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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 03/10/1994 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION
Jane Harvey Frank Weathered Ruth Delmar Sullivan Jane Goode Marion Loucks
Linda Eshom Joseph Wilson Norma Urban Barbara McDowell Lydia Leos
Lynda Jones John Yochem Jr. Joe Morales Yvonne Haag
Chuck Anastos Barbara Silverman Frank Lucido
Neiwyn Anderson Marcy Sanchez-Hunter
Olivia Farrera
1. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was
held on March 10, 1994 in the Committee Room, 1st floor of City Hall. Frank
Weathered, General Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:18 p.m.
II. ROLL CALL - The roll was called after a quorum was present at 4:18 p.m.
HI. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES -John Yochem motioned to approve the minutes
of the February 10, 1994 meeting. The motion was seconded by Marcy Sanchez-
Hunter, and the vote was unanimous.
A. Discussion regarding Corpus Christi Arts Council service contracts
with the city by Jan Schmidt, Executive Director. Jan Schmidt, Executive
Director of the Corpus Christi Arts Council was present to request a review and
adjustment of the 1993-1994 arts service contract between the city and the Arts
Council. Ms. Schmidt also requested the assistance of a subcommittee from the
Municipal Arts Commission to review the present contract and make
recommended revisions. Frank Weathered recommended that the Projects
Committee along with John Yochem, Jr. and he serve as the subcommittee to
review the contract.
B. Presentation regarding the Community Cultural Plan by Jan Schmidt,
Executive Director of the Corpus Christi Arts Council. Ms. Schmidt announced
that the Arts Council has been awarded $24,000 by the National Endowment for
the Arts to be matched by other contribution and grants for the development of a
cultural plan for the city. (The Municipal Arts Commission previously approved
$5,000 of the 1993-1994 Arts Council's contract to support of this cultural plan.)
Ms. Schmidt requested the representation of two members of the Municipal Arts
Commission to serve on a "Plan to Plan" committee for the development of the
cultural plan. Frank Weathered appointed Linda Eshom and Marcy Sanchez-
Hunter as the Municipal Arts Commission representatives.
C. Report from the Instituto de Cultura Hispanica regarding the status of
the mural project for the Center for Hispanic Arts. Arlene Rivera, member of
the Instituto de Cultura Hispanica, was present to request a time extension for the
mural project for the Center for Hispanic Arts. Ms. Rivera explained that the delay
was due to the difficulty acquiring the ceramic tile for the project. Ms. Rivera
requested one and one-half months extension. Nelwyn Anderson motioned to
approve a one and one-half month extension with a progress report due to the
Commission in April 1994. Chuck Anastos seconded the motion, and the vote was
unanimous. The commission agreed that the motion passed did not clearly specify
that the approved time extension was contingent upon the mural being constructed
of ceramic tile and not painted. John Yochem, Jr. motioned to amend the original
motion by specifying that the commission approves the times extension only on
the condition that the project is completed as a mosaic tile mural. Joseph Wilson
seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
D. Recommendation from the Visual Arts Committee on the 1994-95
allocation to the Permanent Art Trust Fund. Lynda Jones, Visual Arts
Committee Chairperson, recommended that the commission approve the allocation
of $20,000 for the 1994-95 Permanent Art Trust Fund. Ms. Jones explained that
the '93-'94 recommended allocation is larger than past recommendations because
the Visual Arts Committee recognizes the necessary commitment of the present
total fund for the "gateway/entrance to the city" art project. Lynda Jones motioned
that the commission approve the recommended allocation of $20,000 for the
1994-95 FY budget, and requested the approval of the committee to dedicate the
total amount in the Permanent Art Trust Fund for the gateway art project. Barbara
Silverman seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
E. Recommendation from the Visual Arts Committee for a new
composition and membership of an art selection panel for the public art
project proposal for the IH37 entrance to the city. Lynda Jones recommended
an increased number to eight art selection panelists (four arts professionals and
four community representatives). Nelwyn Anderson motioned to approve the
recommendation of eight representatives for the art selection panel. Chuck
Anastos seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
A. Projects Committee - Frank Weathered announced that Joe Morales has
submitted his resignation as Chairperson for the Projects Committee. Nominations
and election of a replacement will be scheduled for the April 1994 meeting.
B. Visual Arts Committee - Lynda Jones reported that all five park art projects
and two senior center art projects were recently passed by the City Council.
VI. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Marion Loucks, Superintendent
Cultural Services, Park and Recreation Department
March 11, 1994
To the Board of the MAC: •
The Luminaria was created in an effort to assist in strengthening the cultural base of the Coastal Bend. To date
we have published nine issues and have received an excellent response. All that has been accomplished has
been done with private funds and volunteers.
To continue the valuable work begun by the Luminaria, an influx of money is required. To be an asset instead
of a burden to the art community, what we propose is a more effective use of the funds already allotted for the
publication of information about the arts. We are not looking to the art organizations to pay our salaries, only
printing and mailing cost equivalent to their individual ad space usage. An organization that uses a whole page
pays the cost of one page(tai$420.00) plus the postage for their mailing list, an organization that uses a quarter
of a page pays for a quarter page(@$105.00)plus postage for their mailing list, etc.The Luntinona will make
its money through the sale of ads.
What the art organizations don't pay for is the cost of their individual publications. The.Luminarta takes their
place. By using one publication, cross overs in mailing lists will be eliminated, bringing down the overall ex-
pense to the art community. The members will receive one piece of mail with more usable and interesting
information every month for the same investment for which they now receive a handful of mail with less infor-
mation.The higher cost of mailing the Laminar-in will be negated by the elimination of printing and mailing
multiple pieces. Each organization will reach the others membership and the entire art community will save
money. At the same time the information will reach the general public and because they will be better in-
formed about the arts, attendance will go up and the artcommunity will make more money.
Many groups are already making use of this valuable resource. We have published 9 3/4 pages for the Arts
Council, 1 1/2 pages for Rockport Center for the Arts, 2 pages for the Harbor Playhouse,5 pages for the Art
Museum of South Texas,3 pages for the City of Corpus Christi, 2 1/2 pages for the Art Center of Corpus
Christi and 6 pages of miscellaneous announcements for various other organizations, an equivalent of
$12,495.00. The Luminaria is printing and distributing this information through over 60 locations in the
Coastal Bend plus mailing to Austin, Amarillo, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas as well as California, Wiscon-
sin, Wyoming and Louisiana. We cannot continue to do this for free. Is there anything you can do to help
Please call 884-7410 and let me know your opinion.
Chris Kouri
Managing Editor
(512)884-7410 • 1-800-884-7410 • Fax (512)884-5377 • P.Q. Box 3640 • Corpus Christi. Texas 78463-3640
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