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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/10/1995 rr COMMUNITY CULTURAL PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE PLANNING MEETING - APRIL 10, 1995 ART MUSEUM OF SOUTH TEXAS- 1902 N. SHORELINE MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF Debra Wingfield Alda Godines Betty Turner Nelda Martinez Joan Moss John Wright Jeff Kean Peter Frid Rev. E.F. Bennett Stewart Neely Lena Coleman William Otton Janis Williams GUESTS; Eddie Olivares Ricardo Villa Ray Valdez Dr. Sandra Lerma Joan Allison Suzie Walker-Atchison Charles Kaffie Christina Munro I. CALL TO ORDER - The planning meeting of the Community Cultural Plan Steering Committee was held on Monday, April 10, 1995 in the conference room at the Art Museum of South Texas. Debbie Wingfield, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 11:06 a.m. II. ROLL CALL - The Roll was called and a quorum was present. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Minutes of the April 3 meeting were approved with a motion by Jeff Kean, which was seconded by Lena Coleman. IV. DISCUSSION ITEM: A planning session to draft a mission statement, guidelines and policies relating to development of a 'common voice" with which to begin the Community Cultural Plan Process. Debbie Wingfield informed the Committee that May 9 has been set for the City Council to re-address the recommendation regarding the hiring of a consultant to direct the Cultural Plan. Debbie then presented lists of elements, issues and expectations for the Plan which the group brought forth at the April 3rd meeting and also options regarding the consultant selection and steps to achieving the Committee's recommendation. Discussion centered on common goals and objectives for the Plan in an effort to develop a mission statement broad enough to accommodate the diversity of needs in the arts community. Each Committee member presented their overall vision for the Cultural Plan, resulting in diverse expectations for the process and product as well as for the role of the Steering Committee, the consultant and City staff. V. CURRENT CONCERNS: It was agreed to meet next week to continue the process in order to achieve consensus regarding the Plan and the Committee's recommendation to the City Council. Community Cultural Plan Steering Committee Planning Meeting April 10, 1995 Page 2 VI. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: No discussion presented. VII. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 1:04 p.m. L., ' titziliA 73)ide,a---- Manon Loucks, Superintendent CULTURAL SERVICES PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT To:The Community Cultural Plan Steering Committee From: Debbie Wingfield,Chair Date:April 17, 1995 We have assembled some facts from three of the proposals to distill all of the information into some of the basics that are relevant to our past discussions about the consultants.Please review the new summaries and take a few minutes to rank each of the three"finalists"on the enclosed chart according to the instructions on the bottom of the page.If you will bring the chart with you,or fax it to Joan if you cannot attend,we can quickly combine the results into a group ranking.Hopefully this information will lead us to a firm and final decision on a consultant. I have been doing some research on my own,and I am very optimistic that we can be successful in getting the City Council to support our decision.Remember,this is our first big opportunity to show the City Council that we can work together for the common good,and with one strong voice. The Municipal Arts Commission voted last week to stand by their ArtsMarket recommendation,and to help get this recommendation through.If we change our recommendation,we will need to go back to them with our new recommendation before it goes to City Council.I have talked to the Mayor,who is also supportive of our current position,and she encouraged us to take the time we need to make our presentation to City Council again. Edited from the Request for Proposal(RFP)from the City of Corpus Christi: Project Scope: The City of Corpus Christi invites qualified consultants or consultant teams to submit proposals regarding the development of a Cultural Plan for the community. The successful proposal will address the administration of the cultural planning process including the development and execution of an assessment of the cultural resources of the community;the use of local task forces to develop goals and objectives based on information gathered and detail action plans.The consultant will direct this process,organize and write the final plan.The consultant will work with the Community Cultural Plan Steering Committee appointed by the City Council,the Municipal Arts Commission and City staff. The proposal should contain time lines and responsibilities and thoroughly identify the methodology the consultant will use throughout the process. The final plan should be based on research and community-wide participation.It may include a cultural vision for the community and should address identification of strategies or actions to be taken by cultural and arts organizations,artists,and other community and civic organizations in furthering cultural development in the community. Proposal Evaluation:Criteria for Award 1.Responsiveness-the extent to which the proposal clearly addresses the elements of this Request for Proposal is essential. 2.Costs -the budget presented by the proposal 3.Professional experience-the demonstrated capacity of the Proposer to conduct a strategic planning process of this type and complexity will be a significant factor in the proposal evaluation. SCANNED Key Elements for our Mission Statement (Some apply to process and some to the final product) Working together,collaboration Input from all areas of the community A common voice for the arts Focus on funding,facilities, audience,education Visibility for the arts Validation for the arts Vibrancy for the arts Unification of the arts groups We should all accept personal responsibility for creating solutions We are here to provide our specific expertise to the plan The arts should be a positive part of the city's image Integrate arts into the fabric of the community Stabilization of arts organizations Leadership for the arts From the CCP Steering Committee Meeting,4/10/95 *Iv ver Community Cultural Plan Consultant Evaluation Consultant ArtsMarket Olivarri/ Rodman Synapse Related experience Number of staff and qualifications Familiarity with facilitating other cultural plans Understanding of project/ Proposed process Division of responsibilities Time commitment/Availability of consultant Cost proposal/Budget Special considerations Client references TOTALS Your overall ranking preference based on consideration of all above(1st, 2nd, 3rd) A. Score each consultant by category with your order of preference. For this simply put: the following numbers: 1st (top), 2nd or 3rd. 4 - outstanding 3 - good C. Bring your ranking sheet to the meeting next 2 - average (consider this your minimum Tuesday or fax it to Joan Moss at 880-3864 if ranking for an acceptable consultant) you cannot attend the next meeting. 1 - below average 0 - shows no qualification in this area or At the next meeting, we will decide whether or not criteria not in keeping with the RFP. to weight some of the rankings (for example: should the proposal process be worth more than refer- B. In the last category rank the consult- ences?) After that is decided, we will 1) total the ants, based on your judgment of their raw scoring, 2) total the overall scoring and 3) in a overall qualifications and proposal, in comparison, hopefully have the perspective we need to make a final decision on which consultant we want to stand behind with the City Council. 41O10 ‘110 COMMUNITY CULTURAL PLAN CONSULTANT EVALUATION Consultant: Synapse - Consultants In Organizational Effectiveness RELATED EXPERIENCE Experience with corporations, educational institutions, governmental agencies, religious institutions and non-profit organizations. NUMBER OF STAFF AND QUALIFICATIONS 1 Staff member - Nancy Ackerman Cole, Professional Consultant. Advises in areas of strategic planning, program and staff development, and management and executive coaching. Offers training programs in team development, communications, interpersonal and negotiation skills, conflict management, diversity, empowerment, problem solving, career transition, counseling and leadership skills. FAMILIARITY WITH FACILITATING OTHER CULTURAL PLANS Currently working on strategic plan for Trident Regional Arts and Culture Council, South Carolina. UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT/PROPOSED PROCESS I. Start-up/Research - agree on scope of project, gather data - some through NEA existing models, collect research, identify volunteers, set schedule for forum, draft vision. II. Public Input - assess needs (forums/interviews) , gather data, determine other studies as needed. III. Plan Development - analyze data, form working groups, plan short and term development, reach consensus, refine vision, draft plan document, final comments. IV. Plan Communication - finalize plan, identify "ownership" for implementation public plan celebrate. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES Consultant' s Role - Design and direct data gathering and analysis, analyze/synthesize results, inform MAC, City of C.C. of progress, work with media, prepare draft of plan and subsequent drafs. , develop agendas, arrange for faiclitation of meetings, keep records, prepare reports , coordinate with Steering Committee assist Steering Committee, Write final plan. Steering Committee' s Role - Offer direction and support consultant, set performance standards, monitor and evaluate plan process, assist with data gathering, provide input to preliminary research, recruit volunteers, identify opportunities to utilize volunteers, facilitate working groups. rimoi TIME COMMITMENT/AVAILABILITY 125 days (based on 8 hour days) COST PROPOSAL/BUDGET $30, 000 + $13 , 660 " 777 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Large group of volunteers will be invited to fulfill major responsibilities: gathering data and analysis; coordinate public forums and meetings; facilitate, design graphics, assist with design of plan document. Marketing the plan will occur throughout via media, radio and TV promotion, milestone reception. CLIENT REFERENCES Center for Disease Control, S. Carolina Depart. of Disabilities/Special Needs; Roper Hospital, Inc. ; Our Lady of Mercy Outreach Center; City of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Business Alliance; S. Carolina Conflict Resolution Center, and Drake Beam Morin, Inc. 'rd41110 COMMUNITY CULTURAL PLAN CONSULTANT EVALUATION Consultant: ArtsMarket Consulting, Inc. RELATED EXPERIENCE Twelve years of experience in leading and facilitating hundreds of community based plans; in work areas of stabilization and arts in education; cultural tourism planning; inclusion and audience development. NUMBER OF STAFF AND QUALIFICATIONS 8 Staff members - Louise K. Stevens, Project Leader and author of Cultural Planning Work kit; Cecilia Fitzgibbon, Co-Project leader, expertise in stabilization planning and funding mechanism for the arts; Cheryl Bowmer, Houston based independent non-profit consultant; Vivian Rodriguez, Associate Consultant with broad background in civic arts projects and cultural outreach; Tamara Real, Team Advisor on Tourism; Albert Soto, Expansion Arts & Grants Program Director for Tucson/Pima Arts Council; Surale Cannon, project coordination and research management; and Dr. Margaret Wyszomirski, Mandel Center for Non-Profit Organizations at Case Western Reserve. FAMILIARITY WITH FACILITATING OTHER CULTURAL PLANS Currently working on cultural plans for City of Boston, San Antonio Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Arts Council of Richmond, Western Maryland/Pennsylvania/West Virginia through Frostburg University and first statewide Cultural Plan commissioned by the Governor of Iowa. UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT/PROPOSED PROCESS Pre-Planning - Team co-leaders meet on-site with appropriate groups to review work plan in depth, learn background concerning topics and issues to be studied and refine timeline. Meet with arts organization representatives, explain data collection and analysis process, answer questions and secure participation. Process Overview - Teams leaders review all existing research, synthesize and determine how to refine the research plan as stated in this proposal based on existing data. Develop data collection tools for quantitative data collection. Research, Assessment, Analysis - surveying and primary data collection (analyze cultural resources, marketing/audience development analysis, arts in education surveying, inclusivity and targeted population needs, audience questionnaire) . Focus groups, on-site and phone interviews, forums, synthesis of data, assessment report and recommendations (provides database for future use in assessing and planning) . Planning Facilitation and Counsel - Facilitated planning meeting with Steering Committee, task force and community meetings and planning retreat for MAC staff. Completion of Final Plan - draft of plan, refinement completion. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES Consultant' s Role - Lead effective community-based processes for dialogue, listening, building local leadership coalitions and teams, facilitating the development of shared vision and goals between organizations and groups that haven't previously worked together in providing critical analysis concerning issues and opportunities, gather research, assess, facilitate meetings, draft plan, present final plan and be available for follow-up. Steering Committee' s Role - Establish a philosophical framework for the plan (mission and philosophy) , and to identify what it feels should be key goals, in draft form. Steering Committee will respond to all findings and recommendations and assist in forming focus groups and some partnering with consultants to facilitate. TIME COMMITMENT/AVAILABILITY OF CONSULTANTS 26. 5 days consultant time plus 6 days research analyst coordination. 32 . 5 days total. COST PROPOSAL/BUDGET $30, 000 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Connected with many national networks, bringing to clients the advantage of continuous work in trend analysis and their national perspective. Action plan includes 5 year actions, time lines, financial projections, etc. Two plans are drafted: 1. Public plan (collaborations) and 2 . In-house plan (implementation and financial ramifications) . CLIENT REFERENCES Boston/Mayor's Office, San Antonio Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Arts Council of Richmond, Rochester (Arts for Greater Rochester) , Western Maryland/Pennsylvania /West Virginia (Frostburg State University) , State of Iowa, Cleveland Public Schools, Georgia Arts Council, Baltimore Community Foundation, New Haven International Arts Festival. ver COMMUNITY CULTURAL PLAN CONSULTANT EVALUATION Consultant: OLIVARRI & ASSOCIATES/THE RODMAN COMPANY RELATED EXPERIENCE Current - Phase II of Trans Texas Water Program for South Central Study of C.0 Service Area; directing a public participation program for a comprehensive student of potential modification of JFK Causeway Past Projects - strategic plan, market assessment and organization analysis for Port of C.C. and business plan and proposed implementation program for high speed water transit services for RTA and long range plan for community and infrastructure services on N. Padre Islands. NUMBER OF STAFF AND QUALIFICATIONS 4 Staff members - Leah Olivarri, 20 years experience in public policy and analysis and will serve as Team Leader; Don Rodman, principal of Rodman Co. , a public affairs/marketing communications firm; George Olivarri, CPA in private practice and Jerry Winkler, conducts detailed research projects. FAMILIARITY WITH FACILITATING OTHER CULTURAL PLANS This would be the first community cultural plan this firm would be undertaking. UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT/PROPOSED PROCESS Expectation Exchange and Refinement of Work Plan - a meeting between the Consultant and Steering Committee to ensure an agreed understanding of expected results. Assessment of Cultural Resources - Review existing data and develop "stakeholder" list and survey/interview stakeholders (creation of data base for future use) . Initial Strategic Planning Session - One day meeting of all stakeholders and public, additional advertising of planning session and initial strategic planning session. Review and Refinement of Summarized Plan - Plan will have vision statement, goals, objectives and strategic actions; marketing through press, radio and TV. Community Input Meeting - Further discussion of plan. Plan Presentation and Final Approval - Review with Steering Committee, MAC, City Council. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES Consultant' s Role The consulting team would serve as a facilitator in a consensus-based strategic planning process. A team approach is necessary to guide the process and at the same time collect, document and assess background information and the contributions of participants. One on one interviews will be limited to 5 key individuals. The team' s role is to keep the process ontrack and focused on addressing the key goals and objectives identified by the participants. Steering Committee' s Role Determine expected results of project and refine the work plan. Steering Committee ' s role will be discussed as it progresses. TIME COMMITMENT/AVAILABILITY OF CONSULTANTS 47 days (based on 8 hour days) . COST PROPOSAL/BUDGET $29, 950 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Firm has no conflictE to membership or involvement in any cultural or arts organ—ation or any educational entities which would participate in the planning process. CLIENT REFERENCES Rural Empowerment Zone for the Rio Grand Valley, Port of Corpus Christi and Regional Transit Authority.