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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 10/05/1994 - Special MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING - OCTOBER 5, 1994 CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD STREET MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Marcy Sanchez-Hunter Olivia Farrera Norma Urban Marion Loucks Sam Logsdon Jane Harvey Linda Eshom Yvonne Haag Van Phan Villa Lynda A. J. Jones Joseph Wilson Cornelia Gates Chuck Anastos Barbara Silverman Frank Weathered John H. Yochem,Jr. George Dunson I. CALL TO ORDER - The special called meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on Wednesday, October 5, 1994 in the Council Chambers, Committee Room, 1st floor of City Hall. Frank Weathered, General Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. II. ROLL CALL - The roll was called and a quorum was present. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Sam Logsdon motioned to accept the minutes of the September 8, 1994 meeting. Jane Harvey seconded the motioned, and the vote was unanimous. IV. INTRODUCTION - Frank Weathered introduced new member, Cornelia Gates. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Frank Weathered appointed Cornelia Gates to the Visual Arts Committee in place of himself. Frank Weathered reported that the Municipal Arts Commission's recommendations for the 1994-1994 Subgrant Arts funding has been approved by the City Council. VI. DISCUSSION ITEM: A. Recomm -idation from the Projects Committee for the Municipal Arts Commission to administer and execute the Community Cultural Planning Grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts to the Corpus Christi Arts Council and to allocate FY 94-95 arts funds as support to the grant. Sam Logsdon, Projects Committee Chairperson, shared his impression of the differences between the proposed Community Cultural Plan and the previously compiled, Golden Report. Reporting for the Projects Committee, Mr. Logsdon recommended that the Municipal Arts Commission assume the responsibility for the Community Cultural Planning Grant awarded to the Corpus Christi Arts Council by the National Endowment for the Arts, and to allocate FY 94-95 arts funds as support to the grant. Barbara Silverman motioned to accept the Projects Committee's recommendation for the Community Cultural Plan. Marcy Sanchez-Hunter, seconded the motion, and discussion was held. Marcy Sanchez-Hunter introduced Eduardo Diaz, Director of Arts and Cultural Affairs in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Diaz was present to support the recommendation by the Projects Committee for the Municipal Arts Commission to assume the Community Cultural Municipal Arts Commission October 5, 1994 Special Called Meeting page 2 Planning grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Mr. Diaz shared his experience regarding the cultural planning process and the benefits that have been and can be returned from this type of project. Questions regarding the roll the city staff and the Municipal Arts Commission members would take in the planning process were addressed. Marion Loucks explained that the first issue for action was to secure the funding for the project with the approval of the City Council, and then the particular details, including staff and consultants, would be considered. The vote to accept the Projects Committee's recommendation was unanimous. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS Visual Arts Committee - Lynda Jones reported that artist, Stephen Gambill has begun work on the Parkdale Library percent for art project. VII. CURRENT CONCERNS Inquiry was made regarding the status of the tile project at the Center for Hispanic Arts. A progress report by the Institute de Culture Hispanica was requested for the November meeting. VIII. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC Mary Anne Wilkinson, President of the Corpus Christi Ballet, was present to request the Municipal Arts Commission's consideration for additional funding for the Southwestern Regional Ballet Association Festival, if surplus funds are available. IX. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Mari Loucks, Superintendent CULTURAL SERVICES PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT