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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 03/12/2009 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION `E.CE , Regular Meeting, March 12, 2009, 4:30 p.m. /v�D Sixth Floor Conference Room, City Hail, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus C risti41Jx� '20A9 —..._... MEMBERS .. ---�—P LAmi MEMBERS MEMBERS.—- - P L__......!°` C•� ' C .._ Al- 1. Berlanga, David 10. Jones, Lynda Wes Vardema ��F 9. - ® ❑ _ . y .........._ ® ❑ FIS 2. Bissell, Paul El ❑ 11. LaBarrett,Joye Z 1 0 Karen Dawson Ei 3. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria I ® i ❑ 12 Pena, Joe • - ® ❑ Michele Thomas 4. Crayon,Teresa 1 ® ❑ 13 Vacant 5. Vacant El14. Prewitt,Judith El [ 6. Garza, Amorette I ® Ill15. Schenk,Joe — ® Q......_—____..._.__ ................................_.-.--- 7 Hilliard,Joe 1 ® 1 ❑ 16. Trimble, Frank 8. Hovda, Heidi ❑...._1....._®_ _.� 17. Young, Lari_.... .. 1 ® ❑.—__._.. ........_..........._... --._....__........._._. —I — • 9. Kemm, Ericha HZ I I=1 I Total: i 13 2 L_......_......._..........I I. CALL TO ORDER-The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:41 pm by Chair, Lynda Jones. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Joe Hilliard—Quality of Life Candidates Forum on March 18th beginning 5:30pm at Harbor Playhouse. b. Teresa Crayon—Chamber of Commerce Mixer on March 19th at Art Center from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Will have a Festival of the Arts table. c. Michele Thomas—Superintendent over Heritage Park. There have been some concerns about email and prodicals with city staff. Sally Gavlik is very passionate about this commission. If she had more time, she would attend the ACC meetings. She does not have the time to look at everything that all commissions send to her. i. Email Wes and if he approves, he will send to Michele to review. If Michele feels like Sally needs to review, she will send to Sally. d. Cella Boyd, Executive Director for the AATAC Fine Arts Enrichment Learning Center, Inc. —wanted to introduce herself and her new non-profit organization. They are just starting out. IV. ACT ON ABSENCES a. Gloria Bilaye-Benibo missed the February meeting because she had an MRI. b. Joe Pena missed the February meeting because he had jury duty. c. Teresa Crayon missed the February meeting because she was out of town on business. d. David Berlanga missed the February meeting because he was out of town. i. Joe Hilliard made a motion to excuse Gloria Bilaye-Benibo, Joe Pena, Teresa Crayon & David Berlanga's February absences. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting, February 12, 2009 i. Need to add Michele Thomas in attendance for the February 12th meeting. 1. Joe Schenk made a motion to accept the February 12th meeting minutes with correction to add Michele Thomas as Staff in attendance. Joe Hilliard seconded. Motion passed. b. Special Called Meeting, February 19, 2009 i. Joe Schenk believes that the sentence"It was decided to budget paying Jimmy Pena from FoA for now and discuss after the Festival of the Arts if more funds are needed" needs to be taken out of the minutes since the subject was tabled until after the Festival of the Arts. 1. Frank Trimble made a motion to accept the February 19th meeting minutes with correction to take out sentence. Ericha Kemm seconded. Motion passed. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Performing Arts-Joye LaBarrett i. Information was in the Utility bill regarding the Festival of the Arts ii. Channel 20 has been running PSA every 2 hours and has been on for a week iii. Kiii is running the PSA for free iv. Billboardsarare up v. Caller Times is going to promote in the weekender vi. KEDT is going to do some radio interviews vii. There are openings for the Saturday workshops at the Festival of the Arts; Friday workshop is completely full viii. There are 4 food vendors—Desiree's will do indoor and outdoor ix. Desiree's will be handling sodas, water& alcohol x. 17 demonstrations, 8 galleries of exhibits, tram tour with stop at Art Museum, 58 vending artists, 5 live bands, 14 performances on Saturday, DomingoLive will be broadcasting from the south parking lot, 8 performances on Sunday xi. 18 scheduled activities in kidzone xii. RTA did not approve the trolley—did not feel the distance was far enough xiii. Send around a sign-up sheet for commissioners to sign up to work at the Festival of the Arts xiv. T-shirts from previous years will be$5.00 xv. Need clipboards and pens for surveys; also need lanyards xvi. The opening ceremony is from 5:30pm-8:00pm on Friday. xvii. 80 chairs available from Cole Park; 20 tables that Cultural Services can spare- Need to know how many 6ft tables Cultural Services has available for the Festival of the Arts; 30 folding chairs from courtyard at Heritage Park. b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena i. Visual Arts has not met ii. Molly Merkle's reception happened on February 21st iii. %for Art project(police station) panel has not met but maybe at the end of the week c. Cultural Enrichment-Joe Hilliard i. Been in touch with Joye on the film for the festival of the Arts ii. Digital Banner done iii. PSA done d. Youth Arts Development-Ericha Kemm i. Ericha has been out of town ii. Been communicating via email and gathering information e. Subgrant-Joye LaBarrett i. Subgrant has not met ii. Has been having glitches with getting the updated sub-grant application online; Does not believe that it will be online when it was scheduled to be online iii. ACC funded CC Symphony -They are offering pictures of sponsors at their performance this Saturday at 8:00pm; will need to let Joye know if you are going to be there. VII. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/ POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Review applications and recommend Drama position candidate (tabled from January 8 and February 12 meetings) i. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to table filling Drama position until after the Festival of the Arts. Joe Hilliard seconded. Motion passed. VIII. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/ POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Discuss proposal by Chip Urban for ACC to purchase a Danny O'Dowdy couch/sculpture to be in the Norma Urban Park i. Table (Chip Urban was not present) b. Discuss Resolution for the American Bison Sculpture near WaterGarden i. Joe Schenk passed out fact sheet and picture(of sculpture that is located in Omaha).. ii. Piece is by Kent Ullberg. Piece is fully funded. Piece will belong to Art Museum but will be placed on City property. iii. The sculpture maintenance will be the Art Museum's responsibility. 1. Joe Hilliard made a motion that ACC approve the placement of the Bison sculpture on City property (on the burm at the Art Museum). Lail Young seconded. Motion passed. Joe Schenk obstained. a. Resolution signed. c. Discuss dedication ceremony for Ricardo Ruiz i. Visual Arts is asking to have a dedication ceremony for Ricardo Ruiz for the Parkdale Library piece. 1. There is supposed to be a portion in the contract that set asides money for the dedication ceremony. 2. 10% is held back for the dedication ceremony, maintenance, lighting, etc. —needs to be in the contracts. 3. Joe Pena suggested having the dedication forVileardo Ruiz— Lynda Jones stated that there is money in the ACC budget(office supplies) to do the postcards. a. Joe Hilliard made a motion to table the discussion on the dedication ceremony until after the Festival of the Arts and after Wes talks to Legal. Lynda wants Visual Arts to have a meeting to discuss how much or what percentage needs to be held out. Ericha Kemm seconded. Motion passed. d. Discuss and develop a time schedule for ACC commissioners to man the information booth at the Festival of the Arts i. Schedule was passed out for each commissioner to sign up for a time to man the information booth. e. Discuss and vote on a new chair for Cultural Enrichment i. David Berlanga nominated Teresa Crayon to be the new chair for Cultural Enrichment. Joe Hilliard seconded. Joe Schenk made a motion to close the nomination. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed. Teresa Crayon accepted. IX. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Retreat is typically in April. Lynda stated that ACC typically has the Retreat in place of the regular meeting so there are not two meetings in one month. i. Joe Schenk will check to see if Art Museum is available on April 9th from 1 pm-5pm. 1. Joe Schenk will also check with the Town Club regarding the catering. X. STAFF REPORT: a. There is an area on the 3rd floor of the Galvan House that is designated for the Festival of the Arts materials. XI. ADJOURN Joe Hilliard made a motion to adjourn. Joe Pena seconded. Motion passed. Lynda Jones, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:57pm. j( ,4 T J_— Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department