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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/07/2010Committee For Persons With Disabiliti
Summary of Minutes for July 7, 2010
CALL TO ORDER 0 6 2010
Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Abel Alonzo Herman Lee Jones Darren Bates
Dr. Candelario Huerta Irene Martinez Bertha Romero
Carlos Vargas
Committee Members Absent:
Thomas Dreyer (Excused) Harvey Salinas (Excused)
Staff Members Present:
Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation)
Steven Draper (Development services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Johnny Maldonado (Legal)
Staff Members Absent:
Motion to excuse Harvey Salinas and Bertha Romero for the June 2, 2010 meeting
made by Lee Jones and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed.
Motion to excuse Thomas Dreyer for the July 7, 2010 meeting made by Carlos
Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed.
Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 06/02/10 made by Lee Jones and
seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed.
• Eloy Soza spoke regarding The Coastal Bend Area Council of the Blind Texas
celebration. The C.B.A.C.B.T. is celebrating their 25th year in the Coastal Bend on July
23, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Emerald Beach. (Additional information is
attached to the back of the minutes.)
[Mr. Bazar read the "Application of absence rule (City Code Sec. 2-61) to Commission
members who attended part of meeting" to remind Committee members of the
importance of attending the CFPWD meetings. (A copy of the letter is attached to the back of the minutes.)]
[Motion to excuse Harvey Salinas for the July 7, 2010 meeting made by Lee Jones and
seconded by Dr. Huerta. Motion passed.]
SCANNED Page 1 of
A. Fair Housing Update — June Martinez, Human Relations Investigator
June Martinez presented the following Corpus Christi Human Relations Commission
HUD Case Update:
- Filed January 2010 on the Basis of Handicap
- Discriminatory terms, conditions, privileges, or services and facilities; non-
compliance with design and construction requirements (handicap); and failure to
permit reasonable accommodation
Allegations Included
- Problems repeatedly reported in his attempts to navigate on the property while using
his wheelchair and being exposed to unsafe and inaccessible routes of travel
- No sidewalks or accessible route to common areas — utilized same area as vehicles
and exposed to standing water, potholes, etc.
Conciliation — June 23, 2010
- $250,000 - $300,000 resolution value for immediate and long-term compliance
- Transfer to apartment closer to entrance with all accessible assistive devices
- Implement Reasonable Accommodation form and institute Back Door Trash Service
- Short-term accessible route (sidewalks, ADA parking, curb ramps, etc.) for
Complainant and long-term plan for property -wide sidewalks, ramps, and ADA
- City installed new sidewalk and ramps in front of property and will waive all permit
fees for work related to this agreement
A. ADA Proclamation — July 13, 2010
Mr. Bazar asked the Committee to attend the reading of the ADA Proclamation
recognizing July as ADA Month in the City Hall Council Chambers on July 13, 2010 at
11:45 a.m.
B. Walk `n Roll — July 17, 2010
Mr. Bazar asked the Committee to attend the Coastal Bend Walk `n Roll Celebration
on Saturday, July 17, 2010. Registration will be held from 7:00 a.m. — 7:45 a.m. and
the walk will begin at 8:00 a.m. Location: Bayfront Water Park at Resaca St. and
Shoreline Blvd. Contact: Aurora Garcia at 361-289-8726 for more information.
C. RTA Appointment Status
A Resolution was presented to City Council asking them to consider making the state
law of appointing a representative to the transportation board to be a person of the
class more than just representing the class. Motion to ask City Attorney Carlos Valdez
MOTION to come and explain and review whether or not the City Council supports or not
supports the Resolution made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Bertha Romero.
Motion passed.
[Jamie Pyle arrived at 3:55 p.m.]
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A. Human Relations Department
1. Department Monthly Performance Report
Leon Bazar provided the Committee members with a brief overview of the June 2010
Monthly Performance Report. Highlights included:
• Met EEOC upward modification target goal
• Closed 45 HUD cases for the contract year
2. Budget Update
Leon Bazar stated one of the items discussed was that there was still some talk
regarding consolidating departments to see if there would be any savings. One of the
proposals for the Human Relations Department was to consolidate Human Relations
Department with the Human Resources Department with a savings of $100,000. The
savings would come from eliminating the Director of the Human Relations
Department. The proposal was presented to the City Council and they asked for
more detailed information by the next Council meeting. The Committee called a
Special Meeting to further discuss the proposal. The Special Meeting was scheduled
for Monday, July 12, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. in the Human Relations Conference Room.
B. Development Services Department
1. New Projects Update
Stephen Draper handed out a copy of the Development Services PM Project
Report. The report listed 262 projects in various stages of planning to be developed
in the city from apartments to retail stores, etc. Mr. Draper reviewed projects,
locations and stages of projects and answered questions presented to him by the
Committee members.
C. Engineering Services Department
1. Staples Street Project Update
Jamie Pyle reported the following regarding the ADA Sidewalk Accessibility
Improvements along Staples Street from Leopard Street to Six Points: The project is
substantially complete. The projected official completion date is mid August, 2010.
The pre -final walk thru will be performed next week. This walk thru will allow the
contractor to see what he needs to complete and adjust before the official final walk
thru. During the Final Walk Thru a punch list of unacceptable items will be
generated and the contractor will have a couple of weeks to address or complete
those terms.
2. ADA Master Plan Update
Jamie Pyle reported the following: This project is 70% complete. Ramps and
sidewalks have been evaluated for condition and compliance with the law. Maps
and GIS shape files have been generated. Tasks remaining include prioritizing
routes, generating construction costs and finalizing the report. The pre -final
submittal from the consultant is expected on July 27th at which time the master plan
will be subject to staff review and then public comments. The final product is
expected to be submitted in late August, pending review.
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[Irene Martinez left at 4:24 p.m.]
D. Parks and Recreation Department
1. National Parks Service Update
Stacie Talbert reported approximately eighteen months ago Mr. Ira Black filed a
complaint through the National Parks Service to express concerns regarding
accessibility throughout the parks system. The complaint included 115 parks and
after reviewing the complaint, 49 parks needed to be addressed. Funds from the
yearly budget, current and future bond initiatives and CDBG will be used to
address the complaint. Ms. Talbert passed out photos of parks that were submitted
to the National Parks Service indicating improvements already addressed by the
City of Corpus Christi. Some of the improvements include: adding trash
receptacles within reach for individuals that may utilize a wheelchair, sidewalks,
amenities throughout the parks including benches and playgrounds, designating
disabled parking spots, removed barriers, added railings, etc.
A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report
B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report
MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Bertha Romero. Motion
passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:44 p.m.
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