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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/06/2010Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for January 6, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:51 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Herman Lee Jones Irene Martinez Harvey Salinas Committee Members Absent: Will Hinojosa (Excused) Dr. Candelario Huerta (Excused) Staff Members Present: Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Staff Members Absent: Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Steven Dreyer (Development services) FEB 15 2010 CITY SECRETARY'S OFRCF Thomas Dreyer Carlos Vargas Rosa M. Valdez Deborah Brown (Legal) REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Carlos Vargas requested an excused absence for the December 2, 2009 meeting. MOTION Motion to excuse Carlos Vargas for the December 2, 2009 meeting made by Lee Jones and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. MOTION Motion to excuse Will Hinojosa for the January 6, 2010 meeting made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Lee Jones. Motion passed. Dr. Candelario Huerta requested an excused absence for the January 6, 2010 meeting. MOTION Motion to excuse Dr. Candelario Huerta for the January 6, 2010 meeting made by Lee Jones and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. [Jamie Pyle arrived at 3:55 p.m.] [Leon Bazar stated the terms of four Committee members will expire in the month of February. Thomas Dreyer, Irene Martinez and Abel Alonzo stated they will submit re- appointment requests.] [Item 2. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 12/02/09 was skipped.] 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) — NONE 4. PRESENTATIONS B. Cottage Housing Ordinance — Lisa Wargo, Senior Planner, Development Services Department Lisa Wargo, Development Services Department Senior Planner, presented a PowerPoint presentation which was also presented at the December 15, 2009 City Council Meeting. Items presented/discussed are as follows: The Purpose and Intent, Development Characteristics, Site Arrangements, Lot SCANNED Page 1of3 Dimensions, Floor Area and Setback Requirements, Design Requirements, Required Common Open Space, Required Private Open Space, Sidewalks/Pathways Required, Clustered and Private Garages, Parking Requirements, Building Incentives and Strongly Encouraged Pervious Drives and Paths. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the back of the minutes.) C. City Hall ADA Upgrades — Billy Delgado, JOC Coordinator, Engineering Services Department Billy Delgado, Development Services Department JOC Coordinator, presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the current City Hall ADA Upgrades. Items presented/discussed are as follows: Project Background, Site, Scope, Schedule, Construction Phase Pictures, Project Contractor and Cost. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the back of the minutes.) 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 12/02/09 MOTION Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 12/02/09 made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Thomas Dreyer. Motion passed. 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Projects Supports Abel Alonzo thanked everyone who has been involved with the ADA Master Plan which was funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and ADA Bond 2008. 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Leon Bazar briefly reported on the following December 2009 department activities: • 8 EEOC Closures — 20% of Contract • 26 Housing Closures to date — 62.5% of Target Goal • Working on ADA B -Line issue regarding Loading Zone at City Hall • Leon continues to work with Budget Committee — 6+ million dollar shortfall B. Development Services Department — No Report C. Engineering Services Department 2. Bond 2004 Summary Jamie Pyle first reported on Item 2. Ms. Pyle wanted to follow-up on a question Dr. Huerta brought up at one of the previous CFPWD meetings. Why is the City still doing Bond 2004 projects and it its 2010? Ms. Pyle handed out a timeline of how projects work. (A copy of the timeline is attached to the back of the minutes.) MS. Pyle explained the process and stated there still is one 2004 project still under design. The project is and ADA project and is located in the downtown district. The project is expected to be under construction no later than August 2010. 1. Bond 2008 Budget Update Ms. Pyle also provided a handout with information on the Annual Report of ADA Bond 2008 Funds. (A copy of the handout is attached to the back of the minutes.) Ms. Pyle utilizes the Page 2 of 3 information in the handout to keep track of all ADA improvements. The total funds committed for ADA Bond 2008 Projects are $666,733.46. [Harvey Salinas arrived at 5:00 p.m.] D. Parks and Recreation Department 1. General Department Update Stacie Talbert was absent. No report. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report C. Accessible Facilities Initiative Award Committee Leon Bazar stated the Committee had talked about recognizing businesses who have implemented accessible facilities. The ADA Anniversary will be this July. This will be a good time for the Committee to target a couple of businesses to help recognize the ADA Anniversary Celebration. A nomination form was sent to all Committee members in the January CFPWD packets. (A copy of the nomination form is attached to the back of the minutes.) Deadline to submit the forms to Mr. Bazar will be the May CFPWD meeting. 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • None 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:13 p.m. Page 3 of 3