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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/09/2009 - Special RECEIVED Air' ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION'. OCT 1 5 2009 Special Called Meeting, April 9, 2009, 1:00 p.m. Art Museum of South Texas, Meadows Room, 1902 Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, Texas AlCITY SECRETARY' MEMBERS [ P _ A MEMBERS I P l 1 STAFF 1OFFICE 1. Berlanga, David ❑ ® , 10. Jones, Lynda ® ❑ Michele Thomas 2. Bissell, Paul ❑ ® 11. LaBarrett,Joye ; ® ❑ Karen Dawson 3. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria ❑ ® 12. Pena, Joe ti ® __❑ �._.❑ 4. Crayon,Teresa , ® ❑ 13. Vacant ❑ I 0 5. Vacant I 0 ❑ 1 14 Prewitt,Judith 6. Garza, Amorette ® ❑ 15. Schenk,Joe ® 1 0 7. Hilliard, Joe1 z 0 16. Trimble, Frank 8. Hovda, Heidi 1 ® ❑ 17. Young, Lari { 9. Kemm, Ericha ; ® 7 Total: 10 5 I. CALL TO ORDER -The Special Called Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 1:36pm by Chair, Lynda Jones. II. ROLL CALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. PUBLIC COMMENT -None IV. ACT ON ABSENCES - None V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting, March 12, 2009 i. Joe Hilliard made a motion to approve the March 12th minutes as corrected. Joe Schenk seconded. Motion passed. VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/ POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Evaluate progress toward the annual goals set at the October meeting and adjust the approach of achievement of those goals, if necessary— i. Invite Council Members to speak at and attend ACC meetings, future planning workshops. 1. Lynda invited Nelda Martinez to all scheduled meetings and her scheduled has not allowed her; Nelda did come to Festival of the Arts ii. ACC present annual reports concerning the Festival of the Arts and Sub-granting impact on tourism and the community. 1. Lynda and Joye prepared annual reports (was not presented to council but was given to Staff) a. Need to add ACC and Festival of the Arts as a line items i. Sally & Nelda are supportive 1. Lynda will meet with them iii. Invite media to ACC events; keep the media &community members informed and maintain relationships with: 1. College Newspapers— Kim Frederick&Joe Pena a. Joe Pena—primarily emailed to keep media and community members informed 2. Inclusion on sales circulars, telephone book, libraries& inserts concerning ACC events— Ericha Kemm a. Festival of the Arts was on the Utility Bill b. Joe Hilliard will get number or point of contact regarding telephone directory c. City has a newsletter d. FoA was in listed in a lot of the free advertisements iv. Develop ACC website— Executive Committee 1. Reel Simple is working on website a. Need information from each chair foil website v. Develop an Arts Directory—Joe Hilliard 1. Arts Directory on Festival of the Arts website and will be moved to the ACC website a. Any artist or art organization i. Joe Hilliard believes that there should be some process to list artist or art organization on the website 1. Joye stated that they do have to have a website a. Joe Hilliard believes that this is a Cultural Enrichment thing vi. Produce a collective Arts Calendar—SGC—Joye LaBarrett 1. There is a calendar for sub-grants but not a calendar of events a. Organizations will have to submit to us or we will need to link to their site. vii. Promote& coordinate a Festival of the Arts—PAC— Beto Garcia & Kim Frederick 1. Festival of the Arts was March 27-29 viii. Obtain more info from DMD concerning the SEA town project—Heidi Hovda 1. Combine SEA town project and Gignac Associates a. Need to add to July Agenda ix. Invite Gignac Associates to speak at an ACC meeting — Frank Trimble 1. Combine SEA town project and Gignac Associates a. Need to add to July Agenda x. Attend sub-grant supported events—ACC 1. Assign people to attend an event—forms need to be filled out after attendance. a. If they did not attend and gave tickets to someone else, the person who went will need to fill out the form. xi. Research feasibility to develop an Arts Incubator— Heidi Hovda, Joye LaBarrett, Amorette Garza, Ericha Kemm 1. The Arts Incubator Ad Hoc Committee was voted off as a committee a few months back. a. Ericha Kemm made a motion to eliminate the Arts Incubator and distribute those duties to other committees. David Berlanga seconded. Motion passed. (November 13, 2008) 2. ACC was selected by TCA to be a cultural connector to develop something like an Art Incubator. The deadline has passed. It may come back up in the fall. a. Chair can appoint an Ad Hoc Committee at any time. b. Joye will get the information from TCA so ACC can decide if it is something that ACC wants to do. c. Will need to hire someone to write the grant proposal (Heidi Hovda arrived at 1:55pm) xii. Provide workshops to benefit all art organizations—Arts Incubator Committee 1. Joye does sub-grants 2. Joe will do one for promoting their arts 3. Need to do more marketing xiii. Obtain current CCISD (Martha Fair)—Arts and Education outreach effort info—Lynda Jones 1. Lynda Jones emailed and called Martha Fair with no response 2. Nora Cason—Music Person—sent out information about FoA to all the arts teacher 3. Lynda talked to Martha after the Festival of the Arts -Martha said we could a flyer in the Principal's packet a month ahead of time a. Put it in the intercom 4. Joye & Lynda are going to talk to Scott Elliff about the issues xiv. Museum of South Texas—Arts and Education outreach effort info—Joe Schenk 1. Are continuing to do the 2n° and 5th grade field trips. xv. Develop resources to provide non-profit and arts administration education opportunities— Joe Schenk 1. Museum of South Texas Staff members have talked at the schools about arts careers. 2. University has a museum study class xvi. Implement the Consultant Recommendations: 1. view the 1996 community cultural plan bablishing an ad hoc committee to determine what has been accomplished and what outstanding items are relevant to the community now. —Joe Schenk, Joe Hilliard, Joe Pena, Heidi Hovda a. Joe Schenk—leave on goals for next year i. Need to do an update and the cultural plan was only good for 5 years; plan was written in may of 1996 ii. Do not put anything on agenda until the ad hoc committee has something to report iii. Joe Schenk will be the point of contact for the ad hoc committee 2. Review bylaws and conflict of interest policies annually—Chris Semtner&Wes Vardeman xvii. New Goals 1. Heidi would like to do an arts&cultural commission show on public access and possibly Channel 20 a. Do 6 a year or quarterly b. Need to pick a time and commit to it i. Does the commission want to review it before it goes up? 1. Email all art organizations to get their upcoming events 2. Have a host give the information out a. There were concerns that this is not one of the roles of ACC i. Need to figure out what exactly the ACC is supposed to be doing. b. Comes back to Cultural Community Plan c. Heidi is going to do on her own 2. Go to City Council to add a line item for ACC and Festival of the Arts 3. Add current accounting/budget for all monies connected to ACC to Agenda 4. Keep current email list of art organizations—Did that in the Festival of the Arts 5. Make the website more robust. a. Visually engaging 6. Continue mocket project and labeling artwork—Visual Arts 7. Have an orientation that list all things that ACC does (roles, duties, etc.) a. 1 page document Break 2:57 Commission broke out into sub-committees to discuss goals 8. Joe Pena—Visual Arts a. Determine what should be one website b. Define Roles c. Exhibition for Festival of the Arts d. Incorporate Bayfront Art Tour e. Complete name plates f. Develop Art Master Plan 9. Joye LaBarrett— Performing Arts a. Offer workshops b. Promote and coordinate Festival of the Arts i. RFP for event planner for Festival of the Arts 10. Teresa Crayon—Cultural Enrichment a. Complete poster b. Film for Festival of the Arts i. Parental Advisory 11. Ericha Kemm—Youth Arts a. Banner project with a theme i. Created by artist and displayed at the Festival of the Arts 1. Children not professional b. Review and revise by-laws i. Heidi Hovda made a motion to accept the bylaw changes that were presented by Joye LaBarrett, Lynda Jones & City Staff. 1. Changes under COMMITTEES a. AD HOC COMMITTEES: Ad hoc committees may be appointed from time to time by the Chairperson of the Commission with approval of a majority of the Commission present and voting at the meeting at which such comMt e is named for consideration and recommendations on particular matters. Such committees shall act and function in the same manner as regular standing committees except that the scope of their enquiry and recommendation shall be limited to the specific charge given them at the time of their approval by the Commission. 2. Changes under MEETINGS a. Regular meetings of the Commission, with the exception of April, June and October shall be held at 4:30 P.M. on the second (2nd) Thursday of each month. An attempt will be made to keep Regular Meetings to an hour. Special meetings of the Commission may be held for the purpose of conducting any business—notice of which is given in the manner described below. Regular meetings in the months of April, June and October shall be approximately 1:00 p.m. on the second (2nd) Thursday of those months. An attempt will be made to keep these Regular Meetings to 4 hours. October review Goals set and June's Regular meeting will be review Sub-grant applications, presentations and perform scoring. b. All regular and special meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public and the press. All votes by members shall be by open voice or show of hands vote except for election of officers, which are a written vote. All requests for recommendations, as well as all proposals for recommendations, or for projects or other action by the Commission, whether received from the City, its boards or commissions, or any other person, shall be assigned to a committee or committees of the Commission for their recommendations prior to consideration and action by the Commission. 3. Remove the following under MEETINGS: a. Notice of meetings of the Commission, regular or special, shall be given by letter to the members mailed at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting giving time and place of such meeting, and in the case of special meetings, the business to be considered. In the interest of public awareness of meetings of the Commission, notice of all meetings shall be given to any interested cultural organizations, press, television, radio and other public news media requesting them. b. A special called meeting shall take place each October during which time the commission members shall set goals for the upcoming meeting. c. A special called meeting shall take place at the end of April each year to evaluate progress toward the annual goals set at the October meeting and adjust the approach of achievement of those goals, if necessary. 4. Changes under ORDER OF BUSINESS a. Add Financial Report after minutes of last regular and/or special called meeting. 5. Changes under MEETING ATTENDANCE a. Regular Meetings--Unexcused absence from more than twenty- five (25) percent of regularly scheduled meetings during a term year beginning in September, on the part of any commission member, will result in automatic termination of commission member. The absence rule applies only for regularly scheduled meetings. There are no excused absences. b. Committee Meetings- Absences from more than twenty-five (25) percent of regularly scheduled committee meetings during a term year beginning in September, on the part of any commission member will result in automatic termination of commission member for the committee. Roll will be called at meetings. 1181, c. A member who is not pres*Oor more than 50% of the scheduled meeting time, whether as a result of being tardy or leaving early, will be considered absent from the meeting. d. A member who can predict he/she will be absent should contact the chairperson prior to the meeting to determine if a quorum will be reached. 6. Changes un INTERPRETATION AND AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS a. A copy of these Bylaws and all amendments thereto shall be furnished by the staff to the commissioners. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by majority vote of the commissioners present and voting at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose. These Bylaws shall be liberally interpreted to accomplish the purposes intended. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Cultural Enrichment b. TCA grant information from Joye LaBarre t c. Chip Urban d. RFP for the Festival of the Arts e. RFP for Police Station %for Art project VIII. ADJOURN Amorette Garza made a motion to adjourn. Jce Pena seconded. Motion passed. Lynda Jones, Chair, adjourned meeting at 4:40pm. c �r. Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department