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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 11/03/2010Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for November 3, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER I C Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. L����c ,� � zoic A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: CTYSECRETARy�S OFFICE Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Darren Bates Dr. Candelario Huerta Alana Manrow Irene Martinez Harvey Salinas Committee Members Absent: Thomas Dreyer (Excused) Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Deborah Brown (Legal) Staff Members Absent: None REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Thomas Dreyer for the November 3, 2010 meeting made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 10/06/10 MOTION Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 10/06/10 based on the amended minutes as requested by Darren Bates made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Deborah Brown stated she has been reassigned as legal council for another department. Mrs. Brown introduced Brian Narvaez, newly hired City Attorney. Mrs. Brown also stated Veronica Ocanas has been appointed as legal council for the Committee For Persons With Disabilities and the Corpus Christi Human Relations Commission. 4. PRESENTATIONS A. ADA Parking Citations Update Report — Municipal Court Judge, Margie Flores/Rene Mendiola Municipal Court Chief Prosecutor, Yvette Aguilar, provided the Committee members with copies of the Disabled Parking Violation Disposition Report from 07/01/09 thru 10/05/10. (A copy of the report isattacheIdjothe badkof`theininutes) The report indicates citizens who went to court to file no contest or attended a trail and were found guilty/not guilty of an offense. Mrs. Aguilar also explained the various types of dismissals, fines, etc. Discussions continued regarding the prosecutors office allowing people not to pay fines instead opting to utilize payment plans and/or community services. The Committee stressed concerns that SCANNOroximately 50% of violations are being excused. Page 1 of 4 B. Police Department Parking Control ADA Program — Mark Denson Parking Control Supervisor Marc Denson provided a brief overview of the department's Parking Control ADA Program. Mr. Denson has been with the Parking Control Division of the Police department for approximately seven weeks and has spent a lot of time observing people getting in and out of their cars making sure if they had placards, etc. The department focuses specifically on ADA Parking Violations and has one unmarked car that will be working full-time during the week to crack down on disabled parking violators. The Parking Control division will continue to work toward the option of including ADA Parking Citation as part of denial of Vehicle Registration process. Motion to draft a resolution to support Captain Vesley's (Police Department's Uniform Division — Traffic Captain) MOTION initiative to work toward the option of including ADA Parking Citation as part of denial of Vehicle Registration process made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. City Council Annual Report Presentation Mr. Alonzo stated Leon Bazar gave a good presentation to the City Council and they were very impressed with all of the work the Human Relations Department has done. Mr. Alonzo was very happy to hear about how much the department has accomplished with the help of Mr. Bazar and his leadership helped to achieve those goals. Mr. Bazar stated the department has the support of other departments including the Parks and Recreation, Neighborhood Services, Development Services, Engineering Services, Police Department, Municipal Court, TxDot, and RTA who have all stepped up to the plate and assisted the department in making an impact in the community. 6. STAFF REPORTSICOMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Leon Bazar provided the Commissioners with a brief overview of the October 2010 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights included: - October 1St was the beginning of the EEOC contract year • Target/Contract Obligation is to close 104 charges (10/01/10 — 09/3011) - the department closed 2 cases this month • Closed 2 HUD cases (Total of 14 cases closed this contract year) - ADA Trash Program — 3 new additions to the program 2. Public Accommodation/Accessibility Grievances Summary • Technical Assistance - 2 - Ramp Review Requests - 3 - Grievances — 3 3. 2010 Annual Employer Symposium Leon Bazar extended an invitation to the Committee members to attend the Annual Employer Symposium to be held Friday, November 12, 2010, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Del Mar College Center for Economic Development. Nine spots have been Page 2 of 4 • Certificates of Occupancy Issued: 248 • Plan Reviews: 456 • Inspections Performed: 9,602 • License/Certificates Issued: 349 licenses • Permits Revenue Generated: $535,168 Mr. Draper also handed out the department's projects report aoPYoftneeportIsattached tothe back of theminutes.jMr. Draper stated the department has 217 projects in various stages being completed. Some projects are in the beginning phase while others are nearing completion. The number of projects have dropped from the last report that was provided to the Committee (was 260). The projects range from commercial to professional commercial to apartment buildings being remodeled. The department continues to work with the Human Relations Department in regards to appropriate disabled parking being available and/or corrected in the projects. The department is also working on providing permit information in Spanish (Target 01/11) to ensure the proper steps necessary to obtain permits in a timely manner. C. Engineering Services Department 1. Water Street Project Update Ms. Pyle provided the Committee members with the following Engineering Services Staff Report Acopy ofthe report Isattacneato, the backdtneminutes,): Ms. Pyle highlighted the following: • ADA Sidewalk Accessibility Improvements along Staples Street from Six Points to Louisiana Parkway and Water Street from Cooper's Alley to IH37 • *ADA Improvements — Group 1 — Bond Issue 2008 • ADA Master Plan • ADA Accessibility Improvements along Staples Street from Leopard to Six Points 2. ADA Group I Bids Ms. Pyle provided a report on Item C.V. [Mr. Alonzo skipped to Item 7.A. and B.] 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report Dr. Huerta reported the subcommittee met prior to the CFPWD meeting and started looking into some of the individual requests for ADA accessibility and are looking at the top priorities. Dr. Huerta also indicated there will be another subcommittee meeting within the next week or two and will have recommendations for the CFPWD. Page 3 of 4 [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item 6.D.1.1 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS D. Parks and Recreation Department 1. Neighborhood Park Improvements and Parks Master Plans Stacie Talbert provided an update on the plans the Parks & Recreation has been working on in the open space master plan. Over the fall and winter months, the department will be visiting with the neighborhoods where the parks are located to get input from residents regarding what they specifically would like see in the parks. The department has $50,000 available for each park. Some of the parks are part of the list the National Parks Service recommended for the department to make ADA compliant. The department scheduled two or three meetings and had a good response from approximately 40 residents. Another project the department is working on is starting to develop the new Parks and Recreation Open Space Master Plan which will guide development for the next seven to ten years. The process will take approximately 18 months and will go through an evaluation of the current inventory of parks system. The department will be working with a consultant to complete a telephone survey and a web -based survey of residents in the area and will schedule extensive community meetings to get input on what the community would like to see in terms of development (facilities and amenities). 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • Resolution draft • MHMR • Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living - Services 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Dr. Candelario Huerta. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m. Page 4 of 4