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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 09/09/1993 tiro .r MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 9 1993 CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD STREET MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Nelwyn Anderson Linda Eshom Olivia Farrera Marion Loucks John Yochem, Jr Joseph Wilson Dalia Garcia Lydia Leos Frank Weathered Lynda Jones Scott Johnson Jane Harvey Joe Morales Ruth Del Mar Sullivan I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on September 9, 1993 in the Committee Room, 1st floor of City Hall. John Yochem, Jr., Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. IL ROLL CALL - The roll was called and a quorum was present. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the August 12, 1993 meeting were unanimously approved with the correction of Barbara McDowell to Barbara Silverman on page 2. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE 1993-94 TERM YEAR- Barbara Silverman, representing the Nominations Committee,presented recommendations for the 1993-94 election of officers. The recommendations were: (1) to eliminate the position of Secretary and replace it with a Historian, (2)that Frank Weathered be elected Chairman,Joe Wilson,Vice-Chairman and Nelwyn Anderson, Historian. Marion Loucks reported that in order to change a position, an amendment would need to be made in the bylaws. Ms. Loucks stated that the amendment to the bylaws will be put on the Agenda for the next meeting. Barbara Silverman made the motion to approve the appointment of officers with Ms. Nelwyn Anderson as Secretary for 1993-94, Nelwyn Anderson seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. B. ELECTION OF PROJECTS COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE FOR THE 1993-94 TERM YEAR. Joe Wilson made the motion that Joe Morales be appointed chairman of the Projects Committee for FY 1993-94, Barbara Silverman seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. C. SECOND REVIEW OF ANNUAL ALLOCATIONS AND APPEALS FROM ART ORGANIZATIONS: There was discussion on an appeal received from Susie Walker-Atchinson, Executive Director of the Creative Arts Center, Inc. regarding the transfer of monies from one approved project to another approved project. Joe Wilson made a motion that the Creative Arts Center be granted reallocation of funds in the amount of $1,033.01 from Arts in Education, Multidisciplinary to Arts Education, Visual Arts residency. The motion was seconded by Nelwyn Anderson and was unanimously approved. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS- Nelwyn Anderson reported that she had met with the Art Selection Panel for the Parkdale Library and Lindale, and Greenwood Senior Citizens Centers. These public art projects are progressing and should be recommended to the Commission soon. VI. CURRENT CONCERNS- Mr. Joe Morales introduced Mr. Chris Kouri, local artist and editor of the newsletter "Luminaria". Mr. Kouri stated that he could promote activities for the Municipal Arts Commission in his newsletter. SCANNED VII. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC- Mr. Tijerina informed the Commission that the Institute of Hispanic Cultures would like to change the Mural Project on 19th street from the original location to the Center for Hispanic Arts. The project had been approved in the 1992 Subgrant Program. The general consensus of the Commission was that the new location was preferred. The item will be brought back to the October agenda. VIII. ACTION ON ABSENCES- Marion Loucks reported to the committee that Manuela Shull had resigned. Mr. Joe Morales made the motion that Dalia Garcia's 5 absences not be excused. Mr. Joe Wilson seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. IX. ADJOURNMENT- The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. ; of ,/ Marion Loucks, Staff is : • Municipal Arts Commission EBALLET FLKLORICO NACIONAL A state Chartered Non-Prollt Organization Municipal Arts Commission c/o City of Corpus Christi Park & Recreation Department P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi , Texas 78469-9277 Dear commissioners : As Executive Director of the Ballet Folklorico Nacional I am requesting your permission to personally address the Commission on a situation that has arisen obliging me to reschedule our Winter Concert previously scheduled for December 6th, 1993 , said concert is partially funded by the Commission for the 1993 funding cycle to a January 22 , 1994 date which will fall into the 1994 funding season . This change came about due to a conflicting schedule at the Bayfront Auditorium during the month of December . I will present detailed facts and reasons at said meeting. The Commision has generously funded our organization for the last nine years and we are greatful for your conti- nuing support in bringing these projects to the general local community. I thank you for your cooperation and time . If you have any question on this matter , you may contact me at 854-6528 or 4411 Gollihar . • Sincerely, Vi/k4 Rlcardo Villa Executive Director . y I 4111:14r25-1.I Dance Center-The Official School Corpus Christi,Texas 78411 (512)854-6528 1100 4110 BYLAWS OF THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Approved by the Municipal Arts Commission 4/8/87 I. ORGANIZATION: 1. The Commission shall elect a Chairmen, a Vice Chairmen, and a Secretary at the last regular meeting held in August of each of year. The Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Secretary shall compose the Executive Committee. The Chairmen or, in his absence, the Vice Chairmen shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Commission. In the absence of both the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen the members of the Commission present shall elect a temporary chairmen to preside at such meeting. 2. At the first regular meeting in September of each year the Commission shall also elect a Projects Executive from among the members of the Commission, such Projects Executive to be the Chairmen of Projects Committee. All other committee chairmen shall be appointed by the Chairmen of the Commission. 3. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held at 4:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. Special meetings of the Commission may be held for the purpose of conducting any business; notice of which is given in the manner hereafter provided. 4. Notice of meetings of the Commission, regular or special, shall be given by letter to the members mailed at least three (3) days in advance of the meeting giving time and place of such meeting and in the case of special meetings, the business to be considered. Notice of all such meetings shall also be given to any interested cultural organizations, press, television, radio and other public news media requesting same in the hope that same will be publicly disseminated. 5. The Secretary of the Commission shall be responsible for the overview of and issuance of all notices required under these Bylaws, the recording of minutes of all actions taken at any general or special meeting, and the furnishing of copies of such notices and minutes to the members of the commission. 6. The following shall be the order of business conducted at every meeting, regular or special: a. The minutes of the last regular or special meeting shall be read (except where waived by majority vote) and approved as corrected. 440 b. The Commission shall then receive requests from the city of corpus christi, and City Department and members of the public for action by the Commission and assign such requests to the appropriate committee. The Chairman of the Commission may assign such requests to any one or more committees for consideration and the Commission, as a whole, may assign such requests to any committee upon motion, second and majority vote in favor thereof. c. Each of the committees shall then report as to its findings and recommendations on any request submitted to it for action and duly considered by it for the required period of time. d. The Commission shall hold public hearing thereon hearing from members of the public wishing to speak thereto and upon the conclusion of such public hearing shall take such action thereon as it may be majority vote elect. e. Thereafter the meeting shall be adjourned. 7. A quorum for all meetings, regular or special, shall be a majority. Absences from more than twenty-five (25) percent of regularly scheduled meetings during a term year on the part of any commission member shall result in an automatic vacancy; which vacancy shall be promptly reported to the City Council. Any member otherwise eligible shall not be precluded from reappointment by reason of such automatic vacancy. II. PURPOSES. The Commission shall make recommendations to the City Council and its Boards and Commissions and to any other organization or person requesting same in connection with the beautification and cultural development of the City of Corpus Christi and, without limiting the foregoing, shall specifically make recommendation as to the: 1. Appropriateness of design, appropriateness of location or relocation, and aesthetic value of existing works of art located in the City of Corpus Christi or proposed for acquisition by the City; 2. Maintenance of existing works of art; 3. Appropriateness of design, location and aesthetic value of privately owned work of art where appropriate under the Ordinance establishing the commission; 4. Appropriateness of design and aesthetic value of the design of buildings, bridges, elevated roadways, gates, fences, street markers, lamp standards, parks, parkways, or other structures and areas; '1400 4400 5. Specific projects to be undertaken by the City and its citizenry for the purpose of preserving or promoting its aesthetic and cultural values. III. COMMITTEES. In addition to the Executive Committee, the function of which is to plan agendas and make recommendations on procedure, the standing committees of the Commission, to one of which at least each member shall be appointed, and each with committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, and whose area of consideration and enquire shall be that suggested by its name, are as follows: 1. PROJECTS: Subgrant program to review visual and performing arts activities.; 2. VISUAL ARTS: Art in Public Places Program; 3. DESIGN ARTS: Building and landscape. Special committees may be appointed from time to time by the Chairman with approval of a majority of the Commission members present and voting at the meeting at which such committee is named for consideration and recommendations on particular matters. Such committees shall act and function in the same manner as regular committees but shall be limited in the scope of their enquire and recommendation in the manner set out in the order creating same. IV. POLICY AND PROCEDURES, 1. All regular and special meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public and the press. All votes by members shall be by open voice or show of hands vote. All requests for recommendations as well as all proposals for recommendations or for projects or other action by this commission, whether received from the City, its Boards or Commissions, or any other person, when received, and before action may be taken thereon, shall first be assigned by the chairman to a committee or committees for their recommendation. 2. No recommendations shall be made or actin taken except upon approval by majority vote of the Commission members considering same. 3. Rules of order shall meet the basic tests of fairness and orderliness and shall be announced and enforced by the Chairman provided, any ruling of the chair may be tested by a point of order raised at any time by any member present and any such pint of order shall be immediately determined by the Chairman and may be appealed to the membership of the Commission present and the will of the majority thereon shall prevail. All points of order and appeals therefrom take precedence over all other business. No such recommendation 41, or action shall be considered unless there is first a motion and second proposing such action. V. INTERPRETATION OF THESE BYLAWS AND AMENDMENT, A copy of these Bylaws and all amendments thereto shall be furnished by the Secretary to the members. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for such purpose by majority vote of the members present and voting. These Bylaws shall be liberally interpreted to accomplish the purposes intended. End of Bylaws