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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/11/1991 MUNICSPAL ARTS COMMISSION RFXUTAR MEETING - APRIL 11, 1991 - CITY BAIL MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABS NP STUFF PRESENT John Yochem Barbara McDowell Scott Johnson Yvonne Haag Dr. Sam Logsdon Dr. James C'arlsen Nelwyn Anderson Judy Dreyer Frank Weathered Joe Rosenberg Barbara Silverman Bryan Barrows, III Jane Goode Rick Hutchins ADVISORY MEMBER Scott Elliff Ruth Del Mar Sullivan Connie Freeman (Abs) I. CPJL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on April 11, 1991, in the Committee Room first floor of City Hall. John Yochem, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. II. ROLL CAL The roll was called and a quorum was present. III. ACTION ON MINUTES Dr. Logsdon moved, second by Mr. Weathered, that the minutes of March 14, 1991, be accepted as received in the mail. Motion carried. IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS Visual Arts: 1. Ms. McDowell reported that the art work scheduled for Municipal Court has been relocated to the first floor atrium. 2. Art work for the WIC Building and the Ethel Eyerly Community Center are both temporarily on hold. These are CDBG-funded projects and there have been some changes in federal guidelines. 3. Staff has sent letters to approximately 200 artists, asking them to update their slides in the registry. 4. Two projects at the airport have been approved by City Council and designs should be received shortly. 5. The Commission has received a Legal Opinion regarding the RTA project scheduled for 6 Points. The opinion states that a conflict of interest does not enter into consideration as the art selection panel is not a city board. The Commission feel standards should be adhered to for all projects. Letters will be sent to artists asking them to resubmit proposals. Mr. Steve Ortmann, representing RTA, addressed this issue. Projects Committee: 1. Dr. C'arlsen reported that a time line has been established for the peer panel orientation. Two subgrant workshops will be held to review guidelines and procedures. Staff will notify the various arts groups. 2. Mr. Rosenberg has proposed to utilize the "emergency fund" in order to create a "special fund" that will encourage the application for Arts funding from new/smaller organizations/individuals. A less formal application process with a $1,000 limit, no strict deadlines and no 501(c)3 qualification. Mr. Barrows moved that this "special funding" project be delegated to the Projects Committee for further development of guidelines and criteria. Mr. Weathered seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. SCANNED Cultural Concerns: 1. Mr. Barrows reminded the group of Black Heritage meeting on May 7th. The Cultural Concerns Committee will attempt to address the issue of cooperatively organizing the event scheduling for Black Heritage Month. Staff will contract area Black heritage/interest groups and media. III. CURRENT CONCH OR EVENTS None. IV. HEAR FRC/4 THE PUBLIC Mr. Michael Manjarris introduced Mr. David Miller of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Miller is being interviewed for the Portfolio Arts program at the high schools in the South Texas area. Ms. Terra Riviera, stated she addressed the City Council on this subgrant funding to the Native American Intertribal Association and was referred to the Municipal Arts Commission. She read a letter of complaint regarding the $5,000 funding awarded to an individual for the Indian Pow Wow held at the Multicultural Center. Ms. Riviera stated that the person who received the funding does not have an Indian bloodline and is not a true native. She stated she felt the individual materially misrepresented herself. The Chairman addressed Ms. Riviera, stating the Commission would take the matter under advisement and if any action is needed, it would be taken. V. ACTON ON UNE (GJSED ABSENCES The motion was made and seconded to excuse the absent members fruit the March meeting; motion passed unanimously. VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. 17