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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 02/18/2010 OFFICIAL MINUTES RE EIVED CLEAN CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, February 18, 2010, 2:30 pm MAR 1 2 2010 Corpus Christi City Hall, 6th Floor Conference Room CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE I. Call to Order Time: 14:40 pm II. Roll Call of Members Present Absent Scot Barker x Anthony Castorena x Brian Cornelius x Paige Dinn x John Elford x Theresa Klein x Daiquiri Richard x Mikell Smith x Joan Veith x Other City Staff: • _Paul Bass_- Solid Waste Operations Superintendent • Lawrence Mikolaczyjk- Solid Waste Operations Director • _Peggy Sumner- Environmental Services Director • Angela Rowe- Pride/Clean City Coordinator • _Martin Ramos — Neighborhood Services III. Adoption of Minutes for Meetings of 1/14/10 Motion T. Klein Second D. Richard Modifications to minutes reflected show that Brian Cornelius was in attendance at the 1/14/10 meeting and that Joan Veith did call ahead to excuse her absence. IV. Approval Of Absences Motion P. Dinn Second T. Klein V. Business for Discussion with Possible Action 1. Education Outreach Subcommittee Report—J. Veith briefed the group on the Subcommittee's efforts to create a consolidated message for outreach, perhaps bumper stickers stating that the driver recycles. 2. Keep America Beautiful Training was conducted by Ann Cunic, Program Director, Keep Texas Beautiful. SCANNED 3. Ongoing citywide activities/initiatives were distributed to the Committee 4. Recycling program update- Paul Bass, Superintendent, Solid Waste Services: P. Bass briefed that option 3 to bid out single stream processing was voted on by City Council and to allow the current contract with Dolphin Recycling to expire on December 5, 2010. The RFP process had begun and the contract would be awarded in January 2011. Services to change in January 2011,include the implementation of once per week garbage collection, enhanced recycling collection every 2 weeks and implement the residential recycling incentive program. VI. Identify agenda items for next meeting: Logo design and Speakers Bureau updates Next Meeting: March 4, 2010, VII. Adjourn Time: 17:30