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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 10/08/2009 - Retreat � iiii„, D ARTS CULTURAL COM ISSIO Regular Meeting(Retreat),October B,2009, Sa18 p.m. r , Ger”'Floor Conference Roam, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street,Corpus Christi, TeOi' . ... MEMBER P' A MEMBERS P A . TI, r CI _.. ] �erBmura,Manna , Michele 1. Ronin bauurn,Brian 18�. Blnnt� 2. Br"MJMVS'n, Barry l.� ® ll, LaBarrett,,Dnye E E] Karen Dawson 3. Cotton,wDuuli tJ;a l Pena,Joe, ~ally Gavlik I,. 4. Vacant ❑ El Il w Benavides-Franke, JoAnna 5. Burch,A ens © 14 Prewitt,JudithL..,.. . .,. . Garza,Arnorrttr 15.Seh+enk„OtteEl E �...... 7. Hilliard,Joe 1,6. Trimble,Frank x fl, lltt�vtla, lDitti 17.lalatUc ,Corinne . . ,... . i . Kenun, Ericha 1Z ( Total: 13 3 ... 1. CALL TO ORDER -The Regular Meeting (Retreat) of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at&00pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda,. III-.. ROLL SCALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. PUBLIC COMMENT-none Iv. NEW BUSINESS(DISCUSSION 1 POSSIBLE ACTION) a 2016-201111 Vision ii. Heidi Hovda passed out a non-binding statement of allegiance to the goals of the City of Corpus Christi Arts&Cultural Commission 1.. Each commissioner signed a. Learn to keep in mind that we are all here to promote art in Corpus Christi. b, Learn to respect and appreciate each other c. Arts are important in our community b. Election of Officers i. Chairperson for Visual Arts„ 1. Joe Hilliard made a motion to recommend Joe Pena as the chair for Visual Arts. Barry Brown seconded. Motion passed ii. Chairperson for Performing Arts 1. Brian Honingbaum made a motion to recommend Joye LaBarrett as the chair for Performing Arts, (Frank Trimble seconded. Motion passed ili. Chairperson for Cultural Enrichment 1. Barry Brown made a motion to recommend Judith Prewitt as chair for Cultural Enrichment. Frank Trimble seconded. . Joe Hilliard made a motion to recommend Brian Honingbaum as the chair for Cultural Enrichment. Judlith Prewitt seconded, Motion passed (g votes for Brian &. votes for Judith) iv. Chairperson for Youth Arts 1. Judith Prewitt made a motion to recommend Ericha Kemm as the chair for Youth Arts. Joe Hilliard seconded. Motion passed. v. Chairperson for Grants 1. Joe Hilliard made a motion to recommend Joye LaBarrett as the chair for crams. Barry Brown and Ericha Kemm seconded, Motion passedl. c. Organize the 4 standling committees and 1 special standing committee according to the bylaws i. Viisu,al Arts 1. Joe Pena(chair), Dianna Bluntzer-Dura„ Prank Trimble, ,Joe Schenk a. Amorette Garza & Ericha Kemm are members but not official members ii. Performing Amts 1. Joye LaBarrett(chair), Atene Burch, JoAnna Franke, Amorette Garza iii. 'youth Arts 1. Ericha Kemm (chair), Corinne Valadez, Jilissa Cotten„ Joe Hilliard AN iv. Cultural 'chmentr 1. Brian Honingbaum (chair), Barry Brown, Judith Previritt„ (Marketing representative v. Grants 1, Jaye LaBarrett(chair), Joe Schenk, Joe Hilliard, Barry Brown d. 2011 Grant i. Grant committee will look into the percentages and make a recommendation. e. 20111 Festival of the Arts i. Brian Honingbaum made a motion to move the subject of supplementing the Festival of the Arts with forts of Call to the Cultural Enrichment committee meeting. Ericha Kemm seconded. (Motion passed. 1. Cultural Enrichment committee will review and make recommendations. f. Alternative arts funding i. Joye LaBarrett made a motion to form an Ad Hoc committee for alternative funding for 0101-2011. Ericha Kemm seconded, (Motion passedl, 1. Ad Hoc Committee members will be Joye LaBarrett„ Dianna Blunt er-1 ura, Judith Prewwitt and Heidi i Hovda. g. Review monthly reporting procedures i. !Minutes will just be snap shots of the meeting V. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Review of meetings discussion-none VI.. ADJOURN a. Amorette Garza made a motion to adjourn. Joe Hilliard seconded (Motion passed. Heidi Hovd , Chair, adjourned meeting at 5 14pm.. Karen A. Dawson, Program Coordinator Cultural Services, Parrs & Recreation Department