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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 04/01/2010 i - OFFICIAL MINUTES
I Thursday,April 1, 2010,2010, 3pm
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L . Corpus Christi Corpus Christi City Hall, 6th Floor Conference Room
Official Minutes JUL 19 2010
I. Call to Order Time: 15:05 CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE
II. Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker x
Anthony Castorena x
Brian Cornelius x
Paige Dinn x
John Elford x
Teresa Klein x
Daiquiri Richard x
Mikell Smith x
Joan Veith x
III. Adoption of Minutes for Meetings of 3/4/10
Motion T. Klein
Second P.Dinn
IV. Approval Of Absences
Motion P. Dinn
Second J. Veith
V. Public Comment: Hope Malkan addressed group on Earth Day and Malkan Broadcasting's E
Recycling Event that would occur on Earth Day at their location on Leopard Street. H. Malkan
also addressed the group about the Uptown Neighborhood Initiative event on May 22.
VI. Business for Discussion with Possible Action
Adopt a Park/Median Ordinance briefing by Parks & Recreation:
® Becky Perrin from Parks& REc advised that over 20 parks/spots had been adopted thus far. B. Perrin
LLI advised that potential adoptees must make a one year committement and submit for quarterly work days.
D. Richards advised that the Girl Scouts were looking for an acitivity. M.Smith had also been in contact
with the Girl Scouts and suggested that the Girl Scouts look at working on the May 22 Uptown
Neighborhood Initiative Event. D. Richard moved that the Clean City Team adopt a median on Shoreline,
Qseconded by P. Dinn
GO a. Adoption of a Logo Design:. Group was show specs of new logo and approved with stronger green
"CLEAN" and more solid blue color. Moved by T. Klein, 2"d by P. Dinn
b. Speakers Bureau's areas of concentration: M. Smith will be resigning off the Clean City Advisory
Committee. The Committee will need to vote for a new Speaker's Bureau Chair.
c. Great American Clean Up, March 1- May 31, 2010,Adopt Downtown & Don't Mess with Texas Trash
off-April 10, 2010: Committee was briefed and encouraged to participate on upcoming Earth Day and
Clean Up Events.
d. Nominating Committee for Clean City Board vacancy: T.Klein moved that the Committee increase
membership to 11 with 2 additional at-large seats. J.Veith seconded. A nominating committee was
formed by B. Cornelis, D.Richard, M.Smith and T. Klein
VII. Identify agenda items for next meeting: Possible plastic bag band- maybe a speaker from HEB or
Next Meeting: May 6, 2010
VII. Adjourn Time: 16:26