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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/14/1994 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14, 1994 CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD STREET MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Norma Urban Frank Weathered Jane Harvey Barbara Silverman Marion Loucks Lynda Jones Nelwyn Anderson Linda Eshom Lydia Leos John Yochem Joe Morales Yvonne Haag Joseph Wilson Frank Lucido Chuck Anastos George Dunson March Sanchez-Hunter Olivia Farrera I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on April 14, 1994 in the Committee Room, 1st floor of City Hall. Frank Weathered, General Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:18 p.m. II. ROLL CALL - The roll was called after a quorum was present at 4:18 p.m. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Joseph Wilson motioned to approve the minutes of the April 14, 1994 meeting. The motion was seconded by Chuck Anastos, and the vote was unanimous. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Discussion regarding contracts for service with the Corpus Christi Arts Council. Tabled for future discussion and action. B. Presentation by Westside Business Association regarding donation of public art for Agnes Street entrance to the city. Mr. Guadalupe Valdez, past president of the Westside Business Association, was present to propose a donation of public art for the City of Corpus Christi. The art work, a sculpture entitled, "Lightening Whelk Shell" would be located at the Agnes Street and IH-37 entrance to the city. Frank Weathered referred further review of the proposal to the Visual Arts Committee. C. Nomination and election of the 1993-1994 Projects Committee Chairperson. Joe Wilson was nominated and elected Chairperson for the Projects Committee. Frank Weathered appointed John Yochem, Jr. to serve on the committee, and volunteered himself as an advisory member. D. Presentation by Chris Kouri, managing editor of the "Luminaria", regarding alternative uses for the publication. Chris Kouri, managing editor of the "Luminaria", and Bob Redding, Redding Communications, were present to request the commission's endorsement for the local arts publication. Norma Urban motioned that Frank Weathered write a letter of support in recognition of the efforts made to promote the local arts by the "Luminaria". Nelwyn Anderson seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous. E. Update by the Institute of Hispanic Cultures and discussion on the status of the mural project to be located at the Center for Hispanic Arts. Mr.H.J. Tijerina, representative of the Institute of the Hispanic Cultures, reported that there has been a delay in the initiation of the mural project but felt that a SCANNED MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION APRIL 14, 1994 PAGE 2 meeting with all concerned would solve any problems. He will report further progress at the May 12, 1994 meeting. F. Recommendation from the Visual Arts Committee for a new composition and membership of an art selection panel for the public art project proposal for the IH-37 entrance to the city. Lynda Jones, Visual Arts Committee Chairperson, recommended the appointment of the following members for the arts selection panel: Committee representatives; Alda Godines, David Richter, Jenny Caldwell, and Tony Pletcher. Community representative alternates: Charles Kaffie, Rusty McMain and Brad Lomax. Art Professionals: Bill Otton, Bill Edwards, Nora Sendejar, and Sue Wheeler. Chuck Anastos motioned to accept the recommendation of the art selection panel. Seconded by Marcy Sanchez- Hunter, the vote was unanimous. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS: No reports given. VI. CURRENT CONCERNS - NONE VII. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC - Mary Herr, representative of the Downtown Mural Project, was present to report the status of the outdoor mural located on the 400 block of Schatzel and Chaparral Streets. Ms. Herr announced that artist, Steven Campbell has begun work on the mural and invited the committee to observe the project in progress. VIII. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Advet,u. Marion Loucks, Superintendent CULTURAL SERVICES PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT