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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/10/1994 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION
Olivia Farrera Norma Urban Marion Loucks
Sam Logsdon Jane Harvey Frank Weathered Yvonne Haag
Van Phan Villa Lynda A. J. Jones George Dunson Esta Hardy
Joseph Wilson Cornelia Gates Marcy Sanchez-Hunter
Chuck Anastos Barbara Silverman
John H. Yochem, Jr.
I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on
Thursday, November 10, 1994 in the Council Chambers, Committee Room, 1st floor of
City Hall. Joseph Wilson, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.
II. ROLL CALL - The roll was called and a quorum was present.
III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chuck Anastos motioned to accept the minutes of the
October 5, 1994 meeting. John Yochem seconded the motion, and the vote was
A. Request by Mariposa Arts Foundation to extend the completion date of the
sculpture project by seven artists (subgrant award 93-94).
Michael Manjarris, Mariposa Arts Foundation, reported that four of the seven artists have
completed their sculpture projects and are ready to install them in Mariposa Park. Mr.
Manjarris also reported that artist, McKay Otto has completed and installed his sculpture
in Mariposa Park. Mr. Manjarris proposed that the other four completed sculptures be
installed in May 1995 to coincide with the sculpture installation by artist, Don Redmon at
the Texas State Aquarium. Several committee members expressed concern over the
delay and requested a firm time table for completion of the projects. Mr. Yochem
motioned to table further discussions until next month at which time Mr. Manjarris will
present final dates for the completion of the project. Linda Eshom seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Manjarris also confirmed that Mariposa Arts
Foundation declines the 94-95 subgrant award of $326.97.
B. Discussion and review the status of the tile mural for the Center for Hispanic
Arts that is sponsored by the Institute of Hispanic Cultures (subgrant award 92-93).
Oscar Aldama, President of the Institute of Hispanic Cultures, reported the current status
of the tile mural project. Mr. Aldama reported that a meeting was held with
representatives from all parties involved with the project including, Marion Loucks, city
staff, Alda Godines, Center for Hispanic Arts, Mr. Aldama, Arlene Rivera, Institute of
Hispanic Cultures, and artist, Rodrigo Benavides. Mr. Aldama reported that all parties
agreed to a completion date no later that April 30, 1995. Chuck Anastos motioned to
accept the extension to April 30, 1995. John Yochem seconded the motion, and the vote
was unanimous.
Municipal Arts Commission
November 10, 1994
Regular Meeting
Page 2
C. Discussion and review of the Institute of Hispanic Cultures' projects for the
1993-1994 funding year.
Arlene Rivera, Projects Chairperson, Institute of Hispanic Cultures, reported that
performances by the Folklorista, originally scheduled for April 1994, and the Ballet
Folklorico scheduled for October 15, 1994, were both presented together on October 29,
1994. Ms. Rivera also reported that the performance by Christina Ortega, which had
been scheduled for August 1994, was canceled due to illness and substituted with a
group of four opera singers who will perform November 12, 1994. Lynda Jones motioned
to accept the project changes. Chuck Anastos seconded the motion, and the motion
carried with one member opposed.
V. COMMITTEE REPORTS - Lynda Jones reported that an open call to artists for the
Lorenzo de Zavala Senior Center and the Gymnasium/Natatorium percent for art projects
had been recently publicized.
A. Subgrant Project Guidelines - Lynda Jones expressed concerns about the
committee becoming too rigid regarding application guidelines and losing sight of the
purpose to promote and encourage art. Chuck Anastos presented questions about the
allocation of funds and the possible impact made by increasing the funding to fewer
projects. Lynda Jones recommended re-examination of the total funds available to the
Municipal Arts Commission and that further discussion be held at the December meeting.
B. Literary Reading Series - Joseph Wilson reported that the Art Museum of South
Texas and Del Mar College recently presented a reading by author, Rudolfo Anaya (93-94
subgrant). Mr. Wilson also announced that a reading by author, Sandra Cisneros will be
presented in February 1995.
A. Public Art Donation - Ken Chastain, Corpus Christi Housing Authority, and
George Hodge, City of Corpus Christi Weed & Seed Coordinator, were present to
propose a donation of a tile mural by Ed Gates with design assistance from the
community. The proposed mural would utilize an exterior wall of the Oveal Williams
Senior Center. Chuck Anastos recommended that the Visual Arts Committee proceed
with appointment of a selection panel and continue discussion at the December meeting.
With Sam Logsdon's recommendation, the Municipal Arts Commission enthusiastically
agreed to support this project. Cornelia Gates left the room and did not enter into
discussion because of possible conflict of interest.
IX. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
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Mari Loucks, uperintendent