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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 10/11/1999 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 11, 1999, 4:30 P.M. • COMMITTEE ROOM, FIRST FLOOR CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD STREET MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Van Phan Villa Brad Kisner George Dunson Marion Loucks Lynda A..J.Jones Eddie Olivares Lynne Summer Fernando Benavidez Pamela Gooby Sam Logsdon Dennis Kemmerer Victor Martinez Raymond Gignac Chris Barnes Alsa Godines Crystal Lyons Richard Delano Celina Ybarbo Diana Hankins CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was held on Thursday,March 11, 1999, at the City Hall Committee Room. Sam Logsdon,Chairman,called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and it was announced that a quorum was present. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Lynda Jones moved for the minutes of the February 11, 1999 regular meeting to be approved. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: None (The order was interrupted for Discussion item A.) DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Recommendation from the Public Art/Public Space Committee re: proposed donation of artwork. The Junior League of Corpus Christi reported that they are planning an art project that will be placed at the entrance to KidsPlace at Cole Park. The project will be a 3 ``V2' high cement wall covered with tiles. The tiles,which are being sold for$50 apiece, will have handprints of children on them. Six hundred handmade tiles will be sold and one hundred will be given away. Lynne Summers moved that the project be accepted. Chuck Anastos seconded the motion and the Commission passed it. (The order returned to absences) ACTION ON ABSENCES: Van Phan Villa moved that all absences from the February 11, 1999 meeting be excused. Lynda Jones seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. STAFF REPORT: Pamela Gooby reported that seniors from Greenwood Senior Center had created African masks for Black History month. The masks will be displayed at the Multicultural Center which is located in the Galvan House in Heritage Park. The opening reception for the exhibit will be Saturday, March 13, 1999 from 12:OOpm—2:OOpm. SCANNED 1\CITYHALL02\USERS\PR-DI R\SHARED\RICHARD\FINISHED\MARION\ACC\MINUTES\MAR 11 ACC.DOC DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Recommendation from Subgrant Committee re: changes in the Subgrant Guidelines Victor Martinez reported that the Subgrant Committee is recommending an attachment to the annual grant application that addresses the issue of handicap accessibility to performance and exhibit venues. To address this issue, a part"E"was added to the Project/Operation Description of the Art Subgrant Application that states: Is the facility or venue in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act? Yes No. If(No), then what facilities or services are available to insure accessibility by handicapped/disabled persons? After discussion, the Commission decided to rephrase the addition to read: What are you as an organization going to do to ensure accessibility to handicapped/disabled persons? Chuck Anastos will develop an overview of physical requirements of ADA for reference. Victor Martinez moved to accept the modifications to the 1998- 1999 Art Subgrant Application as amended and edited by the Commission and the motion carried. (Lynne Summers left at 5:15) B. Recommendation from Subgrant Committee re: returned 1997-1998 Subgrant Funds Victor Martinez reported that the Subgrant Committee's recommendation for the returned funds was to have"Eye Opener Art Tours". The tours would be for middle school age children and would be done once a week for 4 weeks during the summer. Tours will include visits to art studios, performances, back stage and behind the scenes at the museums. Wanda Gregory, one of three founders of the Texas Jazz Festival, addressed the Commission. Mrs. Gregory reported that the Texas Ja7.7 Festival is in its 39th year. The Jazz Festival gives children the opportunity to talk one-on-one with musicians, and it is recognized as one of the largest free ja77 festivals. The festival is currently $20,000 in debt from the past year's festival, because rain cancelled the originally planned site, moving the festival to Heritage Park. Due to the short notice, many people could not find the festival. Mr. Anastos expressed his concern for the Jazz Festival's situation and requested that the Commission look into how much money can be awarded to the Jazz Festival. Staff member Pamela Gooby informed the Commission the Jazz Festival did not turn in a completion report from the previous grant year and therefore, may not be eligible for funding in the next grant year. Ms. Gooby told the Commission the NAACP and the Institute of Hispanic Culture have also requested funding. Victor Martinez said that if the Commission made funds available to the festival then the funds should also be made available for the other groups. Linda Jones suggested the Commission look into taking money from its Permanent Art Fund to assist the festival. (At this time the Commission no longer had a quorum. The Discussion Item will be on the April agenda.) C. Recommendation from Subgrant Committee re: programming change during 1998-1999 season of subgrant recipient The Subgrant Committee reported that the Opera in the School program was changed from Androcles and the Lion to Jackie and the Beanstalk. \\CITYHALL02\USERS\PR-DIR\SHARED\RIC HARD\FINISHED\MARION\ACC\M!NUTES\MAR I I ACC.DOC s " '`r *400 (At this time the Commission no longer had a quorum. The Discussion Item will be on the April agenda.) E. Recommendation from Diversity and Inclusion Committee re: Commission Membership. The Committee requested that the item be tabled until April agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Arts and Cultural Development: Dennis Kemmerer reported that the Committee will meet next Saturday, March 20th to discuss the vendor program. Arts and Marketing: Celina Ybarbo reported for Raymond Gignac. The Committee has a meeting planned for Tuesday, March 16. The current issue of Expressivity was handed out. It was also reported that the web site is up and running. Public Art/Public Space: The Committee reported that it has been working on its goals. Maintenance issues and teaching members of the Commission how to do a condition report on artwork are being considered. Youth Arts: Dianna Hankins reported that,with the resignation of Stewart Neeley, the Committee does not have a chairman CURRENT CONCERNS: Victor Martinez reported that any organization that did not turn in a completion report by January 31, will not be eligible for next year's grant. Alda Godines told the committee that she must resign due to the fact that she just learned that the Hotel/Motel Tax is used to fund the Commission, and this creates a conflict of interest for her in her new position with the Alliance. (Dennis Kemmerer left at 6:25p.m.) ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:30p.m. „=„414. Marion Loucks, Superintendent Cultural Services Division, Park& Recreation Department \\CITYHALLO2\USERS\PR-DIR\SHARED\RICHARD\FINISHED\MARIONWCC\MINUTES\MAR 1 I ACC.DOC