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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 03/04/2010 OFFICIAL MINUTES
Thursday, March 4,2010, 3pm I i..{ CEIVED
Corpus Christi City Hall, 6th Floor Conference Room
kPi-; 022010
I. Call to Order Time: 15:24 i GI?Y SECRETARY'S oFFlCE
II. Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker x
Anthony Castorena x
Brian Cornelius x
Paige Dinn x
John Elford x
Teresa Klein x
Daiquiri Richard x
Mikell Smith x
Joan Veith x
Other City Staff:
Becky Perrin, Parks & Recreation; Tracy Cantu, Neighborhood Services & Code Enforcement; Diana Z. Garza,
Neighborhood Services;Sharon Lewis, Environmental Services; Paul Bass, Solid Waste Operations
III. Adoption of Minutes for Meetings of 1/14/10
Motion T. Klein ,
Second B. Cornelius
III. Business for Discussion with Possible Action
A. Adopt a Median: KAB has Girl Scout badge, possible plant donations, herbicide. Clean City
would certainly need to narrow and identify full scope of work for project. We could possibly
partner with Pride. T. Klein moved to table, P.Dinn second.
B. Logo: Chair Richard advised of necessity of Board identifier, moved to use similar logo to
Q Pride's only using "CLEAN" as a call to action. A.Rowe will clarify with Pride board if we can
LLO utilize similar logo. D. Richard advised A. Rowe to move forward and put on agenda for April
meeting. P.Dinn seconds.
C. Speakers Bureau: Education Committee will move to present to entire Committee. This will
run as a continuous agenda item. A. Rowe to work on consistent messaging.
V D. The Great Spring Clean: T. Cantu advised the group on an 8-week "How to" endeavor for the
public. Working with A. Rowe.
V. Identify agenda items for next meeting: Adopt a Park, Speaker's Bureau, Logo design approval
by Pride Board.
Next Meeting: April 1, 2010
VII. Adjourn Time: 16:05, motioned by T. Klein, 2nd by A. Castorena