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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 09/09/1999 ary *4100'
SEPTEMBER 9, 1999, 4:30P.M.
Lynne Summers Dennis Kemmerer Brad Kisner Pam Epps
Eddie Olivares Deborah Fullerton Raymond Gignac Pamela Gooby
Van Phan Villa Chuck Anastos Fernando Benavides Marion Loucks
Victor Martinez Joan Moss George Dunson Dan Whitworth
George Balli Sheila Rogers
Elizabeth Reese
CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order
on Thursday, September 9, 1999, in the 1' floor Committee Room at City Hall. Chair Chuck Anastos
called the meeting to order at 4:39 p.m.
ROLL CALL: The roll was called and it was announced that a quorum was present.
INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: Chair Anastos asked each new member of the
Commission to introduce themselves and give a brief synopsis regarding their background.
(Sheila Rogers arrived at 4:45 p.m.)
HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: Chair Anastos recognized Lee Gwozdz of the Corpus Christi
Symphony,who expressed his thanks for the subgrant recommended by the Peer Panel and requested
the Commission continue to follow the subgrant process rules in considering appeals. Catrina
Steinocher also expressed the appreciation of the Harbor Playhouse and requested the Commission
continue to follow the process rules.
ACTION ON ABSENCES: Lynne Summers reported her absence on August 9, 1999 was due to
her daughter's wedding. Raymond Gignac reported his absence was due to work. Eddie Olivares
moved that Ms. Summers and Mr. Gignac's absences be excused. Sheila Rogers seconded and the
motion carried.
Eddie Olivares moved the Commission not accept Fernando Benavides' absences for the last three
meetings of the term year. Van Villa seconded and the motion carried.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The following changes to the minutes of the August 12, 1999
meeting were noted by Eddie Olivares: 1)page one,under"Approval of the Minutes",the sentence
beginning, "In order to complete the business..." should be in parentheses and not part of his
statement. The minutes were approved as corrected.
STAFF REPORT: Pamela Gooby reported the City of Corpus Christi was awarded a matching
grant from "Save Outdoor Sculpture!" to preserve and restore Pompeo Coppini's "Queen of the
Sea."The Commission's funds to match the grant were committed by vote of the Commission at the
August 12, 1999 meeting. SCANNED
After 27 years with the City of Corpus Christi, Marion Loucks informed the Commission she would
be retiring January 7, 2000. Her position is expected to be filled by December 1999.
A. Discussion of appeals from arts organizations regarding the allocation of Subgrant
funds for the 1999-2000 grant period. Pamela Gooby explained that appeals for larger
awards than those recommended by the Ad Hoc Peer Panel were received from Coastal Bend
School for the Arts, Corpus Christi Concert Ballet and Ballet Nacional. Eddie Olivares
wanted to clarify whether Ballet Nacional had been approved for funding for "Sharing a
Cultural Experience in the Schools". Chair Anastos explained the Commission agreed to
consider the project for funding at the August 19th Special Called Meeting,but had not voted
to award any funds because members did not know enough about the project application to
vote on Ballet Nacional's request. Discussion ensued about how Crystal Lyons, at the
August 19th meeting, requested the Peer Panel evaluation sheets regarding each of the four
appeals currently at issue (Coastal Bend School for the Arts,Corpus Christi Concert Ballet,
and two from Ballet National) be sent to each member before the September meeting so an
informed decision could be reached at that time. George Balli asked new members be
briefed regarding approval for funding or additional funding.
Victor Martinez explained the Peer Panel evaluation process,point system,and that the high
and low scores are disregarded.
Lynne Summers moved not to fund any of the four appeals that have yet to be resolved.
(These requests include additional funds requested by Coastal Bend School for the Arts,
Corpus Christi Concert Ballet and Ballet Nacional, and an additional request for funds by
Ballet Nacional for "Sharing a Cultural Experience in the Schools"). Victor Martinez
seconded the motion. The motion carried with seven in favor, three abstentions, and one
opposed. Eddie Olivares opposed; Sheila Rogers,Van Villa,and Elizabeth Reese abstained,
all others present voted in favor.
B. Recommendation from the Subgrant Committee regarding allocation of Subgrant funds
for the 1999-2000 Subgrant application process. Lynne Summers moved the Commission
approve the allocation of funds as written and recommended by the Peer Panel through their
evaluations. George Balli seconded, Eddie Olivares opposed, and Van Villa and Elizabeth
Reese abstained. All others voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
C. Recommendation from the Subgrant Committee regarding revisions to the calendar
guiding the conclusion of the 1999-2000 Subgrant application process. Victor Martinez
moved to change the deadline for appellants to submit one-page appeals to the City Council
through the Park and Recreation Department from noon on August 27th to noon on September
28th, 1999. Dennis Kemmerer seconded and the motion carried.
D. Recommendation from the Subgrant Committee regarding non-compliance with
subgrant reporting requirements. Victor Martinez moved that an ad hoc committee be
established to address various concerns regarding penalties for non-compliance with reporting
requirements by subgrant grantees. Lynne Summers seconded the motion. Van Villa
disagreed and stated this duty should be the responsibility of the Subgrant Committee. The
question was called. A vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
E. Recommendation from the Nominating Committee presenting a slate of 1999-2000 Art
& Cultural Commission officers to be followed by election of officers. Slate of officers
for approval: Chuck Anastos, Chair
Van Villa, Vice Chair
Victor Martinez, Subgranting Chair
The Diversity and Inclusion Chair will be elected at a future time.
Eddie Olivares moved that the slate of officers for the three positions be approved. Lynne
Summers seconded. The slate of officers was approved.
F. Recommendation from the Public Art/Public Space Committee regarding the Bayfront
Public Art Sculpture. The Art Selection Panel has recommended an artist for the Bayfront
Public Art Sculpture; however, none of the six semi-finalists have yet been notified. An
announcement will be made once the artists are notified.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Eddie Olivares moved that Lynda Jones be appointed as an Advisory
Member to the Commission. Elizabeth Reese seconded and the motion carried.
The Arts and Development Committee reported on "Artscapade, " a vendor program that will be
providing performances in the downtown and Shoreline Drive area. The Police Department has been
notified that the artists will have permits to perform in this area.
CURRENT CONCERNS: Lynne Summers announced that Freddy Fender will perform at the
Bayfront Plaza Convention Center at 8:00 p.m. on October 13,1999 to benefit Charlie's Place.
Mexican Independence Day will be celebrated September 16t. There will be a Mexican Government
Battleship here for tours as well as a large company of dancers who will perform at Bayfest and at
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Chair Anastos adjourned the regular meeting
of the Arts and Cultural Commission at 6:15 p.m.
I it
Marion Loucks, Superintendent
Cultural Services Division
Park& Recreation Department