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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/12/2009 RECEIVED ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, February 12, 2009, 4:30 p.m. APR 0 9 2009 Sixth Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas ' I FIC MEMBERS P A ._. — –MEMBERS P A STA --- 1. Berlanga, David Ell � 10. Jones, Lynda ® ❑ Wes Vardeman ; 2. Bissell, Paul 1 ® ❑ 11. LaBarrett,Joye ® — ❑_ .Karen Dawson____....,I ® _ 3. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria ❑ ® 12. Pena,Joe ❑ _ ® ' Michele Thomas L12] 4. Crayon,Teresa ❑ ®h13. Vacant _ _ ❑ _____ 5. Vacant . ❑ ❑ 14. Prewitt,Judith s 6. Garza, Amorette ® ❑ 15. Schenk,Joe 7. Hilliard, Joe I ® ❑ 16. Trimble, Frank ® ❑ 8. Hovda, Heidi ® ❑ 17. Young, Lari ® : ❑ _ 9. Kemm, Ericha Total: , 8 7 I. CALL TO ORDER -The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:43pm by Chair, Lynda Jones. II. ROLL CALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. PUBLIC COMMENT - none IV. ACT ON ABSENCES a. Joe Hilliard was absent from the January meeting due to an unavoidable work conflict b. Frank Trimble was out of town for the last two meetings on business c. Heidi Hovda made a motion to excuse Joe Hilliard's January absence and Frank Trimble's December& January absence. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting, January 8, 2009 i. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to accept January meeting minutes with as corrected. Paul Bissell seconded. Motion passed. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Performing Arts-Joye LaBarrett i. Performing Arts did not have a meeting ii. The Festival of the Arts updates: 1. 14 performers plus 3 bands for Saturday 2. 7 performers plus Domingo Live for Sunday 3. Do need MC– if you know someone left Joye know 4. Could probably use another Saturday night band a. Steven Hanson would be interested per Heidi 5. Want to make sure KidsZone has enough volunteers– if you know of any groups that can volunteer, please let Ericha know. a. Pete Hanson at Annapolis Christian Academy– he would be happy to forward information to his teachers 6. Have room for 40 visual art vendors– Have 28 applications turned in but 38 have emailed Lynda Jones that they are interested. 7. Will finalize the travel for the guest artist within the next week 8. Workshops are closed –every workshop is full a. 103 at 9:30 b. 122 at 11:00 c. 116 at 12:30 i. The only workshop that is open is for Saturday morning and that is reserved for high school/college/university/adults. 1. Figure out how to get the information out to those people a. Have Bob send it out to the Art Center b. Find out who contact person is for the Colleges/Universities 9. Will need commissioners to man the ACC table a. Last year everyone did a 2 hour shift 10. Frank Trimble is working the map 11. Heidi finished the PSA b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena (Lynda Jones reported for Joe Pena) i. Wrote resolution for Hans Suter Park project 1. Image to be approved by ACC 2. Work to be maintained by Gulf Coast Indian Confederation 3. Funds provided by Gulf Coast Indian Confederation 4. Work should last at 20 years 5. Site to be approved by ACC, City, etc 6. Adhere to all policy on Gift and donations on works of arts ii. Norma Urban Park Project 1. Jack Gron will charge $10 for casting to pay for supplies at the Festival of the Arts 2. Casting will not go home with person who makes it but will go to the Norma Urban Park Project iii. Discussed the FOA plan and layout iv. Recommending to the ACC that we fund an artist to be onsite working during the entire FOA 1. Last year was Debra Males 2. Paid her$2000 and we got 5 paintings a. Recommending Jimmy Pena b. Can pay out of Permanent Art Trust Fund c. Will get permanent art after the FOA c. Cultural Enrichment-Joe Hilliard i. Joe Hilliard will be resigning as Cultural Enrichment Chair probably effective March meeting. 1. Will have a meeting this month to get with committee to see who committee would like to have as chair. 2. Committee will still do poster project 3. The film is done d. Youth Arts Development-Ericha Kemm - None e. Subgrant-Joye LaBarrett i. Subgrant application is done and will go to city department. The committee will look at it one last time after City to make sure everything is as they would like it to appear. ii. There was a meeting and presentation in the 6m floor conference room. There were 23 organizations. There are about 3 or 4 organizations that still need to sign their contracts. H. Committee will need to start looking at completion reports. There are some organizations that did not submit their completion reports, which will be an automatic disqualification. VII. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Discuss Resolution for the Hans Suter Park Statue Project (tabled from January 8 meeting) i. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to have a special called meeting on Thursday, February 19 at 4:30pm at the McCampbell House to approve the resolution. Heidi seconded. Motion passed. b. Discuss proposal from Elizabeth Richter(tabled from January 8 meeting) i. Tabled to March meeting c. Review applications and recommend Drama position candidate (tabled from January 8 meeting) i. Heidi Hovda made a motion to table the Drama recommendation. Joe Hilliard seconded. Motion passed. VIII. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Discuss Committee reports with ideas on ways to enhance the Arts in Corpus Christi i. Heidi Hovda and Joe Hilliard are working on a Quality of Life candidates forum 1. Ask City Council specific questions about the quality of life in Corpus Christi 2. If anyone has any questions regarding the arts in Corpus Christi that you would like to put in front of City Council a. March 18 from 5:30pm-8pm at Harbor Playhouse b. Review applications and recommend Music position candidate i. Joe Hilliard made a motion to recommend Shawn Smith. Lari Young seconded. 3 voted for Shawn Smith. ii. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to recommend Alene Burch for the Music candidate. Amorette Garza seconded. 4 voted for Alene Burch. Motion passed. loor 1. Frank Trimble made a motion to recommend Shawn Smith as an alternate recommendation if Shawn Smith does not get appointed. Heidi Hovda seconded. Motion passed. c. Discuss TCA quarterly grant for the cultural enrichment poster project and/or a youth arts banner project. i. TCA had a webinar 1. Changing their entire process ii. TCA subgrant process is a 2 year process 1. Have to project for 2 years 2. Need to have a meeting with Joye LaBarrett, Michele Thomas, Wes Vardeman and Karen Dawson IX. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. TCA b. Bios X. STAFF REPORT: a. Review the responsibilities of the ACC Commissioners and City Staff i. Go over refresher in the April Retreat b. Discuss progress report on the public art maintenance i. Manjarris piece ii. Need a new home for the Dineah Bowman mural that is currently located in the Galvan House. iii. 5 out of 6 of the Selena pieces of granite returned back to Teresa c. Discuss the procedure for classifying bios i. Tabled XI. ADJOURN Joe Hilliard made a motion to adjourn. Frank Trimble seconded. Motion passed. Lynda Jones, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:55pm. A - _- Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department