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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Clean City Advisory Committee - 10/02/2008 i a / Clean City Advisory Committee c WE Minutes of October 2, 2008 Meeting Meeting opened at 3:05 p.m. in the 1st floor Staff Conference Room, City 411. JAN 1 2 2Q The following members were present: Daiquiri Richard, Mikell Smith, Pa 0A.. insist a��'tS E Brian Cornelius, Brenda Cuvelier, Paige Dinn, John Elford, and Joan Veith. The following member was absent: Patricia Garcia The following ex-officio members were present: Yvonne Haag, Peggy Sumner, and Lawrence Mikolaj czyk The following City staff was present: Oscar Martinez, Elizabeth Hundley, Paul Bass, and Cara Myers The following councilperson was present: Nelda Martinez Public Comment: Chris Swanson voiced his concern that the Solid Waste Service Guides are not printed on recycled paper. Paul Bass stated that he thought that the service and recycle guides contained a percentage of recycled paper, but he would follow up to report at the next committee meeting. Regular Business: Minutes of the September meeting were approved. Daiquiri Richard asked Paul Bass to explain the absence policy for the meetings. Paul stated that members must attend more than 25% of the meetings, or their position is automatically up for re- appointment. Discussion was initiated on procedure for absences, it was suggested that members must call in before the meeting begins. Mikell Smith suggested that the calls be the minimum requirement that they do. Daiquiri expressed that written or verbal notification prior to the meetings would be sufficient unless there is an emergency. Diaquiri stated that she would call Patricia Garcia and see why she was absent. Daiquiri Richard requested an update on the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) application. Paul Bass stated that the KAB application and a letter of endorsement from the mayor have been completed. Paul reported that he telephoned KAB and left a message but had not received a return phone call. Daiquiri stated that if the KAB application is submitted to Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB), prior to October 10th, then KTB may be able to provide the initial three hours of KAB training on November 6th, the next regular committee meeting. The committee discussed KAB training scheduling options. Joan Veith made a motion to go forward with the application and to use the November 6th meeting date for the KTB training. More discussion of KAB training and scheduling options ensued. It was agreed that the training should be set up for 2:00 p.m. at the next regular meeting. Daiquiri stated she would request that time for training. With no further discussion, Joan's motion was seconded by John Elford a d N unanimous vote. Daiquiri Richard recommended that the committee move ahead on the agenda to the review of the Solid Waste Services department proposed recycling program, as that information would be pertinent to another agenda item regarding a presentation or other communication with City Council. Paul Bass stated, that at the first Clean City Advisory Committee meeting, he and Lawrence Mikolajczyk outlined the recycling program options that were presented to the City Council during the budget process. He stated that since that time, the plan has been modified to some degree, and Solid Waste would prefer to implement a single stream automated curbside recycle program over a two year, verses three year period. Implementation for half of the city would be in 2009-2010, and the other half in 2010-2011. Each residence would receive a blue 95 gallon cart for their recycling in addition to their current cart for garbage collection. Lawrence stated that Solid Waste has modeled the proposed program after cities such as Austin, San Antonio, Plano, and El Paso. Lawrence demonstrated a 95 gallon recycling cart similar to the type used by the City of Austin, which has recycling instructions and messages permanently embedded into the lid of the cart. Lawrence stated that the key to implementing the proposed program is to have the single stream processor on board with the capacity to accommodate the volumes of recycling generated by the new program. Once the program is implemented, a company such as Recycle Bank may provide the City a new tool in maintaining recycling enthusiasm among residents going through reward incentives. With the incentive programs, it is hoped to have the City achieve at least 75%-80%recycling participation rate. Councilwoman Nelda Martinez voiced her support for the cart lids with embedded recycling messages. Lawrence stated that a survey questionnaire will be sent to solid waste residential customers in the areas serviced by 5 garbage routes (5,160 homes) within the city. The survey will address proposed program changes for the collection of garbage, recycling and brush. Lawrence mentioned that he is also considering changing the tri-fold service guides to a day planner/calendar style using colors and symbols to help illustrate service information, tips, and environmental programs provided by other City departments. Paul stated that research suggests that, with the proposed recycling program,' recycling collection once every two weeks is sufficient for the recyclables generated. Lawrence stated that there will be several operational challenges to overcome, but that the department is working right now to address those issues. The presentation was followed by a lengthy discussion with the committee members and guests regarding the specific attributes of the proposed recycling program. Judy Kenney, South Central Manager of Recycle Bank, gave presentation of what Recycle Bank can offer the City. Recycle Bank is a recycling rewards and royalties program that works with municipalities and recycling companies to increase recycling. The program uses radio chips that are installed on every recycling cart to identify individual household accounts and enable the measurement of recycled materials is collected. Households activate their individual accounts by logging in through the internet or by telephone. If a home recycles conscientiously, each home can earn up to $450 per year of savings or gift cards. The program's value is measured by the amount of waste diverted from the landfill and recycled. The service would include a customized webpage for Corpus Christi, where residents could log-in and track things like their carbon footprint and where they can shop with their rewards points. Messages on the webpage can be tailored to neighborhoods or areas, and may be changed as often as each week to cater to the City's needs. Rewards points have national partners, but Recycle Bank targets local and regional businesses also. There is no charge to participating businesses except to honor their agreed rewards. The City could also be a partner and offer utility discounts for rewards points. Residents receive their rewards through printed mailers, online, or as a mailed gift card. Recycle Bank takes at least 90 days to complete chipping each cart and completing their aggressive marketing campaigns targeted at recruiting businesses and educating the residents. A brief discussion of Recycle Bank's processes and procedures followed. Daiquiri Richard addressed the agenda item to discuss a presentation or other communication with the City Council. After some discussion among the committee and City staff, Daiquiri suggested that the committee should plan to address the City Council at a time to coincide with Solid Waste's proposed recycling program presentation. It was agreed that the committee would voice support for Solid Waste department's proposed recycling program and the committee would also report on progress in establishing KAB affiliation. Daiquiri Richard addressed the agenda item regarding the establishment of subcommittees, and opportunities presented by upcoming events such as the Christmas card recycling event, the Texas Recycles Day, Christmas tree mulching program, and various other education programs going on right now. Daiquiri suggested the establishment an education / public outreach sub- committee. Anthony Castorena mentioned that he started a recycle club for paper at his school and was working with Brian Cornelius, but believes that it may take at least a year before the entire CCISD school district can get on board with it. Daiquiri suggested that the schools band together based on grassroots efforts like Anthony's, the committee needs to create an "umbrella" for these efforts for guidance and to reach higher to the administrative levels through the school districts and the City. Daiquiri advised that it's important to include higher level administrative personnel at the school districts. Nelda Martinez suggested that Jo Ann Hooks be asked to serve as a liaison for the sub-committee. It was decided that Anthony, Mikell Smith, Paige Dinn, and Brenda Cuvelier would form the education and outreach sub-committee. Joan Veith volunteered to take the lead with the Christmas card recycling event. She stated that she would like to get the Barrios and Police Officers' Associations involved. Daiquiri added that Allied Waste supplies the boxes to collect the Christmas cards and that they host a creative day for children at Barnes & Nobles, then the cards are distributed through the local latchkey programs at all five school districts. Daiquiri stated that several of the education and public outreach programs are driven through the Solid Waste department, Beautify Corpus Christi, and the Coastal Bend Council of Governments, and that it would be good to consult these groups. • Mikell Smith distributed copies of his thoughts to the committee members. Peggy Sumner offered an informational packet in regards to a local e-waste recycling company, Alltech Recycling, Inc. The motion to adjourn was made by Paige Dinn and seconded by Brenda Cuvelier. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.