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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 12/08/1994 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION
Frank Weathered Olivia Farrera Sam Logsdon Marion Loucks
Norma Urban Jane Harvey John Yochem, Jr. Yvonne Haag
Van Phan Villa Lynda A. J. Jones Marcy Sanchez-Hunter Esta Hardy
Joseph Wilson Cornelia Gates
Chuck Anastos Barbara Silverman
George Dunson Linda Eshom
1. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Municipal Arts Commission was held on
Thursday, December 8, 1994 in the Council Chambers, Committee Room, 1st floor of City
Hall. Frank Weathered, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.
II. ROLL CALL - The roll was called and a quorum was present.
III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chuck Anastos motioned to accept the minutes of the
November 10, 1994 meeting. Cornelia Gates seconded the motion, and the vote was
A. Request by Mariposa Arts Foundation to extend the completion date of the
sculpture project by seven artists (subgrant award 93-94).
Marion Loucks reporting for Michael Manjarris, requested approval for an extension to
February 15, 1995 for the completion and installation of all the remaining sculpture
projects except for the one sculpture by Jesse Lott. Ms. Loucks reported that Jesse
Lott's project should be completed and installed by April 1995. Van Phan Villa made a
motion to approve a final extension of the deadlines as requested. Chuck Anastos
seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous. Committee members expressed
concern over the deteriorating condition of the art at Mariposa Sculpture Park. Chuck
Anastos will research the possibility of securing lighting for the park.
B. Visual Arts Committee recommendation for the art selection panel for the
West Guth Senior Center.
Lynda Jones recommended that the Visual Arts selection panel currently in place for the
Agnes Street project also be utilized for the West Guth art project. Joe Wilson motioned
to accept the recommendation for the art selection panel. Seconded by Jane Harvey, the
vote was unanimous.
C. Projects Committee recommendation for the 1995-1996 Subgrant Program.
Reporting for the Projects Committee, Joe Wilson recommended the time-line for the
1995-1996 Subgrant Program. Lynda Jones motioned to accept the time-line as
presented. Chuck Anastos seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
Municipal Arts Commissio,
December 8, 1994
Regular Meeting
Page 2
D. Projects Committee recommendation on the Advisory Committee for the
Community Cultural Plan.
Discussion was held regarding the Projects Committee recommendations for the
Community Cultural Plan Steering Committee. The list of nominees provided by the
Projects Committee was reviewed and revised to include a diverse representation of the
community. The discussion resulted in a final list of nominees and alternates to be
presented to the City Council for approval. Chuck Anastos motioned to approve the
revised list of nominees for the Community Cultural Plan Steering Committee. Lynda
Jones seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
E. Visual Arts Committee recommendation regarding the art donation for the
Oveal Williams Senior Center.
Discussion tabled.
F. Request by the South Texas Performance Company to amend their subgrant
contract for 1994-1995.
The Projects Committee recommended approval of the request by the South Texas
Performance Company to amend their contract for 1994-1995 by excluding three touring
headline performances from the "Rainbow Revue of Cultures" project. Chuck Anastos
motioned to approve the recommendation. Cornelia Gates seconded the motion, and the
vote was unanimous.
VI. CURRENT CONCERNS: None reported.
VII. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: No one present.
VII. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
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