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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 07/08/1999 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 1999,2:00P.M. COMMITTEE ROOM, FIRST FLOOR CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD STREET MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF Lynda A.J.Jones Dennis Kemmerer Brad Kisner Marion Loucks Eddie Olivara Chuck Anastos Pamela Gooby Van Phan Villa George Dunson Richard Delano Victor Martinez Raymond Gignac Lynne Summers Crystal Lyons CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was held on Thursday, July 8, 1999, at the City Hall Committee Room. Acting Chairman, Victor Martinez called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. ORAL PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANTS FOR 1999-2000 ARTS SUBGRANTS. Corpus Christi Symphony, Lee Gwozdz, requested$72,000 KEDT FM Radio, Chris Ortiz,requested$8,349 Bilingual Theater Company,Joe Rosenburg, reqeusted$9,262 Harbor Playhouse, Catrina Steinhoffer,requested$60,000 Cathedral Concert Series, Lee Gwozdz, requested $46,500 Corpus ChristiYoung Artist Competition, Chris Bennight, requested $10,260 Ballet Nacionale, Ricardo Villa,requested$18,000 Fighting to Rid Gangs in Amer. Found., Elizabeth Reese, requested$25,775 Art Center of Corpus Christi, Ann Malmagia, requested$3200 Corpus Christi Literacy Reading Series. Susan Hutchenson, requested $8500 Coastal Bend Council of Native Americans, Nina Trammell, requested$10,000 Coastal Bend School for the Arts,Joyce Wilcox, requested $800 Corpus Christi Concert Ballet,Ann Steward, requested$33,594 South Texas Institute for the Arts, Deborah Fullerton Ferrigno, requested$7,500 Corpus Christi Chamber Music Society, Stephen Hilney, requested$9,550 Corpus Christi Ballet, Christina Sterling Monroe, requested$30,000 Phillipine Society for the Performing Arts, Dr. Celia Reyes-Acuna, requested$10,000 Acting Chaiman, Victor Martinez called for a 5 minute break at the conclusion of the oral presentations. The Arts& Cultural Commission reconvened at approximately 4 p.m. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and it was announced that a quorum was present. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: In order to complete the discussion items while a quorum was seated,Acting Chairman Martinez postponed approval of the minutes. SCANNED \\CITYHALLO2\USERS\PR-DIR\SHARED\TEMPORY\ACC\MINUTESUUL8ACC.DOC A `r rM/ HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: In order to complete the business on the agenda while a quorum was present,Acting Chairman Martinez rearranged the Hear from the Public portion of the agenda to follow the discussion items. ACTION ON ABSENCES: None STAFF REPORT: No report DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Recommendation of Public Art/Public Space Committee regarding public art for Fire Station #7—Van Villa moved to accept artist Dinah Bowman'sproposal, Eddie Olivares, seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Recommendation from the Public Art/Public Space Committee regarding public art for Joe Garza Pool—Lynne Summers moved to accept the Aloe Tile Works proposal for the Garza pool, Dennis Kemmerer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. (Lynne Summers and Eddie Olivares leave at 5:02 P.M) HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Cultural Arts and Development: Dennis Kemmerer asked to put a budget request from the committee on the Agenda for September. CURRENT CONCERNS: Victor Martinez and Van Villa discussed whether the Projects Committee had the authorization to make a decision on eligibility of an organization to be reviewed by the peer panel. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. anon Loucks, Superintendent Cultural Services Division, Park& Recreation Department \\CITYHALLO2\USERS\PR-DIR1S HARED\TEMPORY\ACCAMINUTESVUL8ACC.DOC ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JULY 14, 1999, 5:30P.M. Watergarden Room—Corpus Christi Museum of Science & History— 1900 N. Chaparral MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF Lynda A.J.Jona Brad Kisner Mrd Loucks Chuck Anastos Crystal Lyons Pam Epps Van Phan Villa George Dunson Raymond Gignac Advisory Members: Jane Goode Eddie Olivaris Barbara McDowell Victor Martinez Lynne Sunvncrs • Fernando Benavtdes CALL TO ORDER- The special called joint meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission, Park and Recreation Advisory Committee, Water/Shore Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, July 14, 1999, in the Watergarden Room at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science& History. Chuck Anastos, Chairman, called the Arts & Cultural Commission to order at 5:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll was called. Chairman Chuck Anastos announced that a quorum was not present for the Arts & Cultural Commission. DISCUSSION ITEM: Assistant City Manager Tom Utter discussed the proposed expansion of the Art Center of Corpus Christi. The project would include the closing of John Sartain St. and improvements would also be made to the median immediately north of the existing center. Lynda Jones suggested the sidewalks be "tied-together". instead of dead-ending as it was indicated on the artist's rendition of the project. Ms. Jones also commented on the white tile roof indicated in :he drawings. She would like to see another roof treatment. (Van Villa left at 6:45 pm) Advisory Committee member, Jane Goode, asked if additional studios would be included in the expansion. Chuck Anastos asked if the Center would still be owned by the City and, if so, would it be eligible for public art. Stating that the Arts and Cultural Commission did not have a quorum and was unable to vote, he closed discussion. ADJOURNMENT: The joint meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M. 7441— Marion Loucks, Superintendent Cultural Services Division, Park& Recreation Department H:U'R-DIRISHARED\TEMPORY ACCIMINUTESUULI4SPL.DOC •