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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 12/09/1999 1U+ 'MO
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Chuck Anastos Van Villa Victor Martinez George Dunson Dan Whitworth Celina Ybarbo
George Balli Deborah Fullerton Joan Moss Sheila Rogers Marion Loucks Diana Hankins
Elizabeth Reese RicardoSanchez Dennis Kemmerer Brad Kisner Ronnie Sepulveda Adelle Ives
Lynne Summers
CALL TO ORDER—The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order
by Chair Chuck Anastos at 4:38 p.m.
ROLL CALL: The recording secretary called roll and announced a quorum was present.
AND THE NOVEMBER 11Th REGULAR MEETING: Chair Anastos called for the approval of the
minutes from the regular meeting of November 11'". Van Villa moved to accept the minutes for the
November 11`h regular meeting as written. Ricardo Sanchez seconded and the motion carried.
Chair Anastos also called for the approval of the minutes of the November 4th Special-called meeting.
Joan Moss moved to accept the minutes as written. Elizabeth Reese seconded and the motion carried.
HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: Dennis Kemmerer introduced Mr. Owen Hopkins to the Commission
members. A letter written by Mr. Hopkins was printed in the local newspaper in support of the Arts
and Cultural Commission's selection of Orion's Belt as the artwork to be placed on Shoreline Drive.
Mr. Kemmerer requested Mr. Hopkins assistance in getting the petition to the general public to support
Orion's Belt. Mr. Hopkins, a geologist, works with children and expressed his opinion that the piece
of artwork would benefit the education of the children of Corpus Christi with respect to astronomy. Mr.
Hopkins stated that he has spoken with several City Council members seeking their support for Orion's
ACTION ON ABSENCES: Elizabeth Reese moved to excuse George Dunson, Victor Martinez,
George Balli, Deborah Fullerton,and Lynn Summers for being absent from the November 1 1th regular
meeting. Ricardo Sanchez seconded and the motion carried.
STAFF REPORT: Dan Whitworth, staff liaison, reported the agenda item regarding the
Commission's recommendation of Orion's Belt would go before City Council this next Tuesday. Mr.
Whitworth informed the members of the Commission that the meeting would begin at around 9 a.m.
and reconvene at 2 p.m. after lunch.
(Mr. Whitworth requested Discussion Item "C" be heard next as Pamela Gooby, staff liaison, had
another engagement to attend. Chair Anastos agreed to hear Discussion Item "C"next on the agenda.)
C. Recommendation from the Public Art/Public Space Subcommittee regarding bids
received for maintenance of five bronze sculptures—Dennis Kemmerer stated that
the Public Art/Public Space Subcommittee reviewed the bronze statues and felt the
statues were in need of maintenance.
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Regular Meeting—December 9,1999
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Staff contacted Cliffs Uptown Detail in order to obtain information on what processes
were available to clean statues. Mr. Kemmerer gave an overview of the information he
obtained regarding the process to be used for the cleaning of the statues. Mr. Kemmerer
informed the Commission Cliff's Uptown Detail proposed it would take three workers
one entire day to complete the cleaning of the statues. This would also include the use
of a lift truck. Mr. Kemmerer commented that other proposals did not give this much
detail in the process of cleaning the statues. Mr. Kemmerer stated the Subcommittee
agreed a budget of$550 per year would be adequate to maintain the statues. Mr.
Kemmerer also stated that Cliffs Uptown Detail also recommended a paste wax be
applied to the statues after cleaning in order to keep the materials from breaking down
due to exposure to the elements.The application of the paste wax would be an additional
charge to their bid. Mr. Kemmerer stated the Public Art/Public Space Subcommittee
recommended using Cliff's Uptown Detail for the cleaning and maintenance of the
bronze statues in the Public Art Collection. Staff reported three other bids were returned
stating no interest in bidding for the work. Mr. Kemmerer commented that Cliff s
Uptown Detail was the most knowledgeable and had the most interest in doing this work
on an annual basis. Discussion followed regarding this topic.
Staff reported they had contacted select businesses within the community that would be
able to do this project following the recommendations of the artists. Staff also reported
funding for this project is from the hotel occupancy tax.
George Balli moved to accept the Public Art/Public Space Subcommittee's
recommendation to use Cliff's Uptown Detail for the cleaning and maintenance of five
bronze statues in the Public Art Collection. Dennis Kemmerer seconded and the motion
A. Recommendation from ad hoc Subgrant Review Committee regarding changes to
the 1999 subgrant process— Staff reported the ad hoc Subgrant Review Committee
would evaluate if each organization who received funding from the Arts and Cultural
Commission met the guidelines in their subgrant contract. Chair Anastos stated that the
ad hoc committee should be made up of Subgrant Committee members. Mr. Whitworth
stated the Subgrant Review Committee was created to deal with a specific point that was
brought to staffs attention regarding an organization that did not meet the guidelines
of the grant contract by acknowledging City funding. Mr. Whitworth expressed hope
that future incidents of omission of acknowledgement of the City's funding would be
corrected along with the creation of sanctions for organizations that do not fulfill the
subgrant agreement. Mr. Whitworth stated that the ad hoc Subgrant Review Committee
would be meeting again and a letter would be drawn up to this specific organization.
Victor Martinez suggested that an ad hoc Sanctions Subcommittee be formed. Van
Villa moved to accept the recommendation of the ad hoc Subgrant Review Committee
to write a letter with sanctions to the Corpus Christi Ballet. Deborah Fullerton seconded
and the motion carried with Ms. Villa abstaining from voting. Ms. Villa asked that the
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Regular Meeting—December 9,1999
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letter to the Corpus Christi Ballet note the specific events where the subgrant funding
was not acknowledged.
Discussion was heard on sanctions to be determined by the ad hoc Committee and
brought before the Commission for a vote. Victor Martinez stated he would be
contacting the Texas Commission for the Arts to obtain what their sanctions and
guidelines are for contract noncompliance.
B. Recommendation from the ad hoc City Seal Design Committee on program
development—Mr. Whitworth stated that the Committee met yesterday and developed
a draft of suggestions for the City Seal. Mr. Whitworth called for discussion on this
draft. Mr. Whitworth stated that once the Commission reviewed the draft presented
before them, staff would develop a report on the final process to go to the City Manager
who would present it to City Council to then have them determine the time frame for the
selection process. The Committee felt that a cash prize should be included. The
Committee also felt that four months would be ample time in which to conduct the
selection process. The Committee also went on to state that the Corpus Christi
Independent School District should be included in the selection process with each school
providing five entries. The Committee also allowed for professional entries to be
included in the selection process. The Committee felt the entries should be numbered
for the purpose of judging with three finalists to be presented before City Council. The
Committee also requested that a press conference be called in order to make the awards
of those selected.
Ricardo Sanchez felt that staff should develop contest guidelines. Discussion was heard
regarding the charging of an entry fee for all participants excluding those from the
Corpus Christi Independent School District.
Questions and discussion was heard from the member of the Commission regarding this
topic. Deborah Fullerton suggested that professional graphic artists could work with
CCISD students to develop a seal. Chair Anastos requested that at least one
Commission member be on the judging panel.Mr. Whitworth stated that a report on the
development of the guidelines should be given to City Council to keep them informed.
Elizabeth Reese felt the timing of the contest has to work within the school year.
Discussion was heard on the motivation of students entering the selection process
against those of professional entries. Chair Anastos felt that the prestige of having a seal
selected would be award enough. Elizabeth Reese felt that high school students had the
capability of turning in high quality work. Ms. Reese felt that Ms. Fullerton's idea of
teaming professional graphic artists with high school students to develop an entry for
the selection process was one that needed to be developed. George Balli said the
submittal process should be an open one for everyone with a cash prize going to a
favorite charity. Mr. Whitworth said that by incorporating the ideas discussed at this
meeting into the draft, it could be presented to City Council for consideration.
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Regular Meeting—December 9,1999
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Ricardo Sanchez moved to approve the draft of guidelines for the selection of the City
Seal presented to the Commission to include the ideas discussed at this meeting for
presentation to City Council for approval. George Balli seconded and the motion
D. Recommendation from the Diversity and Inclusion Committee regarding vacancies
on the Committee—Ricardo Sanchez reported the two individuals recommended for
membership in to the Commission, Bibi Dykema and Deborah Wingfield, would be
unable to participate. Mr. Sanchez stated that Johnny Cotton was interested. Mr.
Whitworth said Commissioners would need to temporarily serve on the Diversity and
Inclusion Committee to select members.
There were no recommendations from the Commission on candidates for membership.
Chair Anastos recommended that due to the lack of members on the Subgrant
Committee, Victor Martinez, Deborah Fullerton, Joan Moss, Elizabeth Reese, Ricardo
Sanchez, Van Villa would serve on the Committee until a full Commission could be
obtained. Mr. Whitworth stressed the importance of recruiting members who have gone
through the peer panel process.
Victor Martinez moved to accept Chair Anastos' recommendation to temporarily fill the
Subgrant Committee with Victor Martinez, Deborah Fullerton, Joan Moss, Elizabeth
Reese, Ricardo Sanchez and Van Villa until a full Commission is obtained. Dennis
Kemmerer seconded and the motion carried.
Mr. Sanchez called for members willing to serve on the Diversity and Inclusion
Committee. Mr. Whitworth stated this Committee would help develop
recommendations for new appointees to the Commission and assist with over-site for
to the Arts and Cultural Commission. Ricardo Sanchez, George Balli and Van Villa
volunteered to serve on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Elizabeth Reese moved
to accept Ricardo Sanchez, George Balli and Van Villa to serve on the Diversity and
Inclusion Committee. Victor Martinez seconded and the motion carried.
YOUTH ARTS —Diana Hankins, staff liaison, reported that Elizabeth Reese would
chair the Committee with George Balli and George Dunson as members.
PUBLIC ART/PUBLIC SPACE- Deborah Fullerton reported she is the chair of this
Committee. Ms. Fullerton also reported that Sheila Rogers and Lynne Summers had
both resigned their seats on the Commission.
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Regular Meeting—December 9,1999
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ARTS MARKETING—Celina Ybarbo reported that Brad Kisner was selected as the
chair of this Committee with Joan Moss, Victor Martinez and Van Villa as members.
CULTURAL AND ARTS DEVELOPMENT—Ronnie Sepulveda,staff liaison,filled
for Chris Barnes who was out. Dennis Kemmerer gave a report on the Artscapade
program, which will allow artists throughout the downtown Corpus Christi area, free of
charge,to exhibit their artwork and talents. Mr. Kemmerer also reported on the bumper
stickers, developed by staff, to promote and support the Artscapade program. Mr.
Sepulveda stated that Ms. Barnes requested the members review the contracts in order
to see what is required from the artists. Mr. Sepulveda reported that auditions for the
artists were held on November 13.
CURRENT CONCERNS—Chair Anastos reminded members the City Council meeting would begin
on Tuesday at 2 p.m. to consider"Orion's Belt." Elizabeth Reese suggested members send letters to
City Council before the meeting. Mr. Kemmerer suggested the letters be faxed to the City Secretary's
office. Mr. Kemmerer also suggested that if members had prominent acquaintances to have them
present at the meeting to show their support. Chair Anastos stated that if those individuals wanted to
speak before the City Council they would have to sign up before the meeting in order to speak. Joan
Moss and Victor Martinez would be asking the Leadership Corpus Christi group for their support at the
meeting. Mr. Martinez also sought the support of those organizations funded by the Arts and Cultural
Commission. Mr. Martinez would be calling those organizations to remind them to be present at the
City Council meeting to support "Orion's Belt". Mr. Whitworth also stated staff would be making a
presentation at the Tuesday City Council meeting.
Mr. Joe Rosenburg, representing the Bilingual Theater, addressed the Commission regarding a letter
sent to their organization denying funding. Mr. Rosenburg stated that since the request was made by
his organization for a change in the date of their event,much has changed. Mr. Rosenburg reported his
project was now a part of a joint venture with the Harbor Playhouse,which would enable him to get his
program completed and on time. Victor Martinez stated that the program, at present, would not be
occurring within the grant cycle year. Mr. Rosenburg felt that it was an unusual situation, which
warranted consideration from the Commission. Mr. Rosenburg stated that a new play required more
effort to complete than one, which had already been done. Chair Anastos questioned whether there were
any other avenues to pursue on this issue. Mr. Martinez stated the Subgrant Committee had already
made every consideration and there were no other avenues to pursue. Mr. Whitworth stated he would
check on whether there were any other options opened to Mr. Rosenburg's organization. Mr.
Rosenburg stated he would respond to the letter he received from the Commission denying his
organization funding. Mr. Martinez stated the Commission has already made its decision regarding this
issue but would not decline looking into the matter again if the Commission wished to do so.
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Regular Meeting—December 9,1999
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ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Chair Anastos adjourned the meeting of the
Arts and Cultural Commission at 6:18 p.m.
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Daniel L. Whitworth
Assistant Director of Programs