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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 12/01/2010Committee For Persons With Disabiliti
Summary of Minutes for December 1, 2010 7-F-C-E-1
2 5 2011
Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Thomas Dreyer
Darren Bates Alana Manrow Irene Martinez
Committee Members Absent:
Dr. Candelario Huerta (Excused) Harvey Salinas (Excused) Bertha Romero
Staff Members Present:
Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Lisa Oliver (Parks & Recreation)
Stephen Draper (Development services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Brian Narvaez (Legal)
Staff Members Absent:
MOTION Motion to excuse Dr. Candelario Huerta and Harvey Salinas for the December 1, 2010
meeting made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed.
MOTION Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of 11/03/10 made by Irene Martinez and
seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed.
Marshall Burns from the South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind (STLB) stated the organization
offers services for the blind and visually impaired. Mr. Burns stated if anyone needs any type
of assistance; please feel free contact him by calling the STLB at 361-883-6553, ext. 129.
[Lisa Oliver arrived at 3:10 p.m.]
A. Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living (CBCIL)
Director of Development, Judy Telge introduced the new Executive Director, Joe Flores.
Mr. Flores has been with the CBCIL for a very long time on a part-time basis and now is
working full-time. Ms. Telge and new Ramp Coordinator, Kathleen Porche provided
handouts and brochures with informative information regarding the services provided by
CIBCIL. Highlights discussed:
• Community Integration Programs
• Community -Based (Waiver) Services & Supports
• Access & Mobility
• Education, Training Initiatives
(Copies of the handouts are attached.)
SCANNEDPage 1 of 15
A cross -disability, consumer -controlled,
non-residential, Independent, nonprofit agency,
CBCIL Is a resource for people with disabilities of all types In Coastal
Bend communities. Centers for Independent Living provide four core
services of information and referral, advocacy, peer support and Independent
living skills assistance. Services and programs are available at no cost to consumers.
++i uni- - Integration Programs
Independent Living Services
Relocation Services — DADS Region 11
Residential Transition Services — Nueces STAR+PLUS
Tenant -Based Rental Assistance vouchers
Communi-try-based (Waiver) Services & Supports
CLASS Case Management- Corpus Christi catchment area
Consumer Directed Services
Transition Assistance Services
JL. -
Access & Mobility
Aging & Disability Resource Directory
Assistive Technology Demonstration Center
Mobility Options Transportation Voucher Pilot — Nueces, San Pat
RAMP - Home Modifications in the Coastal Bend
Education, Training initiatives
Accessibility & Disability Rights
Accessible Transportation Coalition Initiative
Advocacy & Leadership DeVelopment classes
Special Needs Support Team — coastal emergency response
Assisting people with disabilities achieve
Their goals for independent Living
Page 2 of 15
MISSION Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living will exercise
leadership by people with disabilities in promoting
accessibility, equality, individual rights and community
integration for people with disabilities of all ages.
VISION Communities In the Coastal Bend will value people with
disabilities, respect diversity, achieve universal access,
accessibility and community integration.
4- Disability Is a natural part of life and is treated with the same
respect as all other aspects of life
•t• Universal accessibility assures barrier -free physical
environments, programs and services for all people
#• Individuals with disabilities have the right to male choices
affecting their lives, to take risks, and to experience the
successes or failures that may result
_.• Independent living services are grounded in the principles of
self-help, serf -determination, peer support and equality
• Individuals with disabilities have the right to live in the least
restrictive setting and most integrated communities
•• Education and advocacy will assure the Mission and Vision of
this organization and the principles of Independent Living
❖ In maintaining its independence and advancing innovation,
the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living will recognize
the ever -evolving needs and expectations of people with
Coastal Bend Center for
*g Indemendent Living
74 Mi
The contents of this flier were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education. However, these
contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the DOE nor Indicate endorsement by the Federal
Government. DOE -RSA Title VIIC funds are 29°hof all funds received by the Coastal Bend Center for
Independent Living.
Page 3 of 15
Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living
Mobility Options for People with Disabilities
A JARC Project funded by Texas Depadment of Transportation
1. The Mobility Options Project is the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living's
2010 Job Access -Reverse Commute (JARC) grant award from the Texas Department of
Transportation to address the transportation barriers faced by people with disabilities
living in rural areas in accessing employment and training opportunities in urban
2. The Project will conduct a two-year feasibility study and demonstration of consumer -
controlled vouchers through cost-sharing with public transportation providers and payor
sources, employing mobility management in Nueces and San Patriclo counties. Project
outcomes will determine how elements of the Mobility Options Project will be
incorporated into sustainable efforts throughout the Coastal Bend.
3. Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend is the primary partner with CBCIL in this
Project. It is providing local match for the grant consisting of office space in San Patricio
County and staff support from the Workforce Board Disability Navigator and One -Stop
Centers located in Nueces and San Patricio counties.
3. Additional contributions to CBCIL for the Project are from a LogistiCare Foundation
grant targeting youth with disabilities transitioning from public school, and a Cy Pres
award resulting from a transportation -related lawsuit in Texas on behalf of people with
disabilities. Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services will refer clients
to the demonstration; a Texas A&M University student is providing research assistance.
4. An Advisory Committee of stakeholders for the Project is in formation and includes
representatives from the primary partners, regional public and private transportation
providers, volunteeis and representatives of the Accessible Transportation Coalition
5, CBCIL is one of three Centers for Independent Living supported by TxDOT to
increase transportation opportunities and mobility options for people with disabilities.
Centers for Independent Living are federal/state supported local non-profit organizations
assisting people with disabilities to live independently. CBCIL has the only model
working in partnership with a local Workforce Solutions Board.
Mobility Options Project Director; Judy Telge
Corpus Christ! Office: 361.883.8461 — 1.877.988.1999
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend Sinton Office: 361.364.3284
Page 4 of 15
The Coastal Send Center for
Independent Living (CECIL} is a
cross -disability, consurner-control'iea.
non- residential. independent.
nonprofit agency. The agency is a
resource for irdiv;'cuals wh disabilities
of all types in the twelve Coastal Bend
Bounties ;Aransas, See, Brooks,
Duval, j:rn 'Afeits, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live
-Oak, McNVlen, Nueoes, Refugio, and
San Patricio). Centers for Independent
Living provide four core services to
include information and referral,
advocacy, peersupport, and
independent living skills assistance. .1-1
services and programs are available at
no cost to the consumer.
Coasml Send Come,, far indeporden, Living wiil
exercise leadership by people with disabilities In
promoting aoc:3ssib0ity, equailty, individual
rgi_ts, and crs11nuflity ln",egaWn far peop€e
mtn disabilities of al: ages.
Communities in ' he Coastal Send w1l value
people Vvith disabiR ties, respect, diversity,
achieve Universal access, aoc;essbility, and
community integration.
Disability is a natural part of life and is
treated with the same respect as all other
aspect of life.
-'e Universai accessibility assures barrier -`free
physical enworments, progr-ams, and
SCRIICeS for al; people.
i Individuals with disabilities have the right to
make choices affecting their lives, to take
risks, and to experience the successes or
failures that may result.
independent Living services are grounded
in the principles of self-rislo,
sel'Aeternmination, peer support, and
Individuals with disabilities have the right to
live in the least restrictive setting and most
integrated communities.
i EducalJon'and advocacy will assure the
1,1:ssion and Vision of this organizaton aro
Me of independent Living.
�e In maintaining its independence and
advancing innovation, the Coastal Bend
Center for Independent Living will recognize
the ever -evolving needs and expectations of
people With disabilities.
Coastal Send Center for Coastal Bend Center for
Independent Living Independent Living
Resources for
• Access and
Mobility for
People with
Kathleen Porche
R.A.M.P. Program Coordinator
1537 Seventh St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 361-883-8461
Toll Free: 1-877-988-1999
Fax: 361-883-4820
Tel. 361-88343461
The R.A.M.P. Program was
established in 2007 by the Coastal Bend
Center for Independent Living, in order to
promote independence for Individuals
with disabilities who had difficulty
their homes.
The Program
The current grants funding the program
The City of Corpus Christihe
Community Development Block Grant
The Texas State Affordable Housing
Corporation - Texas Foundation
The Texas Department of Housing &
Community Affairs - HousingTrust
Fund: Amy Barrier Removal, and
US Department of Education -
Rehabilitation Services
Page 5 of 15
Coastal Bend Center for
independent living
A resource for people with disabilities
to achieve their goals for independent living
CBCIL highlights
Founded 1996 as ACARE, Inc.
1998 - grant funding to support first staff; name
change to Accessible Communities, Inc.
1999 — Project Choice pilot to transition pwd
from nursing facilities to community
2000 — purchased property for office &
transitional units; CLASS CMA award
2002 — established CIL with federal RSA $;
DD Council grant for CBAD classes
RAMP Project
• Established clearinghouse concept with
start-up funding through SILC and DARS
• Volunteer groups committed to one ramp
month, training on consumer control &
accessibility standards
• Expansion funding from CC CDBG,
• Over 200 individuals on waiting list
Barrier Removal
• Waiting List of 83
• Grant Goal of 15
• CBCIL Goal of 25
A center for independent living is:
consumer -controlled, cross -disability,
non-residential, independent, non-profit
agency, providing four core services of
information & referral, peer support,
independent living skills assistance,
personal & systemic advocacy
More milestones
• Disability Resource Guide
• Aging -Disability Resource Directory
• Go!Coastal, SNST training - AFN
• TBRA vouchers
• DARS grant for RAMPI — expansion
throughout Coastal Bend
• Relocation Contractor — Region 11
• Consumer Directed Services Agency
• Mobility Options Project
• Waiting List of 31
• Grant Goal of 20
• CBCIL Goal of 25
• 6 completed thus far
• Waiting List of 87
• Grant Goal of 40
• CBCIL Goal of 55
Page 6 of 15
9 h'p
• In December
— Complete TSAHC's Phase I1 of the rural ramp
• 6 ramps with TSAHC
— Complete procurement for the CDBG grant
— Commit one household to TDHCA-HTF Amy
Barrier Removal Grant
• In 2010 our volunteer groups have
completed 26 ramps thus far
• Our goal of 2 ramps a month has been
• 2 new volunteer groups have become
associated with CBCIL this year
— NuStar Energy
• Creating a seamless program with the
three funding sources
• Finding contractors who meet all
requirements from grant sources and
provide consumer controlled services
• In 2011
—Complete a total of 130 ramp and/or minor
home modifications with the various sources
— Obtain additional grant funding to expand the
RAMP Program
— Begin relationships with other volunteer
groups especially in the rural areas
—Spread the word about RAMP
Concentration on the African American
Community, rural areas, and the colonies
Page 7 of 15
Project Deliverables
Determine extent of need not being met
Identify affordable, accessible and
available transportation assets
Determine best cost-sharing (voucher)
transportation system for Coastal Bend
Incorporate disability -employment
mobility needs into regional planning
Provide mobility management education
The CBCIL Vision
"Communities in the Coastal Bend will value
people with disabilities, respect diversity,
achieve universal access, accessibility and
community integration."
Contact Information:
Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living
1537 Seventh Street Corpus Christi TX 78404
361.883.8461 — 1.877.988.1999
Mobility Options for People
with Disabilities
• 2 year TX DOT JARC grant
• San Patricio and Nueces counties
• Feasibility and demonstration of consumer
-controlled transportation vouchers for pwd
employment-related activities
• Equitable cost-sharing with transportation
providers, payer sources and consumers
• Mobility management to coordinate access
Barriers to
community integration
• Lack of affordable, accessible and
available housing, transportation, services
and supports
• Lack of employment and training
opportunities particularly in rural areas
• Lack of influence on the greater
Page 8 of 15
[Stephen Draper arrived at 3:14 p.m.]
[Jaime Pyle arrived at 3:29 p.m.]
B. Channel 10 ADA Parking News Special
Leon Bazar stated the department wanted to share the Channel 10 ADA Parking News
Special to the Committee since the Committee For Persons With Disabilities has
stressed concerns regarding ADA parking violations and abuse. Mr. Bazar also stated
Channel 10 News presented a two night series report and did a great job producing the
news special. The department plans to submit the news special to the State Governor's
Committee For Persons With Disabilities in consideration for a Barbara Jordan Media
Awards. Mr. Bazar also reported the City of Corpus Christi has hired a Parking Control
Supervisor and will begin to start working the major shopping areas and issue citations
to people and ensure people are not abusing the ADA parking at the malls and other
major shopping locations.
• Mr. Bazar provided information regarding the Harbor Lights Schedule of Events.
(Copy of the flyer is attacfied,)
TEXAS' CJc�g�rrs�eawrc ens brand¢
n VAngtFpi j$yp,}O
{C �UtM1IU � f 'icon!' Q Uydt�FR� RIWq
I��YAip:A.l\I �t/ wLL .
Page 9 of 15
A. Draft Resolution Regarding ADA Parking Citations and Vehicle Registration Renewals
No report.
A. Human Relations Department
1. Department Monthly Performance Report
Leon Bazar provided the Commissioners with copies of the November 2010 Monthly
Performance Report. Highlights were shared with the Commissioners.
(Copy of the report is attached,)
Month: Nov.2014
_......_ Fosterin Divarse and uitable 13rtvhvtuneots With Respect and Professionalism", the Human lio}atians DePOMMIltwill„_..orcea
poAl'vo�tro rain of non-dlsoriwinatloainEmployment FairHousiug Public Accommodation and Ckmplianceans
with Disatri[i-es.Act (ADA) Within the pity, —.... na (hIi8t1, We wlll alatl IWt tl;dporta and R' commendations IP
_ ..._
the Cit Council and otters Inward the betoTtent of rr
., _ . --_8rt fi
and ituar- ou rdationsW a within
_ llr P.
tho camrount .
Van DlscrimInatbnPro ram
_ ................. ... _....... ....
1. Intake lumflilativo, and IY}ediat1an11tCSOlatiOn SCIYiCC&..........................
_.... _........
2. Community Outteaub, Rducatia a`nd Awareness
3. Technical and Administrative Services
S. ADA Compliance
1. Address and monitor ADA compliance, and related issues, through sccarmnndatian casts and elttaen co.
lain _
Community Eduoatinn and Awarcom; and TatbrrivaVAdnniaistrative Assistance.
1.. Gootditration of impl mcntaNnn, monitoring• and u data of tho Ci Ida ADA I txosiiian Plan
Nov. YTD
........._.. _ _........._ _........................
2009-2010 2010-2411
1 Prlvr Month
Cut-rettt Afant 2014.2011
Provide Investillativc Service to include lntalcet inv stigation, mediation, conciliation, monitorin , andch a tesnlutiou in
Fan 10 tient iacludin ADA),Fair Housialt, and Public Accommadati
MUM; UNNIM mimaim,
c YrUasumsuoal
otal and % of Goal - IM to 9/30 108(1031Jo) 104 2
9 1 i 10.6 4
take Uoal e erre
otaland%of Gaal -10/I to 9/30 110(I 98 2
7 9.1-A
mr HouVgMamptsant Kesolutim -
otal - 7/11to 6130 45 42 2
5 19(47-2-Y.)
laStlrC9 : M YCae44a
arm ntc-ps Z era a "08 comp ea �,
ea to SAFO in 8 days or less (as %of) 903'6, 904/, 2/2([M)
97(71,41N 5/9 55.S%
arges Cirmed mthin 130 days as o of total
Clasare5 YTD • 1011 to 9130 55% 751/6 0/ 0'Yo
W9(77.7-/6)Til 1 67.6°/.
within 100 days as % Oftow 70% 0Y.
315(601/.) 13119(68.4%)
Provido "Common' Outreach Education, and Awarenesse”
eastmes: u u
um cr a ming scscwns, comntaor y race u>p, as
informational events - 811/ w 7/31 48 40 5
7 18
- .............................
Provide ADA AccessibiliAccommodations, and Technical Assistance Requestresolutio'
easura. kmpat
A O&cns` Complaints A77sibt7i 6
6 20
PUbfloAc=rnn-wdaUoaKvqto 55 I
A Trash Service Assistance 4 20 3
3 13
ADA TechnicalAsaistanoo 5
25 36
pravidin�technical assistance for ADA parking in now Colianum parking }at
«- DgOwftaged in la racesfor Disability ExpplqyTe4t Mouth 9'ym igas um 1
• Coordinated xnecting with Nottbsido ro ntative and RTA ra: bus s and ADA accessibili
2. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR) Training
Leon stated the one -day TDLR Training might be scheduled for mid January. Mr.
Bazar will keep the Committee members posted.
Page 10 of 15
B. Development Services Department
1. Unified Development Code (UDC) Status Update
No report. Stephen Draper requested to defer the item to the January 5, 2011 agenda.
Mr. Draper stated he would provide a more informative report.
C. Engineering Services Department
1. November City/RTAITxDot Meeting Summary
Ms. Pyle provided the Committee members with the following Engineering Services
Staff Report (Copy of the report is attached,)
Committee for Persons with Disabilities
December 1, 2010
Engineering Services Staff Report
Report on November 2010 Monthly Cit, yIRTAi1xI)OT/MPO/County Meetln
Several presentations were made at the November Joint later -Agency Meeting.
Destination Dayfrent:
The first presentation was by J.J. Hart and Trey Me Campbell. The presentation informed the
group of the vision for the bayfront and how it will be implemented. The vision includes many
pedestrian features and will be completely accessible and inclusive. It will make good use of the
attributes of the bayfront as well as the existing improvements. The street will remain as a
pedestrian walkway with no vehicular access. Parking and bus stops will be planned so the
greatest number of citizens will be able to enjoy the amenities. It will encourage outdoor
activities and allow people to benefit from the beautiful scenery the bayfront has to offer.
As with any project, funding is still a major issue but the Destination Bayfront group its working
on finding funding resources.
Manuel Q. Salinas Park Master Plan
The second presentation was by Stacie Talbert of the Parks and Recreation Department. Stacie
showed the group the park master plan and explained how it will be implemented. The park
master plan includes the Miracle Field which is a completely accessible baseball field being
sponsored by the Corpus Christi Rotary Club. The park will add quality of life to this part of
town and is a great endeavor.
Neighborhood Initiatives Group
Third presentation was by Darlene Gregory of East Meets West Productions. Darlene is
Spearheading the Neighborhood Initiatives Group which was formed to address cleaning up the
Leopard Street area from Port Avenue to Tancahua Street. This group is completely volunteer
and meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 3122 Leopard. Discussion between
Darlene and the RTA provided an opportunity for all of the entities to work together to
compliment the efforts of the volunteer group.
Darlene mentioned that the group would like to see Leopard Street in this area change to a two
lane roadway which. would provide more area for pedestrian activity. The current proposed
improvements to the sidewalks and bus stops between Brownlee and Staples using RTA and City
funds wilt help improve the aesthetics of Leopard Street. Lane closures will have to be
considered. for a future project.
Committee For Masons Witb Disabilities
Engineering Services StaffReport 2010 1103
Page 11 of 15
D. Parks and Recreation Department
1. Senior Community Services Christmas Events
- Lisa Oliver provided information regarding the City of Corpus Christi Senior
Community Services 28th Annual Holiday Dinner and Annual HEB Feast of Sharing.
(Copies of the flyers are attached)
% i
y Dinner
r i
City Employees,
We invite you to volunteer at our Twenty -Seventh Annual Holiday Dinner. The extravaganza will
take place on Thursday, December 16, 2010, from 1:30 pm. to 6:30 p.m. at the American Bank
Convention Center Watergarden Room. If you would like to participate, please return your
Volunteer Assignment Form to Senior Community Services Division Ost Floor -City Hall) by
December 2, 2014 or via fax to the Garden Senior Center at 361-980-9031. Volunteer shy will
be approximately two hours long. The City Manager has approved City employee volunteers using
their lunch hour, and one hour of "city time'; with supervisor approval.
Everyone involved, except guest confirmation volunteers and guides must have a Food Handler's
.Permit. We will be hosting an (Went fion and Food Handler's Training session on Thursday,
Decembef 9, 2010 from *00 a.m. to M-30 aim in City Council Chambers
Temporary food handler's cards will be issued and are valid for the Holiday Dinner Oft Y If you
wish to receive a regular 3 year food handler's card, the cost to you will be $10.00 (cash only).
A confirmation notice for volunteers will be sent on Fdday, December 10, 2010. Dinner is
provided to all volunteers after the senior center members are served their dinner.
Ifyou have any questions or need additional information contact:
Sonia Garza 361-980-9354 or email soniag@ ctexas. corn
Senior Community Services Administration ice
City,Hall, l" Floor
1201 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Page 12 of 15
Senior Community Services Annual Holiday .Dinner
AWDrr_e:-.Ant �t tte�rdants
Prep Ice Tea glasses onto delivery carts and serve to guests. Monitors water stations and provides assistance as neede&
Clear plates from guests, return bus tubs to kitchen.
&nqWColl4tt ndan
Will "plate up" dessert item to be served to guests. Stocks the dessert item onto the delivery cart and serve fists.
Greet guests, provide general information, provide assistance in seating guests as requested and provide direct assistance for chartered bus
arrivals and departures.
Maitre D's
Teams of two will serve the entrde to seated guests.
R,_ freshsmteats
Refill food trays and beverages as needed. Tear down refreshment stations and take all unused supplies to kitchen.
SCSH011AW Dinner VolunteerAssignnment
Registration Foram
Deadline to Subtmit: 1lirrmA*a December 22, 2010
Sand to: Senior Community Services- r Kaor C10 Hall or Fax at 361-980-9031
AttanAlan: Santa Garza
Namre: ,ismµ ID
Dept./Dkisk n:
Do you &ave a current Food Handler's Card? Xes ..__........_ (attach a copy) No
Employee / VolunteerSignature Date
Supervisor Signature IDate
Page 13 of 15
Please prioritize vole mteer assignment preferences by indicating:
(1) first choice and (2) second choice
* Requires a Fond Handler's Card
*ice Tea Ca"usesr
*Dessert Preparation
4:30 pm — 6:30 pm
1:00 pm — 3:00 pm
*Dessert Cart/Buser
_ 3:00 pm -- 5:00 pin
_ 1:30 pm — 3:30 pm
_ 4:30 pm — 6:30 pm
_ 5:00 pm — 7:00 pin
Ticket Takers
*Maitre D'sMuser
_,1:30 pin-3:30pm
_T 4:30 pm — 6:30 pm
AWDrr_e:-.Ant �t tte�rdants
Prep Ice Tea glasses onto delivery carts and serve to guests. Monitors water stations and provides assistance as neede&
Clear plates from guests, return bus tubs to kitchen.
&nqWColl4tt ndan
Will "plate up" dessert item to be served to guests. Stocks the dessert item onto the delivery cart and serve fists.
Greet guests, provide general information, provide assistance in seating guests as requested and provide direct assistance for chartered bus
arrivals and departures.
Maitre D's
Teams of two will serve the entrde to seated guests.
R,_ freshsmteats
Refill food trays and beverages as needed. Tear down refreshment stations and take all unused supplies to kitchen.
SCSH011AW Dinner VolunteerAssignnment
Registration Foram
Deadline to Subtmit: 1lirrmA*a December 22, 2010
Sand to: Senior Community Services- r Kaor C10 Hall or Fax at 361-980-9031
AttanAlan: Santa Garza
Namre: ,ismµ ID
Dept./Dkisk n:
Do you &ave a current Food Handler's Card? Xes ..__........_ (attach a copy) No
Employee / VolunteerSignature Date
Supervisor Signature IDate
Page 13 of 15
Are you able to deliver a hat mean to
homebound elderly and disabled residents on
Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24, 2010?
The H E -B Feast of Sharing Planning Committee is
seeking volunteers to deliver the spirit of the season to
those who cannot attend the event at the American Bank
Eecrst of Sharing
To Deliver Meals You Need * A Vehicle Available
• To Be Willing To Travel Anywhere In The City
* A Buddy That is Willing To Assist you
* A 48 quart ice chest for transporting meals
City Employees and their families are enctearagect to participate as part Of the
City Assistance Tearer.
If you want to volunteer in another capacity on December 24, 2010. Call the Volunteer
Center of the Coastal Bend at 887-8282 for a list of job descriptions available for the
event or visit
Return the volunteer registration form below to die Senior Community Servi,cesAdministrcative Offlee,
V` floor City Hall by Deeember 24, 2010 or return via entail to &-god dexas.coan. For additional
information call 826-3150.
...... X.....x...... x ...... x ...... ...... x ...... x ...... x ...... x......
DECEMBER 24, 2010
Select time available:
❑ 10:30 a.m. -12;30 P.M.
Page 14 of 15
A. ADA Title I/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report
B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report
• January — MHMR Presentation
• February — South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind Presentation
MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates.
Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
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