm trees. Lynda wanted to know if ACC
could make up their own logo since everything has changed. Wes will talk to Santos and
Kim Womack to see what the deal is and why the flavor has changed. Joye will send Wes
examples of the different logos being used.
c. Review applications and recommend Marketing position candidate
i. David Berlanga made a motion to recommend Teresa Crayon. Judith Prewitt seconded
and then resended her second. Paul Bissell seconded.
1. 5 voted for Teresa Crayon
ii. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to recommend Veronica Dittman. Lynda seconded.
1. 2 voted for Veronica Dittman
Amorette Garza made a motion to recommend Jennifer Walden. Gloria Bilaye-Benibo
seconded because she was compliant in filling out info.
1. 4 voted for Jennifer Walden
iv. Judith made a motion to not recommend any of the candidates. Joe Hilliard seconded.
1. 0 voted for no recommendation
v. Joe Hilliard made a motion to recommend Teresa Crayon to City Council to fill the
marketing position for ACC. Joye LaBarrett and Judith Prewitt seconded. 1 opposed.
Motion passed.
d. Discuss ACC Revised Budget
i. There were three motions in the last meeting. Joye assumed that the last one was the final
ii. Need to vote on a budget so that ACC has the right amount.
iii. Going with the budget, will have to take in effect the subgrants.
1. The commissioners decided what they wanted to do is it give out what was
allocated last year of$94,404 but using the 10,000 maximum that any organization
could receive.
2. Proposed budget: There is an allocation of taking the 61870.80 from General fund
first and applying to subgranting, which was a recommendation from Staff because
if we don't use General fund, ACC loses the money. Taking from hot fund,
$31982.15 which would give a total of 93852.75 for subgrant award. The reason
why that this is not an exact 94404 is because the symphony went over 10,000 by
551.25. Should not be awarding them more than what the guidelines stipulated.
When you take the $551.25 and putting it back in would reduce the $94404 to the
3. Need to approve a clear cut budget and Joye recommended the $93852.75
a. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to approve the budget allocating $93852.75
for subgrants.
4. Judith does not understand how we can discuss the budget without going back to
resolution that Frank proposed and was seconded by Joe and ACC approved.
Joye stated that there were three motions that were passed.
5. Amorette Garza made a motion accept$94403.9936 with the top award not to
exceed $10.000. Frank seconded. Motion passed.
6. Joe Hilliard made a motion to decrease marketing to $4448.75. Paul Bissell
seconded. Motion passed.
7. Joe Hilliard made a motion to approve budget aiproposed with subgrants at
$94403.9936 and marketing decreased to $4448.75. Frank seconded. Motion
e. Discuss Subgrant Awards
i. Judith Prewitt passed out her calculations for the subgrant
ii. Frank believed that Judith's spreadsheet satisfies the intent of his motion to not exceed
10,000 and to apply the funds to total 94404.00.
1. Frank made a motion to accept Judith's allocations. Amorette seconded.
a. Frank withdrew his motion.
(Gloria Bilaye-Benibo left at 6:10pm)
(Kim Frederick left at 6:14pm)
Joe Hilliard made a motion to have a special called meeting, no more than 10 minutes, in two
weeks to approve subgrants. Have the meeting after subgrant committee, Judith and City staff
meets to agree on a formula. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed.
f. Consider elimination of the Arts Incubator, Ad Hoc Committee
i. No one will volunteer to be chair and can be done within other committees.
1. Ericha Kemm made a motion to eliminate the Arts Incubator and distribute those
duties to other committees. David Berlanga seconded. Motion passed.
g. Review research of Arts Commissions in other cities
i. Tabled to December meeting
(Joe Hilliard left at 6:28pm)
Discuss and finalize Arts & Cultural Commission Website Contract
Reel simple required a contract and part of the money to start ACC website.
Discuss new policy for Agendas
Staff notified the commission regarding all changes that have been made to Agendas.
Paul Bissell made a motion to adjourn. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed.
Lynda Jones, Chair, adjourned meeting at 6:33pm.
Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator
Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department