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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/05/2011N Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for January 5, 2011 F RECEIVED 1. CALL TO ORDER FEB 0 8 2091 Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL CITY SECRETARY' OFFICE Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Thomas Dreyer Darren Bates Dr. Candelario Huerta Irene Martinez Harvey Salinas Committee Members Absent: Carlos Vargas Alana Manrow ( Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Mike Morris (Parks & Recreation) Staff Members Absent: None REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Alana Manrow for the January 5, 2011 meeting made by Dr. Candelario Huerta and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 12101110 Motion to approve the December 1, 2010 meeting minutes as amended made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. MOTION Amendment: On Page 9, Item 4.B., first sentence, Change the word "Commission" to "Committee ". 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES None 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Nueces County MHMR— Diane Lowrance, Executive Director Diane Lowrance was not present; skipped to Item 4.6. B. Corpus Christi Parking Control Update Marc Denson was not present; skipped to Item 4.B. 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORTIREQUEST FOR ACTION A. Proposal and Approval of Adding Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Patrol as City Staff Member to CFPWD MOTION Motion to include Parking Control Supervisor Marc Denson as part of the CFPWD made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Dr. Candelario Huerta. Motion passed. Page 1 of 9 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Leon Bazar provided the Committee members with copies of the December 2010 MonthI Performance Report. Highlights were shared with the Committee. CF PVJ D Of.05 HUMA REI,A'P ONS Mon 2010 IY A" SEItVI Woo Gld of l l pw 1)11 C and u�tsble Envirort Wfth Rcs eel and 3?rofeasioaaalism" the Human Relations Department will co nduct and enfome a ositive Empam ofraon- disodmination in EMIniem, Fair floaaLn& Public Aworn!pP1 !n and Compliance with the Aamricaaas'with Disabilities Act A withirt the City ofCoMus Christi. Wewill mtaku re arts acrd recomm©ndetxom to tsgw Canncil and otltets ,Alward tlr beUertuanE of and hiter. o rrs Wombs 'Akin the comrmnl . E) PR RAW ATMs SEItY A. Nen- Diserlminantlaa Finarant - . . ........... ..,.........' ....................... .._ ... vests try ti�aervie 2. CD=nunity Oatreaah Education, and Awareness 4. __ --------- 1 Te chnical and Administrati Ser+vittms 8. ADA Cam fiance 1. Addrem and monitor ADA oustnce and rabde l in - 1 b acconnuudattion =quest and citizen com lairds; Cmammnity Education and Awareness and'technicallAdministrutive Aniabutgo. 2. Coordination mrrtllnHn and ortheCf de AD 'lransititanPlan PERFORMANCE MEASURE OWECTIVE6 .... ... ............... . ..................___ _ _ ......,..,..,..,.......,..,.., .- ...- .- .,.- ........._._._ -..._ A cWal Ado tgd Nov Det 2009- 2010 -2011 1 Priarkl ©nth CarrentManth 20.10 -2011 Prtsvi [river: ' five Scxvioc iucluda iatakc, invcs lion, mediation t:tiiiatian rrumlta , and charge isolation In _ -- lsrti �Z � ADA . Fair Houskg, and POW cnsurn. Outpu Acconnhodatimi. Itl4t r dreg as oral and %of 0oal -1011 to 9130 1080039am) 104 4 7314(13,751 v a eG - Totaland %ofOool- 1(111to9130 lli)(1ti09/o) 98 7 arr ous o an - Total - 71lAo 6190 eR�ur� : venom 45 42 5 3 22 52.4% bhw ire i w-ups (P er2oted Oges) compl sent to SAFf1 hi $ da of le (as 9'9 of) 90% 9[!°/0 51T 1.4% 7W(66.60A) 4116 55,3 i'o aw m sys as a cloasum YTD -14111 to 9ft 65% 7S% 714 .7 9114 (fi4.3 %) HIM F wr.Huuswg CowpM clawed ithin 100 days as %of total 70% V500%) 113 33.7 °h 1 G3.69fi SERVLCE LICVT>a Provide "Corumu Chore c)r Rrlt air and Awar+enam" rte: 13 U n " Um " M OT treinutg ssluaA, rammaruty MOP, an tntbxirtadonal ovanita - itlll to 71,31 48 40 7 5 23 C. SERVICE 0D7EC"i 'SrE: Provide ADA A smsibili , Accommodations and Twhnf eoarir w l Asxistanoo Uestmoluti 'tizens' Com laini8 = '"7 77 , 115 100 6 2 22 hblk Accounnodation RmueaU 75 55 2 4 7 ADA bash Service Assistattee 0 2 3 1 14 A Technical Assiatnwe 48 40 25 to 46 Plan Claw to vis 4 r - Departmentpartielpating oil Parks Mastar• Plan Committee to insure smitivity to neadx of0 ieerts wiib disabilitimb - * - C FPW.D Rep and Dept. at mil in Media Release mf Disabilfty Resource Chide * - Assistotl in AIWA aocassibility Naned poitable ramps) tkar klarhnr Ia ut t'°ele'iiraStm _ - - -- * - Addft catemy to track Eqdn Reviews/Sfte Visits - rehubursoable costs to +1e . tt mnt Page 2 of 9 Mr. Bazar also reported the following: • Legislative items to be prepared for presentation through Intergovernmental Affairs representative (Rudy Garza) include: (1) amend Transportation Code to add "altered placards" in addition to Counterfeit Placards — as a felony citation; and (2) change to House Bill 1621 (2001) to change a "representative of persons with disabilities" to "a person with a disability that is a rider of public transportation" for appointment to local transportation boards • February meeting of CFPWD will be dedicated to Presentation on Parks Master Plan — staff and subcommittee reports will be presented in written format for distribution — other partner agencies will be invited to this meeting (CBCIL, MHMR, STLFB, etc.) — CCHRC Commissioners invited • STLFB will do a meeting presentation at the March meeting • The White House (beginning in January) will be holding monthly disability conference calls T f r st rndprpnre call will be held Monday, lanuary 10 9011 at 9.00 p m Interested Committee members may contact Mr..Bazar for more information • ADA Master Plan Roll -Out targeted for presentation to City Council in February February meeting — only agenda Item — will address re- appointment request of Carlos Vargas, Darren Bates, Dr. Candelario Huerta, Alana Manrow and Harvey Salinas — Committee members who wish to be considered for re- appointment must contact Mr. Bazar before January 20th. 2. Summary of Legislative Items to be Presented Mr. Bazar provided a summary earlier in the meeting. (Item 6.A.1. Department Monthly Performance Report) [Mr. Alonzo continued the meeting with Item #4 Presentations] 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Nueces County MHMR — Diane Lowrance, Executive Director Diane Lowrance provided a handout and briefed the Committee members regarding services provided by the Nueces County MHMR. N Highlights discussed: • Who is eligible for services? What services are provided? How much services cost? Page 3 of 9 �Ao of Nueces Counter "Ofig bg dhor far Better Lives" MHMR of Nueces County Our Mission — "Working Together for Bier Uves 7 lEstablished in 1969 as a "unit of local government" as per Texas Health and �afeefy Code (Chapter 534) Governed by nihe- member Beard of Trustees appointed by Nueces County i:ommissioner% art Planning and Network Advisory Committee comprised of consumers /family members advises Ord of Trustees can service and planning issues Nationally accredited by The Joint Commission (only I of 5 credited MHMR Centers in Texas) 17 million budget for FY2011(46 sources of federal, state and local revenue) 280 employees Serving 7,0O0+ pemns per year in nine locations throughout Nueces County. C PVJ D 0I•06° 1 1 Services provided include assessment, case management, therapy, couhseling, psychiatric evaluation and medication services, employment support, psychiatric .rehabilitative skills training, respitte, outreach to the homeless, and .many others! Services are provided in various settinc s such as the office, home, day care, school, hospital, etc. There is no waiting list for most services. Fees are based on sliding sale and person's ability to pay. Medicaid, Medicare and some private Insurance accepted. Our Foundatron was incorporated In 1991 for fundraislIng and 5O13c status. A pemn can rec overand realize h4�hfrdreams with early ldentlffcation, intervendon, education, suppov t and worHng in cvr; junc n wlffi a team af qualKed profes v7als4 . Accredited by The Joint Cofriniasion An Equal Opportunity Empiuyur 1630 South 0rownlee (hri ' �l`e 78404 Pone (361 886 -6400 www, Page 4 of 9 MHMR of Nueces County Fact Sheet our Mission — "Wol*Irtg Together for Better Llires'ff Who is eligible for serVices: • Infants and toddlers ache birth to 8 diagnosed with developmental delays are eligible for Early Childhood Intervention Services. Call 361 -980 -5842 for more information or to schedule an appointment. • Children and adults diagnosed with intellectual disabilities such as mental retardation, autism are eligible fbr services. Cell 361-884-9854 for more Information or to :schedule an appointment # Children up to age 18 experiencing emotional and behavioral problems are eligible to receive mental health services. Call 361-851-6726 for more information or to schedule an appointment. • Adults with serious mental Illness, such as schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder are eligible for services. Call 361- 886 -6970 fbr more information or tD schedule an appointment. Wbat NAM gig Rmided: information & Referral Screening & Assessment Case Management Medication Services Counseling Respite Vocational Training Employment Support Therapy Support Services Skills Training ' Outreach to the homeless Other services are available for special populations. For pWtablc em&Wnd s, call ffie 07sis Hotline: 1-888-757-4493 How vouch does It cosh Fees are based on sliding scale and person's ability to pay. Medicaid, Medicare and some private Insurance accepted. Your personal Information is kept confidential. If you dont qualify for services, MHMR sfaff will provide referrals to appropriate resources. MHMR is nationally accredited by The Joint Commission. MHMR has 9 locations throughout Nueces County to better serve the community. Page 5 of 9 [Mr. Alonzo continued the meeting with Item #$.B.1.] B. Development Services Department 1. Unified Development Code (UDC) Status Update Stephen Draper provided a handout and briefed the Committee members regarding the Proposed Schedule for Presentation and Adoption of Code. The schedule is running approximately one month behind and Mr. Draper stated the presentation will be presented next month. c pwo EXHIBIT C PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF C0I3E Dec 7 Overview Presentation to'City Council Outline Contents of UDC , . = Brief History of Development of UDC ■ Proposed Presentation Schedule P resentation #a- ftnnlwCcumaissIo • Outline Contents of UDC Proposed Presentation Schedule • Presentation of Articles 1 -3 Jan a Presentation to Planning Commission = Pmaenfadon of Articles 4-6 Jan 18 Presentation to Planning Commission is Pmentation of Articles 7.8' Feb 2 Presentation to Planning Commission • Pmeentatlon of Articles 9-10 Feb 16 Prpsentation to Planning Commission = Wrap-tap of UDC and Recommendations Mar 8 Presentation to City Counoli . w Presentation of Articles 1 -3 Mar 32 Presentalon to City Council • Presentation of Articles Owe Mar 29 Presentation to City Council a Pmsentatlon of Chapters 7 -8 Apr 12 Presentation to City Council = Pr8 entation ot'Mcle s g -1 i'? • Adoption of UDC Apr 26 Joint City CounciifP Panning Commission Ming = Adoption of Now Comprehensive honing Ordinance May -Jtane Preparation: fw UDC Implementation ■ In- service Training for, teff ■ Preparation of New Forma • Outreach Training forDevelopmentCommunity July 1 Ef ectIve bete of Now UDC Pep 1 of Y -397 -- LuaJT C Page 6 of 9 Stephen Draper also provided a copy of the department's Annual Report. - rin Mr. Draper stated the department had a very successful 4th quarter for 2010. Due to the fee increase in October, the revenues doubled. DEVELOPMENT SE RVICES Performance Summary Report Calendar Year Method Iat Quarter 2007 2008 2009 2810 variance Permits Issued 5,601 003 3,642 4.001 cerlificate Of Occuppocy Issued 395 385 261 2116 Plan R eviews 533 574 360 415 In$ ecti0m Performed 12,406 11,351 8,748 13549 License/Certifioates Issued 541 730 843 448 Licerrsi�Certifica Revenue 49,957 58,481 76 852 313478 Permits Dollar Valuation $ 08 2 60,349, 99S 166 958 532 269 873 460 Ferfnits Ravenve cenefatsd . 3132,050. $ 573,0261$ 465 $ 466.1231 571,682 2nd Quarter Perrnits Issuer) 5,920 8157 4,5'0 4 919 Certificate of Occu anc issued 458 426 252 283 Plan (reviews 625 84.4 441 523 Irrs sctions Performed 13 842 11,840 9,595 10,779 LlcenselCertfflca.les Issued 330 517 426 441 License/Certificates Revenue 33,928 53,240.$ 47,923 $ 46,488 ParTnits Dollar Valt+at n $ 3fi7 7Bt1,703 $ 294,836,999 , 10 . 6 , 1131 1 $ la 213,067 raerrr� its Revenue Generated 582,166 $ 883 903 6 613,4461$ 698,838 3rd Quarter 2€107 20{18 2009 2010 Variance Permits is %ued 5,116 3 964 4,022 41398 Cartifiraie of Occupancy Issued 388 306 251 248 Plan Reviews 605 384 403 456 inspections Perin med 13,218 9,551 10,040 R.602 Lioensafcerlificates Issued 370 353 406 349 License /Gertificales Revenue I S 30,639 34,313 $ 44. 1)90 $ 45,498 Permits C3alior valuallc $ 308 939, $ 236,863,853 $196 403 666 369 562 984 Per Revenue Generated mits $ 465.246 1 $ 542.045 $ 532,454 1 $ 535.188 4th Quarter 2007 2008 2049 2010 variance Permits Issued 4,590 3 3 576 6 758 yissued Certific of Occupane 435 262 275 310 Plan Reviews 559 $08 938 189 Inspections Performed 12,224 8,426 6,557 8 798 LicensetCer0c IssV 315 413 3TT 330 Llcense/Cer€tificWes Revenue $ 29,108 47.999 $ 4.2,995 $ 37 181 Permits Dollar valuation $ 252,591 6611 $ 175 1 $ 221,663,436 136,303,705 Permits Revenue Generated $ 410119 j $ 433.921 495,2 $ 881 deb Grand Total for the Year 2007 2008 2009 2014 variance Parml i lssued 21 552 17.408 16,616 19,789 certificate of oocu anc Issued 1,676 1 79 1 039 1,057 Playa Revw,us 2 314 1,944 1,681 1.583 ins ectlrans Performed 63:U6 ____ 41 , 657 37 3 38,728 LicenselCertUlcates Issued 1,345 1.800 1 635 1,52$ 11 LicenWCerkftates Revenue $ 433 601 188,791 $ 182,933 $ 159 Permits Dollar Valuation 1 $ 1,311 341,899 $ 947,854,043 1 $ 770127 746 1 $ 767,807,386 Permits Revenue Generated $ 1 2,343 771 $ 2,214,551 $ 2,685,154 Page 7 of 9 jgIt !9 R k41yr:�; order to be eligible for their grant program. The last Master Plan was done in 2002 and this Master Plan will be complete in 2012. As part of the process the department will complete a needs analysis of all the facilities including parks, senior centers, etc. The department will then do a series of public input to include community meetings, telephone and internet survey. Mr. Morris stated the consultant will be at next month's CFPWD meeting to get input from the Committee on issues that may need to be addressed. A Master Plan Committee has been formed which has representatives from several different departments across the city. The department will be conducting community meetings later in the month and will be sending out flyers with a schedule of the meetings within the next couple of days. There are seven planning areas (Northwest, Downtown, West, Along the Bay, Southside, Flour Bluff and Padre Island) and will develop priorities within those areas. Mr. Bates asked how the department is ensuring that everyone will be able to participate in the surveys in terms of accessibility. For example: someone with a cross disability a deaf and hard of hearing or perhaps someone who is blind. Mr. Batesm concern is full universal surveys are done people with disabilities are not in the forefront of access and therefore cannot participate. Mr. Morris stated the consultant has been trained to address those types of issues and when the consultant attends the CFPWD meeting in February, that and any other issues may be addressed. Mr. Bazar stated he plans to extend an invitation to several community agencies to help communicate those needs. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. ADA Title I /Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report B. Engineering Subcommittee — No Report 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • Parks Master Plan • Darren Bates follow -up on how Parks Master Plan anticipates the needs of persons with disabilities for community outreach efforts • Harvey Salinas follow -up on how to incorporate more children with disabilities into the Parks and Recreation Latchkey Program • Committee Re- Appointments 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m. Page 9 of 9