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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 05/07/2015 .,M h
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Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 7, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m.
Water Utilities Building— Oso Room
2627 Holly, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415
I. Call to Order: Meeting Called to order at 3:07pm
II. Roll Call of Members in Attendance for May Meeting:
Present Absent Contact Notes
Scot Barker X
Beth Becerra X
Marie E. Kimbrough X
Vic Medina X
Chelsea Craig X
Micah DeBenedetto X
Carolyn Moon X
Amanda Stephens X Out due to school
Shannon Gabriel X No response
Sharlene Walker X
Other City Staff: Celina Pulcher
III. Public Comment:
IV. Review and approval of absences from April 5,2015:Three absences Vic Medina,
Shannon Gabriel, Chelsea Craig. Vic Medina and Chelsea Craig responded they would be
out due to work, no response from Shannon Gabriel. Carolyn Moon motioned to excuse
Vic and Chelsea and unexcuse Shannon, Marie Kimbrough seconded and all were in
V. Review and approval of meeting minutes from April 5,2015: Carolyn Moon motioned
to approve minutes as written, Scot Barker seconded. Minutes were approved.
VI. Business for Discussion and Possible Action:
A. Discussion and update regarding the new parade ordinance: Laura Jasso, Parks and
Recreation, Special events coordinator was on hand to speak to the committee. She
stated the City was looking to provide a one-stop shop for people seeking permits
for public events. An application must be completed and from there all necessary
parties are made aware of the event. A trash plan is included in the ordinance but
Clean City Meeting Minutes IN 20 15
trash does become a problem at events. One aspect that no one wants to do is trash
pick-up. Contractors will charge upwards of$10,000.The Parks department is
looking at more trashcans and trying to do more recycling.The recycling aspect is
left up to the event organizers and it falls to the wayside.The department is trying
to make the organizers responsible for it. In the past, chicken wire containers were
built and utilized but the event organizers are responsible for the collection and
emptying of the bins.
The department is now requiring deposits for trash pickup to ensure that things are
picked up after events. It makes them responsible for making sure it looks the same
as when they walked in.
Carolyn asked if the department tells organizers how many trash cans are needed
for events. Laura responded that yes they do help them figure them out. It was
asked how long the process takes which Laura replied that at the least 60 days but
most events, in order to plan, need at least 6 months to a year.
It was discussed that perhaps the Clean City Committee could get people to build
the recycling bins for events. Maybe after September the committee would like to
talk to Laura again and request a list of city amenities for the parade ordinance.
B. Discussion and possible action regarding committee reports and accomplishments:
Scott Barker requested that an email go out to members to see what they would like
the committee to focus on. He is interested in accomplishing one to two efforts a
year. Carolyn mentioned she is interested in a plastic bag ban, metrics for education
program and seeing the results from the education. It was suggested that the
committee could seek funding for anti-litter education.
VII. Agenda Items for June Meeting: It was discussed that the committee would like to plan
a Strategic Planning Meeting for half a day or afternoon, perhaps in June.
VIII. Carolyn Moon motioned to adjourn the meeting, Scot Barker seconded and meeting
was adjourned at 4:05pm.