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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 05/06/2010 RECEIVED
Thursday, May 6, 2010, 3:15 pm
Corpus Christi City Hall, 6th Floor Conference Room
I. Call to Order Time:
II. Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker x
Anthony Castorena x
Brian Cornelius x
Paige Dinn x
John Elford
Teresa Klein x
Daiquiri Richard x
Mikell Smith x
Joan Veith x
Other City Staff:
Diana Zertuche Garza- Neighborhood Services
III. Adoption of Minutes for Meetings of 3/4/10
Motion- P. Dinn
Second -. T. Klein
IV. Approval Of Absences
Motion : D. Richard
Second : T. Klein
V. Business for Discussion with Possible Action
a. Solidify Adopt A Park/Median location: D. Richard advised that signs were not ready for Adopt a Park
sites. The Committee moved to adopt Median#3. Motion,T.Klein, second by J.Veith
b. RTA Route 354 Southside Express Route-Karina Paris: K. Paris asked for a partnership in promoting the
new route from the city's southside to downtown. $1.25 per trip. $2.50 per day. Scheduled May 11
promotion/breakfast at City Hall.
c. Uptown Neighborhood Initiative- May 22 Event: Darlene Gregory advised the group of an upcoming
clean up scheulduled for May 22 along the Leopard Street Corridor. Working closely with Solid Waste
Operations and several partners including Malkan Broadcasting and Metro Ministries.
U. d. Review Speakers Bureau draft: A. Rowe advised that January is still target date for new recycling
Cr) enhancements. New committee members will go to City Council on June 9. Once new members in
place, development of Speaker's Bureau is imperative. Glass will be added as topic of discussion and
future of recycling glass.
v ti
e. After Action Report: Adopt Downtown & Don't Mess with Texas Trash off, Earth Day/Bay Day, Adopt
a Beach & Buc Days Parade: All events great success. 10th year BCCA has coordinated Cole Park Adopt
a Beach Clean up. Over 400 participants in Adopt Downtown. BCCA and Clean Cities passed out trash
bags along Buc Parade route. Over 1,500 bags were distributed. Democratic State Convention will be
bringing in over 7,000 individuals to Corpus Christi week of June 24-25. T. Klein advised that she was
on steering committee to enhance current green practices at American Bank Center.
f. Status of Clean City Board vacancies and amendment to the ordinance: Committee moved to add
Daniel Lucio (Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries) and Juan Rodriguez(Padre Island National Seashore)to
Clean City Committee. City Council will also consider the addition of two new at large members to the
committee. A. Rowe advised that though these are committee recommendations; Council and Mayor
Adame would still be at liberty to override and appoint different individuals.
VI. Identify agenda items for next meeting: American Bank Center Green Practices, Donna
Cannatella, CC Hooks not allowing for refills on cups? Updates on the Democratic State
Convention, Omni Hotels Green Practices, Texas A&M Recycling Program, La Palmera Mall green
practices. T-shirts! Green Conference (Community Building Development Grants- Daniel
Gallegos), Sharon Lewis "5 Green Things."
Next Meeting: July 1, 2010
VII. Adjourn Time: 4:29