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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 08/07/2008 r
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Clean City Advisory Committee �`v c. �/0
Minutes of August 7, 2008 meeting ( :
Being a quorum was present, the meeting was opened at 3:10 p.m., in the Sixth @or
Conference Room, City Hall. � qb``
Roll was taken and the following members were present:
Daiquiri Richard
Mikell Smith
Paige Dinn
Brian Cornelius
Joan Veith
Paul (Anthony) Castorena
The following members were absent:
John Elford
Patricia Garcia
The following ex-officio member was present:
Peggy Sumner
The following City staff were present:
Lisa Aguilar
Paul Bass
Cara Myers
Diana Garza
Daiquiri Richard opened the floor for public comment. Marylou Hoffman addressed the
committee in regards to illegal tire dumping. Ms. Hoffman presented several photographs of
illegal dumping that were taken that morning.
Paul Bass addressed the issue of the meeting time and place, confirming that the committee will
meet on the first Thursday of each month, at 3:00 p.m., in the Sixth Floor Conference Room,
City Hall. The month of October will be an exception,when the committee will meet in the first
floor staff conference room in City Council chambers area.
Daiquiri Richard initiated the discussion of a quorum. Lisa Aguilar stated that the committee is
subject to the Texas Open Meeting Act, which requires that a quorum be the majority of the
governing body. It was agreed that with nine members, five must be present to comprise a
It was discussed and agreed, in accordance with the Texas Open Records Act, that the City
Secretary is designated as the Public Information Coordinator for the Clean City Advisory
Daiquiri Richard led a discussion of the Litter Control Plan, Litter Committee Report, and litter
strategies submitted to the City Manager in October of 2006. Daiquiri provided background
information regarding the committee that drafted the litter control plan and strategies. The seven
page report that identifies litter control strategies for the categories of residential, commercial,
public events, and institutions, was reviewed and discussed in detail.
Daiquiri Richard led discussion on joining Keep America Beautiful (KAB) or Keep Texas
Beautiful. It was agreed that members would individually conduct research on these or similar
organizations. It was noted that these organizations provide standard guidelines that are effective
in reducing litter and increasing recycling. Daiquiri recommended reviewing the Keep America
Beautiful web site, to see a model for local affiliate,requirements for membership, goals, tools
for measuring litter and the litter index.
There was a lengthy discussion among the committee regarding non-compliance with solid waste
ordinances, enforcement issues, illegal dumping, and demographic factors that may influence
compliance with solid waste ordinances.
Daiquiri Richard mentioned the possibility of establishing sub-committees and for next meeting
would like a presentation from Neighborhood Services to learn more about citations,
enforcement, fines, and related issues. Joan Vieth requested Robert Quiroz, from the
Neighborhood Services Department, attend the next meeting to address questions on code
enforcement. Anthony Castorena stated that he would like to see the number of fines for solid
waste code violations. Daiquiri added that she'd like Rick Carpenter from Dolphin Recycling
make a presentation at the next meeting, and for Mikell Smith and Anthony Castorena to report
their findings regarding options for professional organization affiliations such as KAB. Peggy
Sumner recommended that before the sub-committees are established, the committee's priorities
need to be set. Diana Garza suggested that the committee discuss and understand what programs
and actions are already being implemented within our community before establishing the sub-
Teresa Finch, Environmental Planner for the Coastal Bend Council of Governments, presented a
slide show and discussed her role and function, and recycling education programs offered by the
Coastal Bend Council of Governments and the City of Corpus Christi. "Curby,"the robot used
for recycling education programs, was demonstrated to the committee.
Daiquiri Richard discussed the upcoming Clean Air Fair. Page Dinn requested numbers of Solid
Waste complaints coming through the Call Center. Discussion ensued regarding various types of
complaints, and what formats the information may be available in to help facilitate analysis.
Paul Bass offered to look into what data is available. Daiquiri stated that the focus for the next
meeting should remain information gathering and educating the committee.
Daiquiri Richard reiterated that the appointment of a ninth committee member representing the
Chamber of Commerce will be made on August 12, 2008.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.