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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 08/01/2013 OFFICIAL MINUTES
Thursday, August 1, 2013 @ 3:00 p.m.
Solid Waste Operations Office,
2525 Hygeia, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
I. Call to Order Time: 4:34
II. Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker x
Joan Veith x
Brian Cornelius x
Paige Dinn x
Lori Galan Garcia x
Teresa Klein x
Kimberly Brumley x
Beth Becera x
Carolyn Moon x
Other City Staff: Angela Gonzalez, Russell Stowers, Danielle Converse.
Approve Minutes &Absences..... Brian Cornelius motioned, Beth Becera seconded motioned approved.
III. Public Comment: Please be advised that the Open Meetings Act prohibits the committee from
responding and discussing your comments at length. The law authorizes members to make a
statement of factual information, recite an existing policy in response to the inquiry, or advise the
citizen that this subject will be placed on an agenda at a later date.:
Clayton Gottcher of A Clean Generation expressed disappointment about the previous City Council
meeting and the lack of action on plastic bags.
Kim Brumley stated that the media indicated a lack of communication with retailers was a primary
reason for council's reaction.
1. Call to Order 4:34
IL Roll Call of Members
III. Business for Discussion and Possible Action:
A. Tenn Vacancies.
i. City Council will not allow committee recommendations for new vacancies.
B. Plastic Bag update.
i. Overview of'Plastic Bag initiative: Two years ago Clean City Committee leas petitioned by the
SmfRider .Fouridatiori to address plastic bag litter. Clean City voted to have a 60%
reeducation ill plastic bags by 2015.
it. Plastic Bags cause a great deal of problems at the Recycle Center because only clean plastic
bags call be sold for recycling. Plastic bags also clog the machinery. According to Brian
Cornelius Committee member and a manager atRepublic,Services there are untold amounts of
bails ofplastic bags that are unsellable.
iii. Initially the Committee pushed for a total ball.
iv. A=lay 28"h Council Agenda was pulled.
v. Greenstar program and ordinance have been re-written several times.
vi. Council Asked Solid iT aste to investigate bag-in-a-bag concept.
vii. There appears to be allot of confusion of what the plastic bag ordinance would entail.
viii. Motion for open records request by Kim Brruuley to view Brownsville`s Plastic Bag Sales
after their assessment fee took place. It was seconded by Chair Barker and approved by
entire Committee.
C. MyWast App update.
i. Corrected Dates for Glass Recycling on September 14t"and December IT"
ii. MyWaste works better with mobile devices and pc`s. There is also work being done to make the
MyWaste App Maps easier to access and view.
D. Volunteer list update
i. Kimberly Bruuley suggested contacting Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
E. July 112013 Block Walk to distribute flyers for Town Hall meeting from S. 19r1'St. to S. Staples St. And from
Agnes to Laredo. Staging area underneath SPID.
F. Town Hall Meeting July 31, 6pm-7pm Galvan Ballroom 1632 Agnes St Corpus Christi,TX 78401
i. Pride and Clean City Committee met with residents of(19t"St. to S. Staples)to
listen/address concerns.
ii. Solid Waste Brash and Bulk crews were out on August 1't to collect brush and bulky
items free of charge without setout violations.
iii. Solid Waste Compliance officers have been instructed to provide a grace period for
the area in regards to assessment fees.
G. Mid October, Clean City will work with PRIDE committee and other organizations including PD, A&M CC
Student Council to perform a clean up of the area around Galvan music.
H. Items for September agenda.
i. 3'1 Quarter Glass Recycling Glass recycling September 14 at Padre Isles Owners Assn.
ii. E-Waste Nov. 15/Corpus Christi Recycles Week
iii. December 14,T"Quarter Glass Recycling Calallen Wal-Mart 9:OOam-3pm.
iv. Xmas card Recycling/Tree Recycling.
IV. Adjourn
Note: Chair Scott Barker needed to leave at 534 and Teresa Klein tools over.