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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 05/01/2014 OFFICIAL MINUTES
Thursday, May 1, 2014 @ 3:00 p.m.
Solid Waste Operations Office,
2525 Hygeia, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
I. Call to Order Time: 3:08pm
II. Roll Call of Members
Present Absent
Scot Barker x
Kimberly Brumley x
Brian Cornelius x
Lori Galan-Garcia x
Teresa Klein x
Joan Veith x
Carolyn Moon x
Beth Becerra x
Micah DeBenedetto x
Chelsea Craig x
Other City Staff: Russell Stowers, Sharon Lewis, Michelle Villarreal
Approve Minutes &Absences of April 3, 2014 meeting-Teresa Klein motioned, Carolyn Moon seconded
the committee voted to approve minutes and absences.
III. Public Comment: Please be advised that the Open Meetings Act prohibits the committee from
responding and discussing your comments at length. The law authorizes members to make a
statement of factual information, recite an existing policy in response to the inquiry, or advise the
citizen that this subject will be placed on an agenda at a later date.: None.
L Business for Discussion and Possible Action:
A.Pellet gun litter discussion and possible action.—Tabled.
B. Committee member attendance discussion and possible action.
A>At Large committee member Paige Dinn submitted her letter of resignation. Committee members
will encourage individuals submit applications to the City Secretary's Office.
B>The committee discussed the absences of members and what constituted an excused absence. The
committee determined that an excused absence is one where a committee member notifies staff prior to a
committee meeting.The Committee asked staff to determine whether committee members who have not
been able to attend regularly scheduled meetings their intentions.
C>Teresa Klein indicated that she may need to resign from the committee depending on whether she is
selected for position or not. She will notify staff and the committee Monday May 5"whether she was
selected for the position or not.
Teresa offered to continue assist the Clean City Committee in events such as Glass Recycling at Del Mar
D> The committee directed staff to move"approval of meeting minutes and absences"to two separate
items on future agendas so that they could not approve member's absences and still approve the minutes.
E>Staff will contact the City Secretary Office to inform them of the resignation of Paige Dinn.
C.Recycle trailer discussion and possible action-Committee may assist in design.
A>Committee directed staff to bring samples of trailer designs. The trailer would be used for
educational events to promote recycling and proper disposal of trash.It would be used at events such as
Earth Day Bay Day_
B> Sharon Lewis suggested asking schools to assist in the trailer design.
C>Teresa Klein mentioned Texas Parks and Wildlife had a promotional trailer at Earth Day Bay Day_
D> Carolyn Moon suggested having a cutaway of a landfill and Storm water system and expressed
concern that there may be a space issue with a trailer.
E> Scot Barker mentioned popup trailers lose 4-6 inches of space compared to other types of trailers.
D> Micah DeBenedetto stated that he saw a promotional trailer in the valley which had rollout exhibits.
F. Chelsea Craig stated she would contact Keep Texas Beautiful for ideas.
D.Litter ordinance marketing update.
A> Michelle Villarreal(Public Information Officer for Public Works)updated the Committee on the
marketing campaign. She explained various marketing strategies trategies to address litter such as Mobile App
game that is being g eveloped whereby participants would go on a scavenger hunt for litter. After they
complete the game they would be ig ven points. The City is currently meeting with local retailers to have
incentives such as discounts for participants.
Michelle also explained that the big premier of"The Wrath"(i.e. litter campaign)will happen next week
May 5th at La Palmera Mall.
"The Wrath"is considered a teaser trailer for the actual campaign premier.
B> Sharron Lewis asked where the model for this campaign originated. It originated from Saint Lewis.
C>The Committee asked for clarification of what"The Wrath is Coming."The Wrath is actually Trash.
D>In September the Wrath will be retired and the"Leave it Better than You Found It."
E>The City is also looking to hire a second Recycling Educator who could teach all Corpus Christi Area
F>Carolynn Moon expressed concern that the current litter ordinance does not penalize property owners
whose litter blows onto others properties. She would like to have"the source"of the litter responsible.
"Businesses are responsible for the trash that blows off of their property."
G>Micah DeBenedetto would like to develop a count of litter with the app to where a picture could be
taken of litter to develop a database.
Future Agenda items:
Air soft gun litter discussion.
Review of litter ordinance-Specifically who is responsible for litter?
Litter Campaign Marketing update-"The Wrath Update"
11. Adjourn