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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 10/02/2014 �' pr JJ(f! w� vv
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Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 2, 2014 @ 3:00 p.m.
Solid Waste Operations Office,
2525 Hygeia, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
I. Call to Order: Meeting Called to order at 3:08pm
II. Roll Call of Members:
Present Absent Contact Notes
Scot Barker X
Beth Becerra X
Marie E. Kimbrough X
Vic Medina X
Chelsea Craig X
Micah DeBenedetto X
Lori Galan-Garcia X No response
Carolyn Moon X
Amanda Stephens X Out sick
Shannon Gabriel X
Sharlene Walker X
Other City Staff: Celina Pulcher, Captain David Blackmon, Dawn Stubblefield
Marie Kimbrough, Vic Medina and Sharlene Walker gave brief introductions to the
III. Public Comment: Carolyn Moon gave public comment regarding the distribution of the
new phone books and their littering of the neighborhoods.
IV. Review and approval of absences from August 7,2014:Two absences, Beth Becerra
and Lori Galan-Garcia. New term started in July, 2014. Lori Garcia was voted as
unexcused and Beth Becerra as excused. Chelsea Craig moved to approved the absences
as they read, Beth Becerra seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Review and approval of meeting minutes from August 7,2014: Carolyn Moon moved
to approve the minutes as written, Chelsea Craig seconded. Motion passed
VI. Business for Discussion and Possible Action:
Clean City Meeting Minutes IN 20 I
A. Discussion and possible action of airsoft gun regulations: Captain David Blackmon
was in attendance to discuss code enforcement.They have created the
neighborhood enforcement team that addresses the worse in the city. Carolyn
Moon gave a description of what had been occurring at Oso Park& Rodd Field Road.
She discussed that there is a group that utilizes airsoft guns at the park and is
curious about the regulations. Capt. Blackmon could not find an ordinance regarding
the shooting of the guns but believes that the materials should be biodegradable.
He explained there is a difference between bb guns/firearms and airsoft guns. May
have to look more towards the littering aspect instead of the firing of guns. Chelsea
said there is a biodegradable option of fire arms.The committee agreed that
something needs to be addressed in the ordinance regarding the use of
biodegradable pellets. Capt. Blackmon said he would look further into the ordinance
and get back with the committee.
Capt. Blackmon then discussed the new clean-up initiative that they have done out
in the Calallen area and is looking into new initiatives. In a 30-day period they were
able to knockdown 9 properties and mowing of 15 properties, about$46,000 of
work in the area.They contracted with demolition companies and mowing
companies to help with the area. Most places were unoccupied, but in the cases
that they were occupied and they were abating the overgrown weeds, they would
send the bill. He discussed that they need community partners to help with the
clean-ups and get the programs publicized.
B. Discussion and possible action of working with CCISD schools and students on
future projects: Dawn Stubblefield, Solid Waste Recycling Educator was available to
discuss here initiatives with recycling. She said she finally met her goal of speaking
to 2,000 kids in one month. She was able to work at a school for a week, reaching
500 youth a week, 2,000 a month. Reduce, reuse, recycle, respect the earth is what
Dawn teaches in the schools and stresses things that kids can do on their own
immediately such as the use of brown towels. Presentations are about 45 minutes
which allows youth to ask questions. She also does an art project with the class
rooms to emphasize reuse of materials.
C. Discussion and possible action of recycling in schools: Celina Pulcher discussed
whether the committee wants to do more in the high schools and possibly push
recycling more effectively in the schools. Carolyn Moon discussed recycling of
political signs. Other ideas were discussed regarding America Recycles Day but
nothing was decided due to proximity of time. Marie discussed that some of the
high school campuses have recycling clubs but it is up to the students to do and
usually there is no place to put the recycling in.There is a big disconnect in the
system to get recycling to the right areas. Sharlene discussed that at Moody they
bought big bins that were used for recycling and then dumped in the big dumpsters.
They have a designated dumpsters but many times teachers do not know the
dumpsters are there and usually they have students do it. Dawn explained that she
always have requests for bins.The committee agreed that they would follow-up
with this initiative.
Celina also discussed the Mayor's Block Walk taking place on November 13
Clean City Meeting Minutes IN 20 15
D. Discussion and update of Anti-Litter Campaign and Pride Committee Initiatives:
Celina gave the committee a brief update on the campaign and the change from
Stop the Wrath to Leave It Better Than you Found it and the community pledge. She
also passed out current community calendars and discussed what other committees
are doing.
Carolyn Moon requested to discuss RecycleBank at the next meeting.
VII. Carolyn Moon motioned to adjourn the meeting, Beth Becerra seconded and meeting
was adjourned at 4:16pm.