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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 02/07/2013 OFFICIAL MINUTES
Thursday, February 7, 2013 @ 3:00 p.m.
Solid Waste Operations Office,
2525 Hygeia, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
L Call to Order Time: 3:25
IL Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker x
Joan Veith x
Brian Cornelius x
Paige Dinn x
Lori Galan Garcia x
Juan Rodriguez x
Teresa Klein x
Kimberly Brumley x
Virginia Delgado x
Carolyn Moon x
Other City Staff. None...
III. Approve minutes and Absences of........
III. IV. Public Continent: Public Comment: Please be advised that the Open Meetings Act prohibits the
committee from responding and discussing your comments at length. The law authorizes members to
make a statement of factual information, recite an existing policy in response to the inquiry, or advise
the citizen that this subject will be placed on an agenda at a later date.: None
L Business for Discussion and Possible Action
A. Solid Waste operations Business Plan—Paul
B. Plastic Bag Project updates.
Lack of retailer participation in survey.
Continuation of Corpus Christi education program.
Question of why HEB hasn't adopted reusable bats.
February 10'presentation before City Council.
Teresa Klein motions to support transaction fee through formal memo to
Carolyn Moon seconds motion.
C. RecycleBank Updates-December reports and Local Green Schools Project
Sent electronically
D. My Waste App updates
Currently 1,000 downloads
E. CC recycling Educator update-L. Mikolajczyk
February 8
F. Solid Waste Code officer Updates—L Mikolajczyk
Code officers began workink for the department.
G. Keep America beautiful Activities
i. Grants
ii. Trash Summit- April 4 1
iii. National Day of Action
H. Identify items for March agenda.
i. Meeting of absences on November 1-February 7
ii. Vacancies
VI. Adjourn 4:18 pm