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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 03/01/2012OFFICIAL MINUTES CLEAN CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, March 1, 2012, 2011, 3:00 pm City Hall, 6 Floor Meeting Room 1201 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 I. Call to Order Time: @3:05pm II. Roll Call of Members Present Absent Scot Barker X Joan Veith X 9Y . E W., s �� 6w V X Paige Dinn X Lori Galan Garcia X X Teresa Klein x Dan Wilkerson X Kimberly Brumley X Rebecca Lyons X Virginia Delgado X III. Adoption of Minutes — Regular Meeting, February 2, 2012- TABELED IV. Approval of Absences — February 2, 2012- TABELED V. Public Comment: Neil McQueen, representing the Surf Rider Chapter of the Coastal Bend spoke on their Ski the Plastic project and updates. McQueen thanked .City staff for their assistance on the project and for participating in the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation Forum. Teresa Finch with TCEO introduced hersel . Mr. & Mrs. Chris Swanson_ introduced themselves as interested parties of Clean City Initiatives. VI. Business for Discussion and Possible Action A. Introduction of New Board Members: Rebecca Lyons Teacher atAna olis Christian Academy and part time Coastal Bend Bays Foundation employee will serve At Large Constituency; Kimberly Brumley, with the Corpus Christi Independent,Schoal District will represent Education; Dan Wilkerson, with All State and current Beautify Carpus Christi President will represent Beautify Corpus Christi and Virginia Delgada of Gado Marketi will re resent AtLarge constituents. B. Plastic Bag Discussion Next Steps i. Litter Ordinance Review: The Clean Ci!y Committee was given copies of the current ordinance for their comments. These comments will be considered as Part of the updates to City Council in regards to the ro osed lastic bag environmental recover ees. ii. Litter Index Survey: T. Klein to take the lead in developing the litter index survey. A. Gonzalez to get copies of General Land Office litter cards to track litter. Kegp America Beautifyl litter index sury ey template to be used in our sury although our information will be more comprehensive in terms of the compilation of trash. (SEE ATTACHED LITTER CARDS FROMAD OPT A BEACHAND OCEAN CONSERVANCY) C. Liaison's. Report: A. Gonzaaez briefed the CCAC on January RecycleBank updates- {ATTACHMENT); theACHIEVE Grant, through the Manor's Fitness Council is planting a Community Garden at Lindale Park and are asking f or CCAC's assistance and support for volunteer projects and publicity_ April is one of two of the busiest months for CCAC with Earth Day/Bay Day, Don't Mess with Texas Trash Off, Adopt a Beach, and manx beautification proiects and school presentations A. Gonzalez asked for as much sup as possible for these upcoming events. D. Items for April meeting: UPS Grant, Plastic Bag Presentation. VII. Adjourn: 5:00 pm VIII. Adjourn