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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 06/11/2009 RECEIVED my ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSIONVO OCT 1 5 2009 Regular Meeting, June 11, 2009,4:30 p.m. Sixth Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi,Texas ITY SECRETARY'S[IFFI^F MEMBERS I P I_. A.__l MEMBERS _...-_...1 _ P.. ..A I ..___ STAFF.. 1. Berlanga, David ❑ ® 10. Jones, Lynda , ® ❑ Michele Thomas fEi 2. Vacant ❑ ❑ 11. LaBarrett,Joye I ® Karen Dawson 3. Bilaye-Benibo, Gloria ❑ ® 12. Pena,Joe I ❑ ® , Sally Gavlik 4. Crayon,Teresa z 13. Vacant 111 5. Vacant 14. Prewitt,Judith 6. Garza, Amorette Z El 15. Schenk,Joe Z 111 7. Hilliard, Joe Z 0 16. Trimble, Frank • 8. Hovda, Heidi ® J 17. Young, Lari ® ❑ 9. Kemm, Ericha ❑ ® Total: 8 6 • • I. CALL TO ORDER -The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:57pm by Chair, Lynda Jones. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. PUBLIC COMMENT- None IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting, May 14, 2009 i. Heidi Hovda made a motion to approve May le minutes. Judith Prewitt seconded. Motion passed. b. Special Called Meeting, May 26, 2009 i. Judith Prewitt made a motion to approve May 26`h minutes. Joe Schenk seconded. Joe Hilliard and Heidi Hovda abstained. Motion passed. V. FINANCIAL REPORT a. Karen Dawson reported on the financials i. Hot Funds balance is$7334.67 ii. General Funds balance is$848.19 iii. All TCA money was used iv. Permanent Art Trust Fund balance as of April 2009 is $158,530.18 v. PALS fund balance is$7219.49 VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Performing Arts-Joye LaBarrett— None b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena— None c. Cultural Enrichment-Teresa Crayon i. Heidi Hovda— met on Tuesday 1. Still pursuing doing poster contest d. Youth Arts Development-Ericha Kemm - None e. Subgrant-Joye LaBarrett i. Total for subgrant is$146,022. 16 applicant organizations with 23 projects. ii. Passed out sign up form for recusals iii. Presentations will in the July meeting beginning at 1:30pm 1. Joe Schenk wanted to know if can postpone presentations until August since we do not know the situation 2. Joye's concern is that the art groups are in limbo and they cannot plan their budgets. 3. Subgrant committee recommends postponing the presentations until August meeting. VII. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/ POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Review applications and recommend Economic Development position candidate (tabled from May 15 meeting) i. Heidi Hovda made a motion to recommend David Brian Watson for the Economic Development position. Joe Hilliard seconded. Motion passed. k b. Discuss Poster West i. Cultural Enrichment would like to recommend pursuing the poster contest. Does not have to be in conjunction with the Festival of the Arts. ii. Can the committee buy the items that can be bought now? Postcards were quoted at$268 and poster tubes$320. Would like to take about$600 from the general fund to buy these items. Asked the commissioners if they can reserve a cash prize of$500. The cost of printing for the poster contest would be about$1600. The total cost for the first year is $2900. If sold 100 posters, committee would break even. 1. Joye stated that cannot use hot money for prize money iii. Would like to set up a PayPal account—would help pay for the prize iv. Cutoff date for all transactions is July 2151 v. Final 20 posters will be what is shown—those people can sell their own without ACC taking a commission. The only person that cannot sell their art is the grandprize winner because that poster will become part of the permanent art collection. Since that piece will be part of the permanent art collection, the prize money can come out of the permanent art trust fund (per Lynda). vi. Judith Prewitt made a motion that$800 of the general fund money be devoted to the poster contest. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed. vii. Joye LaBarrett made a motion that$1629 be encumbered for the marketing of the poster contest. Lari Young seconded. Motion passed. viii. Joye LaBarrett made a motion that$500 be taken out of the permanent art trust fund for the prize money. No second. VIII. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION 1 POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Discuss Artwork Plaques i. No discussion b. Discuss plan for recovering some ACC funds i. City Council dates—July 7th (all), July 14 (General) & June 30 (Hot)—Michele Thomas will email. ii. Lynda Jones will send out list of council members. iii. Heidi will discuss business development, Joye will discuss subgrants, Joe Pena/Lynda will discuss Permanent Art—to discuss why important c. Discuss 2010 Festival of the Arts i. Lynda Jones has sent out an email to all artist that attended FoA regarding $150 fee to see if there would be interest. 9 out of 10 artists did not mind paying fee ii. TCA has to have matching funds—Can ACC use PALS as matching funds? 1. Joe Hilliard made a motion to apply for TCA grant for 2010 Festival of the Arts. Heidi Hovda seconded. Motion passed. IX. STAFF REPORT: a. None X. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA XI. ADJOURN Heidi Hovda made a motion to adjourn. Judith Prewitt seconded. Motion passed. Lynda Jones, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:37pm. Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department