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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/11/1999 •
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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1999, 4:30 P.M o r CE VE.[
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Chuck Anastos Van Villa George Dunson Dan Whitworth Chris Barnes
Elizabeth Reese Shelia Rogers Victor Martinez Marion Loucks Celina Ybarbo
Brad Kisner Dennis Kemmerer George Balli Ronnie Sepulveda Diana Hankins
Joan Moss Ricardo Sanchez Deborah Fullerton Pamela Gooby Addle Ives
Eddie Olivares
Lynn Summers
CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting for the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order by Chair
Chuck Anastos at 4:36 p.m.
ROLL CALL: The recording secretary called Roll and a quorum was present.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Anastos called for the approval of the minutes from the October 14,
1999 regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission. Dennis Kemmerer asked the record note that on
Discussion Item#4, Brad Kisner did not suggest a public display of the scale models being recommended for
the Bayfront Public Art. Mr. Kemmerer stated the minutes should reflect it was he who made the suggestion.
Mr. Kemmerer also added that it was Brad Kisner and not he who moved that "Orion's Belt" be submitted to
City Council as the Arts and Cultural Commission's recommendation for the Bayfront Public Art sculpture.
Ricardo Sanchez moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 14, 1999 as corrected.
Elizabeth Reese seconded and the motion carried.
Chair Anastos tabled the approval of the minutes for the special-called meeting of November 4, 1999 for the
December 9, 1999 regular meeting.
ACTION ON ABSENCES: Chair Anastos called for action on absences for the October 14th regular meeting.
The recording secretary announced the members absent for the October regular meeting were George Dunson,
Van Villa, Eddie Olivares and Lynn Summers. Staff stated that Mr. Olivares, Ms. Villa and Ms. Summers had
1`r called prior to the October regular meeting stating they would be unable to attend. Elizabeth Reese moved to
excuse Mr. Olivares,Ms. Villa and Ms. Summers for their absence at the October 14th regular meeting of the Arts
and Cultural Commission. Joan Moss seconded and the motion carried.
STAFF REPORT: Staff reported the Bayfront Public Art project would be coming before City Council at the
December 14t City Council meeting. Dennis Kemmerer asked staff if it would be better to postpone this agenda
item until the January to ensure a full council would be present and better advocate the project. Staff stated that
if this was the process the Commission wanted, it would be best that the Commission contact the Mayor's office
to inform them of this request.
Chair Anastos reported that on January 18th the presentation on the arts subgrant funding process and hotel/motel
tax will go before City council. Staff will be developing a PowerPoint presentation for this topic. Ricardo
Sanchez asked that the board have the opportunity to view the PowerPoint presentation before it goes before City
Council. Staff stated that they could view it at the January regular meeting. SCAN N E D
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Arts and Cultural Commission
Regular Meeting—November 11, 1999
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Pamela Gooby reported that the conservator would be working on the Coppini sculpture and gave an update of
the status of the conservation efforts. Ms. Gooby also stated the restoration should be completed by May 2000.
Ms. Gooby also reported she has requested KEDT, public television station to highlight this project.
A. Recommendation from the Diversity and Inclusion Committee regarding vacancies on the
Commission — Van Villa reported that the Diversity and Inclusion Committee needed
recommendations from the Commission for new members. Staff reminded the members the
Commission has three vacancies to fill. Suggestions heard from Commission members were:
Bibi Dykema, John Scenters-Zepeko, Rob Jackson, Johnny Cotton, Deborah Mails, Nelda
Martinez,Lucy Tones, Deborah Wingfield. Staff would be contacting these individuals directly
to determine their interest in the Commission.
B. Recommendation from the Diversity and Inclusion Committee regarding Chairmanship of
the Diversity and Inclusion Committee—Chair Anastos called for a motion to move Ms.Villa,
at her request, from the Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee to the Subgrant Sub-committee.
Brad Kisner so moved and Ricardo Sanchez seconded. The motion carried.
Van Villa moved to make George Balli Chairman of the Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee.
Brad Kisner seconded and the motion carried.
C. Appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee to develop and execute the new city seal art
competition—Chair Anastos requested an update on this project. Staff informed the Commission
that the intent was to develop the seal through a public competition. The Commission would then
bring their recommendation to City Council. Staff informed the Commission that this was to be
accomplished within one to two years.
Chair Anastos called for volunteers to form a sub-committee for the project. Those members who
volunteered were: Ricardo Sanchez,Victor Martinez,Dennis Kemmerer, and Joan Moss. Chair
Anastos reminded them that this project was to be completed by the 150th anniversary of Corpus
D. Appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee to perform annual review of subgrant procedures
and application process—Discussion was heard on the makeup of the Subgrant Sub-committee
and their duties. Ricardo Sanchez moved to appoint Ricardo Sanchez, Victor Martinez, Dennis
Kemmerer and Joan Moss to sit on the ad hoc City Seal Sub-committee and also that Chuck
Anastos,Van Villa,George Balli and Ricardo Sanchez would makeup the ad hoc Subgrant Sub-
committee. Dennis Kemmerer seconded and the motion carried.
CURRENT CONCERNS: Chair Anastos called for discussion on a plan of action for seeking advocacy for
the Bayfront Public Art project. Chair Anastos gave an update for the benefit of the new members to the
Arts and Cultural Commission
Regular Meeting—November 11, 1999
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Commission on the background for the selection of "Orion's Belt". Discussion was heard on this topic.
(Brad Kisner left at 5:05 p.m. and Ricardo Sanchez left at 5:27 p.m.)
Chair Anastos stated that he has received several calls on Jim Edwards' letter to City Council members and that
it had angered some Council members.
Dennis Kemmerer gave a copy of a form letter to the Commission members that he would be using to seek
signatures for a petition advocating "Orion's Belt". This form letter would then be mailed or faxed to the City
Secretary's office for presentation to City Council members. It was suggested that the petition should also
include the date the project will be coming before City Council to remind people to attend in order to support
the piece. Chair Anastos felt that if 200 citizens appeared at the City Council and signed up to speak in support
of the piece, it might help accomplish the Commission's goal.
Joan Moss asked that comments be compiled from other cities where Robert Perless has similar artwork in
exhibit. Ms. Moss also recommended that the City's Engineering Department be on hand to answer any
engineering questions the City Council members may have.
140, (Van Villa left at 5:50 p.m.)
Staff stated that if any letters or petitions needed to go to City Council members, they should be in the City
Secretary's office by the Friday before the City Council meeting.
Discussion continued on development of the presentation of "Orion's Belt"to City Council.
Dennis Kemmerer reported that auditions for "Artscapade" were to be held. Mr. Kemmerer also stated that
bumper stickers had been created to promote "Artscapade".
Chair Anastos volunteered to digitally photograph the Corpus Christi Public Art collection.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Chair Anastos adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m.
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Marion Loucks, perintendent, Cultural Services Division