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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 10/06/2010Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for October 6, 2010RECEIVI 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. NOV 0 8 2010 A. ROLL CALL CITYSECRETgRY'S OFFICE Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Thomas Dreyer Darren Bates Irene Martinez Bertha Romero Harvey Salinas Carlos Vargas Committee Members Absent: Dr. Candelario Huerta (Excused) Alana Manrow (Excused) Staff Members Present: Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) By Phone if Necessary (Legal) Staff Members Absent: None B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTIMotion to excuse Darren Bates for the September 1, 2010 meeting made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. MOTION Motion to excuse Bertha Romero for the September 1, 2010 meeting made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. MOTION Motion to excuse Dr. Candelario Huerta and Alana Manrow for the October 6, 2010 meeting made by Irene Martinez and seconded by Harvey Salinas. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 09/01/10 MOTION Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 09/01/10 made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Bertha Romero. Motion passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) None 4. PRESENTATIONS A. ADA Parking Citations Update Report — Municipal Court Judge, Margie Flores Leon Bazar reported the Municipal Court asked to be rescheduled for 11/03/10 meeting, 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Nomination(s) and Election of Vice -Chairperson MOTION Motion to nominate Carlos Vargas as Vice -Chairperson of the Committee made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. MOTION Motion to accept the nomination of Carlos Vargas as Vice -Chairperson of the Committee made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. SCANNED Page 1of3 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Leon Bazar provided the Commissioners with a brief overview of the September 2010 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights included: • September 30th was the end of the EEOC contract year • Target/Contract Obligation was to close 104 charges (10/01/09 — 09/3010) - the department closed 109 cases • Met intake goal of 121 intakes for the year • Closed 5 HUD cases (Total of 12 cases closed in 3 months) • Mr. Bazar is scheduled to present the department's annual presentation to the City Council on October 12, 2010 • Mr. Bazar continues to work on Las Colonias Subdivision project 2. ADA Employment Awareness Month Events Mr. Bazar reported November is ADA Employment Awareness Month. The 2010 Annual Employer Symposium will be held on Friday, November 12, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Del Mar College Center for Economic Development, 3209 South Staples Street (Corner of the South Staples and Kostoryz). Sponsors: State of Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and the Coastal Bend Chapter of the Texas RehabAction Network. Keynote Speaker: Lynnae M. Ruttledge, Commissioner Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC. B. Development Services Department 1. Department Reorganization and Service Changes Stephen Draper reported the department reorganized some of the main components within Development Services since the last meeting: • Land Development -Handles platting, zoning adminstration, comprehensive planning and master planning: looking into long range planning for the city • Adminstration Section -Handles all internal adminstration needs and responsibilities, project management, customer service and MIS needs (Municipal Information Systems) • Building Services -Handles permits and inspections All of the divisions are integrated to work together as a team to ensure the department is maximizing the use of personnel and to deliver fast and friendly customer service. [Carlos Vargas and Stacie Talbert arrived at 3:27 p.m.] C. Engineering Services Department 1. Downtown ADA Project and ADA Improvements Bond 2008 Group 1 Update Ms. Pyle stated ADA sidewalk accessibility improvements along both sides of Water Street from Cooper's Alley to IH 37 and along Staples from 6 Points to Louisiana is scheduled for Council Agenda on October 26, 2010 to be award to IHS Construction. The contract award is for 1,998,888.70 of which 80% will be Page 2 of 3 paid for by TxDOT and 20% will be paid for by Bond 2004 funds. Another project that is being funded by the Bond 2008 and other funds is currently being advertised and the bid opening date is set for October 20, 2010 and is estimated to cost over two million dollars. That particular project covers approximately 360 ramps (primarily curb ramps) and some sidewalk construction. D. Parks and Recreation Department 1. Privatization of Golf Courses Summary Stacie Talbert reported during last year's budget process City Council challenged city staff to look at areas that the department could consider privatizing functions. Ms. Talbert stated one of the logical areas that were considered to be privatized was the golf courses. The department issued an RFP and received six proposals form different companies to consider them to oversee the golf courses. Staff members visited four courses throughout the state operated by those different organizations. After much consideration, the department recommended Foresight Golf and provided a contract to the City Council for the first reading which was approved. Foresight Golf has a four month contract to oversee the courses (Operations and Maintenance) while city staff still works in their city offices and try to make a smooth transition. Foresight will take full control on February 1, 2011. The City will continue to own the golf courses as a city asset and Foresight Golf will oversee Management and Maintenance. Darren Bates asked whether or not Foresight will continue to employ current STLB employees at the golf course and what other type of collateral might occur from the takeover. Stacie Talbert stated the department and Foresight have made a commitment to continue the relationship to ensure employees will be given an opportunity to apply for jobs or fall under the city's reduction in force policy. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report B. Engineering Subcommittee — Meeting of 10106110 No meeting. No report. 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • Reschedule - ADA Parking Citations Update Report • City of Corpus Christi MIS (Municipal Information Systems) Department - Demo • Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living - Services 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Bertha Romero. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m. Page 3 of 3