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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/11/1993 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 11, 1993 CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD STREET MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Nelwyn Anderson Frank Lucido Ruth Delmar Sullivan Marion Loucks John Yochem, Jr. Joseph Wilson Frank Weathered Yvonne Haag Olivia Farrera Chuck Anastos Lynda Jones Lydia Leos Marcy Sanchez-Hunter Joe Morales Linda Eshom Barbara Silverman Norma Urban Jane Harvey I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on November 11, 1993 in the Committee Room, 1st floor of City Hall. Joseph Wilson, Vice-Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. II. ROLL CALL - The roll was called after a quorum was present at 4:15 p.m. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - John Yochem, Jr. motioned to approved the minutes of the October 14, 1993 meeting. Barbara Silverman seconded the motion which was approved unanimously with the following corrections: (Section IV.B) Joe Wilson seconded the motion to amend the bylaws of the Municipal Arts Commission by deleting the office of secretary and adding the office of historian; the misspelling of Nelwyn Andersons' name; and the correction for the spelling of Ballet Nacional. Barbara Silverman was not present for the October meeting, but was for the September meeting. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. REQUEST FROM THE MARIPOSA PARK FOUNDATION REGARDING ARTIST AND LOCATION CHANGES TO THEIR 1994 SUBGRANT PROJECT. Michael Manjarris, President of the Mariposa. Art Foundation was present to request the Commission's approval for the change of three of the seven artists originally proposed to create sculpture for the Mariposa Park 1993-1994 subgrant project. The contracted artists are: Jesse Lott, McKay Otto, David Warren, Don Redman, Karen Garrett-Coon, Lucas Johnson, and Sharon Kopriva. Mr. Manjarris also requested approval for one of the sculptures to be located at the Texas State Aquarium. Joe Morales made the motion to approve the changes of the artists and the location of the art work. Marcy Sanchez-Hunter seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. B. REQUEST FROM THE INSTITUTO DE HISPANICA CULTURA REGARDING LOCATION CHANGE FOR A MURAL PROJECT APPROVED IN THE 1992 - 1993 SUBGRANT PROGRAM. Mr. Humberto Tijerina,President of the Instituto de Cultura Hispanica requested the Commission's approval for a three month extension of their 1992-1993 subgrant project. Mr. Tijerina explained that the mural project, originally approved for 19th Street, had previously been approved to be located on the exterior wall of the Center for Hispanic Arts. John Yochem, Jr. made the motion to accept the request for the three month extension. Nelwyn Anderson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. SCANNED tiro V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Visual Arts Committee - Marion Loucks reported that a $7,000 design contract with artist, Luis Jiminez has been confirmed for the art work at the police station. The total project cost, including design costs, will be $37,000. B. Design Committee - Chuck Anastos reported that he had met with the Building Inspection Department to discuss the possibility of the Commission having more input with the city building permit process for all new public structures. VI. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC - Mr. Jeff Kean, Director of the Harbor Playhouse was present to inquire if the Commission would consider emergency funding of a musical operetta production of"Horns of Unicorns" an abbreviated version of"Uncle Tom's Cabin", by a new theater company in Laredo, Texas. Mr. Kean was informed that there was a total of$1,026 remaining in the emergency fund and that he would need to file a subgrant application for review by the Projects Committee and approval by the Commission. II. CURRENT CONCERNS - NONE VIII. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. • 4�/i .ter Mario Loucks, Sta Liaison Municipal Arts Commission