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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 08/04/2011i
Thursday, August 4, 2011, 2011, 3:00 pm
City Hall, a Floor Meeting Room
1201 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 38401
I. Call to Order Time: 3:01
II. Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker
Anthony Castorena
Brian Cornelius
Paige Dinn
Lori Galan Garcia
Ken Hobbs
Teresa Klein
Daiquiri Richard
Juan Rodriguez
Joan Veith
Other City Staff:
Danielle Converse, Stormwater
Sharon Lewis, Environmental Services
IV. Adoption of Minutes — Regular Meeting, June 9 & July 14,2011
First: D. Richard
Second: J. Veith
V. Approval of Absences — June 9 & July 14,2011- outside of regularly scheduled meeting.
Absences excused.
VI. Public Comment NONE
VII. Business for Discussion and Possible Action
A. 12,000 Trees for 2012 Updates- next meeting August 13 2011 gam The Place to Be.:
Turners to offer fundraising project. Several faith based groLl s to participate. Lion's Club
to offer support. T. Klein to attend 8113111 meeting and brief CCAC. Beautify Corpus
Christi to monitor and keep data. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to monitor
and track progresses. Tree Team to also monitor and track data from retailers (Home
Depot, Turners Fox's Tree and Landsca e ). Progresses to be tracked through develo ment
services through UDC.
SUGGESTIONS : to make water hydrants flushing water available to trees and transported
via water trucks? Would firefighters monitor and water trees in neighborhoods and arks?
B. Glass Recycling After Action Report: 19.5 tons at last collection.
SUGGESTIONS: Could concrete crushing company use lass?
C. Chief Riggs anti - litter program: RTA brought in as partner to begin litter patrols.
Volutneer police officers that can write tickets to litterbugs.
D. Summer and Fall Events Calendar update (Toilet Giveaway, Rose Planting,
Rainwater/Composting, CBBP) : See attached
E. Review applicants for vacancies: CCAC to interview:
Cookie Silverman
Laurie Wood
Kim Brumley
F. Items for next meeting, September 1, 2011: Goal setting, 12K trees for 2012, Chief Riggs
Anti Litter Task Force, Surf Riders, E Recycling Event, Set workshop for Decemeber,
Updated calendars.