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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 09/01/2010Committee For Persons With Disabiliti
Summary of Minutes for September 1, 2010
Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Abel Alonzo Thomas Dreyer
Alana Manrow Irene Martinez
Carlos Vargas
Committee Members Absent:
Darren Bates Bertha Romero
NOV 0 5 2010
Dr. Candelario Huerta
Harvey Salinas
Staff Members Present:
Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Wanese Butler (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation)
Stephen Draper (Development services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Deborah Brown (Legal)
Staff Members Absent:
MOTION Motion to excuse Carlos Vargas for the July 7, 2010 meeting made by Alana Manrow
and seconded by Dr. Candelario Huerta. Motion passed.
MOTION Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 08/04/10 made by Harvey Salinas
and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed.
Dorian Ramirez newest member of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC).
The committee meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall
6th floor Conference Room. Ms. Ramirez and her husband have an organization called "Be
Kind to Cyclists." The organization is a safety bicycle advocacy trying to improve safety for
area cyclists and hikers along roads and trails. PRAC has been working closely with the
City's Traffic Department to try to improve the safety of cyclists in the community. Ms.
Ramirez thanked and invited everyone to attend the monthly PRAC meetings.
[Thomas Dreyer arrived at 3:10 p.m.]
[Mr. Alonzo skipped to Item #6.C.1.]
[Irene Martinez arrived at 3:14 p.m.]
C. Engineering Services Department
1. ADA Ramps — Group 1 Summary
Jamie Pyle introduced the consultant working on the design for ADA improvements
throughout the city. Don Peebles of Goldston§tAN�g
a PowerPoint
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presentation on Bond 2000 ADA Group 1 Summary. Mr. Peebles' presentation included
slides of City intersections in Group 1 (Transition Plans and Lawsuit Locations). There
were some questions and answers regarding crossings at intersections, costs, etc.
[Mr. Alonzo returned to Item #5.A.]
A. Easter Seals Accessible and Regional Transportation
Wanese Butler reported on the Accessibility Transportation Coalition Initiative Summit.
The two-day summit consisted of a diverse group of participants from the Corpus Christi
and the Coastal Bend. The focus of the summit was to look at transportation across the
Coastal Bend (accessible and affordable transportation in rural areas, etc.).
A. Human Relations Department
1. Department Monthly Performance Report
Leon Bazar provided the Committee members with a brief overview of the August
2010 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights included:
• HUD Fair Housing Audit: No deficiencies found, written report to follow
• HUD Fair Housing: Within the last reporting period, closed 45 cases with a
benefit of $900,000
• EEOC: Closed 11 cases, department awarded upward modification
due to good job performance
• ADA: Mr. Bazar and Mrs. Butler continue to work on grievance and technical
assistance issues
• Budget: No specific reduction to any one department; City still facing challenges
2. MPO Accessible Transportation Training
Wanese Butler reiterated that this MPO Accessible Transportation Training session
was the same one also attended by other City staff of Jamie Pyle of Engineering
Services and Charlie Cardenas, City Traffic Engineer. The training was hosted by
the local Metropolitan Planning Organization as a pedestrian safety workshop.
Attended by City, RTA, TXDOT, other MPO's from other cities, and advocates, each
person was given an opportunity to address what they felt were pedestrian priorities
and/or current issues. The federal facilitators were impressed with the efforts and
amount of familiarity with ADA compliance that the City had. The facilitators also took
the class through an in -the -field exercise of assessing pedestrian elements at a busy
intersection and RTA transfer station. Ms. Butler also mentioned another
transportation type of training/outreach she attended along with Jamie Pyle, Abel
Alonzo, staff from Development Services and about 20 other participants at the
Easter Seals PROJECT ACTION. This 2 -day event facilitated the start of a new local
coalition of agencies, providers, and other stakeholders from the Coastal Bend to
address and prioritize mobility issues. Monthly meetings are to come for the
coalition, Accessibility Transportation Coalition.
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B. Development Services Department
1. Highlight of Multi -Family Developments in the City in 2010
Stephen Draper handed out copies of the Development Services PM Project Report
and provided an overview of some of the projects. Mr. Draper also provided a list of
Active Multi -Family Housing Projects for 2010:
• Airline and Holly Apartment Project (Holly Road just west of Airline)
• Buena Vida — Senior Apartment Project (100 units) (Old Brownsville Rd. across from
Gabe Lozano Golf Course)
• Corban Town Homes — C.C. Housing Authority (Ayers St.)
• CHC Properties — Low cost housing — Staples & Williams
• Miracle Apartments — Affordable Units —14th St. and Ayers
• Section 8 Apartments — Small units for disabled people — Staples and Booty
[Mr. Alonzo skipped to Item #6.D.1.]
D. Parks and Recreation Department
1. Summer Latchkey Programs Participation Summary
Stacie Talbert reported overall the department saw a decline in participation with the
Latchkey Program. Currently there are 6 sites with 890 participants which are about
100 less participants than previous years. Many participants graduated out of the
program (moved up to 6-7 grade and are now babysitting younger siblings). Another
reason for the decline is the economy. Summer lunch program was reduced from
serving 88,000 to 79,000 meals. Latchkey program received 6 requests for
accommodations all of which were accommodated (allergies).
[Mr. Alonzo returned to Item #6.C.2.]
C. Engineering Services Department
2. ADA Improvements on Staples from 6 Points to Louisiana and Water Street
from Cooper's Alley to IH 37
Ms. Pyle stated there was a bid opening on the ADA project that goes from Staples
from 6 Points to Louisiana and Water Street from Cooper's Alley to IH 37. The total
bid was under budget and came in at approximately 2 million dollars (2.2 million was
estimated). The project includes curb ramps and sidewalks throughout the length of
the project.
3. Diagonal Ramps
Jamie Pyle provided the Committee members with handouts indicating the various
types of Pedestrian Facilities - Curb Ramps, General Notes and Detectable Warnings,
Sidewalks, Intersection Layouts and a Memorandum regarding Diagonal Curb
Ramps. (A copy of the handout is attached to the back of the minutes:)
A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report
B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report
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• Federal Multi-Family Housing Checklist
• ADA Parking Fines Update
Mr. Alonzo stated the Committee has two vacancies - Vice-Chairperson and
Engineering Sub-Committee member.
MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Harvey Salinas. Motion
passed. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:45 p.m.
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