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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 05/14/2009 RECEIVED
Regular Meeting, May 14, 2009,4:30 p.m. OCT 1 5 2009
Sixth Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus hristi,Texas
1. Berlanga, David ® E 10. Jones, Lynda I ® I ❑ Michele Thomas
2. Vacant I El] 11. LaBarrett, Joe I Karen Dawson
3. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria f ® 12. Pena,Joe 1Z 0 Sally Gavlik -- ®
4. Crayon,Teresa ® I (� 13. Vacant I 0 I ❑
5. Vacant D E 14. Prewitt,Judith
6. Garza, Amorette ® . : 15. Schenk,Joe ® ID
7. Hilliard,Joe EI 1. 16. Trimble, Frank
8. Hovda, Heidi ® 17.Young, Lari I ® 1 ❑
9. Kemm, Ericha I El I 01 Total: 13 1
I. CALL TO ORDER-The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
4:41 pm by Chair, Lynda Jones.
II. ROLL CALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum.
a. Special Called Meeting, April 9, 2009
i. Amorette Garza made a motion to approve April 9th minutes with approved corrections.
Frank Trimble seconded. Motion passed.
a. Karen Dawson reported on the financials
i. Hot Funds balance is$4500.67
ii. General Funds balance is$2467.75
iii. PALS balance is $7,860.91
1. Festival of the Art budget is $1510.04
2. TCA grant was $2834.00
3. Public Art Maintenance budget is $2858.00
4. Marketing budget is $3973.75
5. Office supplies budget is$897.10
a. Performing Arts-Joye LaBarrett
i. Performing Arts has not met
ii. Had a short meeting for the 2010 Festival of the Arts
1. Buying tents
2. Climate controlled storage units
3. Frank's project tying in food
4. Poster contest(Cultural Enrichment)the 15f night
5. Visual Arts Projects
6. Workshops with artist out of the area
7. Hours needed to coordinate
8. Sponsors
b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena
i. Dedication ceremony for Ricardo Ruiz
1. Visual Arts recommends ACC used General Fund money to pay for reception and
postcards about$300
ii. Police Station RFP ($35642.30)
1. Passed out copy of RFP
a. Need to make changes to total project cost and add the 10%
iii. Discuss list of bond projects under design and how much money will be allocated.
iv. Passed out recommendation for place plagues
v. RecommWs a matching fund for Norma Urban Park 500 but only after they have
come up with the additional $22,500.
vi. Discussed ZAPP software company for artist to submit for Festival of the Arts booths
1. Database
2. They market artists
a. $500 set up fee
b. $1000/yr to use program (will take money of booth fees)
vii. Discussed restoration of city bench
1. Jim Maloney will see if he has old pictures
viii. Discussed recommendation of a maintenance agreement
1. Agreement with the city not ACC
a. Need to determine if need to do a RFP
2. Will have a not to exceed maintenance budget
ix. Discussed exhibition for 2010 Festival of the Arts
c. Cultural Enrichment-Teresa Crayon
i. Met with City Legal to discuss what can and can't be done (waiver) for Poster Contest
1. Poster Contest will be done
a. Will need money to get word out to artist
b. Flyers will be posted at local art venues
d. Youth Arts Development-Ericha Kemm
i. Youth Arts did not met
e. Subgrant-Joye LaBarrett
i. Subgrant committee has not met
1. The committee is doing completion reports
2. Sub-grant applications are online
a. Review applications and recommend Drama position candidate (tabled from January 8, February
12, and March 12 meetings)
i. Heidi Hovda made a motion to recommend JoAnna Benavides-Franke for Drama position.
Joe Schenk seconded. Motion passed.
a. Discuss proposal by Chip Urban for ACC to purchase a Danny O'Dowdy couch/sculpture to be in
the Norma Urban Park
i. Chip Urban asking for money for Danny O'Dowdy to do a bench similar to Botanical
Gardens and Art Museum. This would be the 151 phase for the People Street T-Head.
Plans being done by Elizabeth Richter. Asking for$45,000 in three installments.
1. $15,000—stone from Austin
2. $15,000—materials, supplies, labor
3. $15,000—finish and install bench
a. Would do the bench around September because of the heat. Would take
9 months to a year.
b. Will use the Coastal Bend Community Foundation's 501(c)3 status.
i. Joe Pena made a motion based on a promissory of a matching
fund of$22,500 with documentation from Coastal Bend
Community Foundation and one year time frame to match the
other$22,500. Ericha Kemm seconded. Motion passed.
b. Discuss the Poster Contest—No discussion
c. Discuss the use of the PALS money for travel to San Antonio
i. Creative Capital workshop is in San Antonio and is free for 2 people. Joye LaBarrett and
Lynda Jones will be attending. Will need gas and hotel for 2 nights.
1. Ericha Kemm made a motion to allow 2 representatives to travel to San Antonio for
the Creative Capital workshop and used the PALS fund to pay for the trip with a
cap of$600. Lari Young seconded. Judith Prewitt opposed. Motion passed.
d. Review applications and recommend Economic Development position candidate
i. Joe Hilliard made a motion to table until June meeting. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion
e. Discuss the ACC budget
i. Heidi Hovda made a motion to use$300 out of the General Fund to pay for Ricardo Ruiz's
reception. Judith Prewitt seconded. Motion passed.
f. Discuss the PALS account—No discussion
g. Discuss the bylaws amended in the April 9, 2009
i. Correct D. MEETING ATTENDANCE 1. Regular Meetings
• -
1. out Unexcused and bold absences IWO
a. Regular Meetings-Absences from more than twenty-five (25) percent of
regularly scheduled meetings during a term year beginning in September,
on the part of any commission member, will result in automatic termination
of commission member. The absence rule applies only for regularly
scheduled meetings. There are no excused absences.
1. Add all
a. A member who is not present for more than 50% of all scheduled meeting
time, whether as a result of being tardy or leaving early, will be considered
absent from the meeting.
iii. Correct D. MEETING ATTENDANCE 3. Committee Meetings
1. Do not underline Committee Meetings.
a. Committee Meetings—Absences from more than twenty-five (25) percent
of regularly scheduled committee meetings during a term year beginning in
September, on the part of any commission member will result in automatic
termination of commission member from the committee. Roll will be called
at meetings.
iv. Frank Trimble made a motion to accept bylaws as corrected. Joe Schenk seconded.
Judith Prewitt and Joye LaBarrett opposed. Motion passed.
h. Line item for Festival of the Arts
i. Joye LaBarrett and Lynda Jones met with Sally regarding a proposal to sent to Angel
Escobar so they can present to City Council
1. Joye wrote a letter for$40,000 for the Festival of the Arts
a. RFP for someone to do all the work (event planner)
2. Joe Schenk concerned about ACC not being involved
a. Wants to see letter before submitted
b. ACC should agree on the letter
Joye LaBarrett will email letter
ii. Tabled to have a special called meeting
i. Line item for Creative Capitol workshop
i. Tabled until letter has been emailed.
ii. Joe Hilliard made a motion to have a Special Called Meeting to discuss Creative Capital
workshop. Judith seconded. Motion passed.
a. Gignac
Judith Prewitt made a motion to adjourn. Ericha Kemm seconded. Motion passed.
Lynda Jones, Chair, adjourned meeting at 6:51 pm.
Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator
Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department