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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 05/02/2013 OFFICIAL MINUTES CLEAN CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CLEAN CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, May 2, 2013 @ 3:00 p.m. Solid Waste Operations Office, 2525 Hygeia, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415 L Call to Order Time: 3:10 IL Roll Call of Members Present Absent Scot Barker x Joan Veith x Brian Cornelius x Paige Dinn x Lori Galan Garcia x Beth Wilson x Teresa Klein x Kimberly Brumley x Rebecca Lyons x Virginia Delgado x Carolyn Moon x Other City Staff. Russell Stowers, Lawrence Mikoljczk, Danielle DuBose Converse III. Approve minutes and Absences of- tabled due to special meeting. III. IV. Public Continent: Public Comment: Please be advised that the Open Meetings Act prohibits the committee from responding and discussing your comments at length. The law authorizes members to make a statement of factual information, recite an existing policy in response to the inquiry, or advise the citizen that this subject will be placed on an agenda at a later date.: Clayton Gotcher asked if Clean City would help create a volunteer list and place a dumpster on an access road on the island. Doug Thomason expressed his view of doing a Mud Bridge Cleanup. VI.Business for Discussion and Possible Action A. Solid Waste Operations Business Plan- Lawrence Mikajczk. i. Explained,Solid Waste Competitive Assessment B. Plastic Bag project updates i. Goes before City Council on May 14, 2013. C. RecycleBank Check Presentation to Seashore Learning Academy April 5 th D. CC Recycling Educator Update- L. Mikolajczyk i. RFP to be retsslted far-Postttatt ij,hich the 00,y attd C('I,V)are lyarlatg Lo gether on. E. Solid Waste Code Officer Updates- L. Miokolajczyk i. Two code officers have been brought on board and are working on litter initiatives. F. RECAP Keep America Beautiful Events i. Grants-Cigarette Litter Prevention ii. Trash Summit- April 4, 2013 iii. National Day of action- April 6, 2013 iv. Earth Day/Bay Day- April 13, 2013 v. Adopt a Beach- April 20, 2013 vi. Hands for Hillcrest—April 20, 2013 G. Identify items for June agenda. i. Vacancy discussion ii. Volunteer list iii. Xmas card recycling iv. E-waste Nov. 15 VII. Adjourn 4:00