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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 03/03/2010Committee For Persons With Disabiliti
Summary of Minutes for March 3, 2010
1. CALL TO ORDER APR 2 0 2410
Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. CIT A RETgR'S OFR�E
Committee Members Present:
Abel Alonzo Thomas Dreyer Irene Martinez
Bertha Romero Harvey Salinas Carlos Vargas
Committee Members Absent:
Herman Lee Jones (Excused) Dr. Candelario Huerta
Staff Members Present:
Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Becky Perrin (Parks & Recreation)
Steven Draper (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Deborah Brown (Legal)
Staff Members Absent:
MOTION Motion to excuse Herman Lee Jones for the March 3, 2010 meeting made by Carlos
Vargas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed.
Mr. Alonzo introduced and welcomed new Committee member Bertha Romero.
MOTION Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 02/03/10 made by Carlos Vargas and
seconded by Thomas Dreyer. Motion passed.
Judy Telge with the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living asked to be added to the
Committee monthly mailing list. Ms. Telge also spoke regarding the Easter Seals Project
Action. The Committee members include Ms. Telge, Abel Alonzo and Linda Fallwell
Stover. The Committee applied for the project and out of three hundred applicants, the
Committee was chosen to receive training. Between now and September there will be a
two-day session to accommodate 15-25 people. The Easter Seals Project Action will
come in and help the Committee and guests in terms of accessible transportation and
communities. They will learn how to make sure our area/region is accessible.
[Harvey Salinas arrived at 3:35 p.m.]
[Harvey Salinas left at 3:40 p.m.]
A. Coastal Bend TRAN Sub -Chapter — Will Hinojosa, President
[Deborah Brown arrived at 3:49 p.m.]
Vice -President of the Coastal Bend TRAN Sub -Chapter, Angie Frost and Secretary, Sara
Saldive spoke regarding the 2nd Annual Walk `n Roll Celebration. Ms. Frost stated this
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year's event will most likely be held during the month of July (instead of October). The
Sub -Chapter would like to partner with the City of Corpus Christi to celebrate Americans
with Disabilities Act.
A. Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living (CBCIL) Training Session
Mr. Alonzo reported Mr. Bazar and Wanese Butler were invited to make a
presentation regarding the employment process, resumes, interviewing tips for
anyone looking for employment and basic elements of accessibility. There are a
series of six sessions and anyone interested in wishing in taking part in the training
sessions may contact Judy Telge at the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living.
B. Draft Letter for Approval Re: Appointment of Transportation Disadvantaged to
Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Board
Leon circulated a draft letter to the Committee to prepare an appointment
recommendation to the RTA. The letter will go through: the Committee, the
Commission, the Assistant City Manager Margie Rose, and the City Manager Angel
MOTION Escobar and finally to the City Council. Motion to approve the letter as written made
by Thomas Dreyer and seconded by Bertha Romero.
C. Vacancy Appointment Recommendation (Will Hinojosa Vacancy)
MOTION Motion to recommend Darren Bates to City Council for the CFPWD vacancy made
by Irene Martinez and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed.
A. Human Relations Department
1. Department Monthly Performance Report
Leon Bazar briefly reported on the following February 2010 department activities:
• Department is at 45.2% of EEOC contract with seven months left on the contract
• EEOC Intakes 97%
• EEOC closure dates 38% within 180 days
• HUD closures 80% of contract with four months left on the contract
• Staff is working very hard to close EEOC and HUD aged cases
Leon will e-mail the department's monthly report to the Committee members.
B. Development Services Department
1. Major Projects Update
Stephen Draper provided the Committee members with a handout that lists the
Active Projects (as of January 22, 2010). (A copy of the handout is attached to the back of the minutes.)
C. Engineering Services Department
2. City of Corpus Christi/Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) February Meeting Summary
Jamie Pyle provided a detailed update on the Joint City/RTA/TxDOT Engineering
Committee Meeting. Ms. Pyle's report also included maps which were presented to
City Council on February 2010. Maps included: Southmoreland Addition Street
Improvements Part 3, ADA Improvements in CDBG Areas, RTA Bus Stop Landing
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Pads and Accessible Routes in CDBG Areas and Accessible Routes in CDBG
Residential Areas Phase 1. (A copy of the report is attached to the back of the minutes.)
[Irene Martinez left at 4:11 p.m.]
D. Parks and Recreation Department
1. Tentative Plans for Summer Recreation Program
Becky Perrin reported with the department is facing budget challenges. The
department will continue to have open recreation. The department received a grant
for archery and all of the equipment has already been delivered. Staff was trained
and the department will offer an archery program this summer. North side
basketball will be available at Coles. League programs and summer camps will
also be offered this summer. The department also received at grant for a nutrition
and exercise program. The summer food program will also continue in 20+ sites.
Free lunches will be provided for children under the age of eighteen. Latchkey will
continue at five CCISD sites and working on getting West Oso, Flour Bluff and
Calallen as additional sites. Summer brochure will become available soon.
A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report
B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report
• TRAN Partnership
• Flour Bluff Glenoak Riding Stables
MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Thomas Dreyer. Motion
passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:35 p.m.
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