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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 02/02/201111 r . " I A I I I Summary of Minutes for February 2, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Thomas Dreyer Alana Manrow Irene Martinez Harvey Salinas Committee Members Absent: Dr. Candelario Huerta(Excused) Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Leon Bazar(Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Marc Denson (Police/Parking Control) Staff Members Absent: Stephen Draper (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE Michael Morris (Parks & Recreation) Brian NarvaP7n ..n REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES [MOTION Motion to excuse Dr. Candelario Huerta for the February 2, 2011 meeting made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 01105111 MOTION Motion to approve the January 5, 2011 meeting minutes as amended made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Harvey Salinas, Motion passed, 91 PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Robin Martin, Advocacy Incorporated, TPASS Advocate, South Texas Region. What is TPASS? d �, R ADVOCACY ■MO■ INCORPORATED Klt 6- -d A4-- € - 1, ,_, -h N.Ajdi!i" Page 1 of 18 What services does TPASS p rovide? 0, 's 9, I p JA, ' vx 9, 'A i's, lk, l I 5 I'l 2--, W 11 'v, q, J S a-,- The r r k,,,. 'M k� MASS di,,� l'im. it R (tick fillor I'm I on't Ali'll-V "I"A P,Pll q e� vatl�, .1 eh,,tbililotion a ... I ""I't0y'lleTil - Mctl �Icoo(j, 1, 4,111 jlro%lde i (I vo,a,y cr ot Ise. r - Ii k that w - I 1 IV Ism!. 1 find ;,ork for the tn,t I jl_ rr murn 11', 4 9lsrlcr TPASS, ,-i, , , it "1 ",11- . pn-tdo h1tnrn)sT;,),) Ow'.t 1 is, I.€ v- "rid "IP1,101 t" you return to • "ro"Idn Inforn'tilmn IN "I, to.., Hot $Z): I't I"lpfid rsy 3 "c efforlo fir, nhr,4 n • R, le r y ou I o 1, ro n a I % w I to , a l i Vxplam h6w reru Ono to 4raark ,III alfecl your benflil. • Prcwide yoti with asSistiince ify"ll li,,c problkniti in feclang the qcnic, acrid suPI)QU, YOU need to return to • Ad,ucakv on vuvr behalf to resil,e 'knill , , , k SOU l -,Njjh j ,", "'d clnjjloy� iN oN yon try to return At� MIh dlspuloa botere Ili, woik ii deersron%. nirlwijn o— payments that are dearly n I- to O)lairting em[,Tdynreni. Advocacy, Inc.'s Goals kk�,Invsorll people %vilh di'abililie, lo ecnle 111011 Imillan, legal uld Nvivitv tighlv Ili n Ion "ith all jedelal riantlabr. p,�ople withdr Ili mlvm-ming lor Iflen human, lq allikelvice I ights. ckpard frehl, mra wlvives 11.1 peoplv 4v illa disobililie, lifloi Ill all ill,fividual, 0 tire lights in peoplkt wilh di and to inform and refer Ifillvidifol, to Im, lglaln., mid Nei vices. ADVOCACY 11111■0■ )8O5 -1 F tM"J."M I fX )87S7 09 X ,-j Advocacy, Inc. believes all people 11,1ve, wol and dlglllty. NNIC advocate fear, protect all(] advance the legal, human all(I , wl - vice lic,111ts OfTexalls with disabilities, Advocity, Inc, IfeadqUartm ADVOCACY 7800 5 hoal Co ec k 84 J , 11171 -f: A .ol` T-n M57-1097 M I ',�, �:;,,q p, n 1 .4 h,, A"I of "Ill"m I, - . that form ill. di'llsifilik" 1,llek-m'd ono 'w"s, Ih,i, , io'], oet'l 01, AdIlleve), 1u r. i,, fh, 1egj1jo,g,, r , rn J 1. — , , +Vvollfill YtXdo, rWh doabifdio, Ads ,,, .I, "llo " a"" �, I �111 - .!� in (hO I'd ["n" ' 111) 1: I k',X, 011-1-1 'd <r4 a,l4 141J-1 -1110uUl, J J-11N. ,dth Ili, -M, -J . jd,h� 1 .I,l fit, nihl, tt 1 Ic -0, Priority Srr,h,eA,-, I I'M01 Ca" For,]") u¢trI For more infornizi600 about Advocacy, Inc . contact tIje office Ilearesi, yon or visit our iwbsito: vvww.,jJv ocjcytljC , org 2f 630 -4'1 iVa:ce/T4p( South TV S (!, glom foal,, 45473 vle, Tc. B "d , o0e 5m, Artcxsjo, je 70213.1 210-737-9444 (W,,JQD) TWIkc b00-884.640 W04TOK35 Roe-.] Offics, fool Mm's-i"4300 Ltirb.t4,16m 8 (*kUT13f)) Page 2 of 18 AD , C -A-C-Y 11190jIg INCORPOMTED `i klo 1,lioxl Urcelt Wit— r U 1 L' Atj6nn, lexas - 1'8757 51`2 -151 -1816 7 Yo work AND keep your health benefits! I [Mr. Alonzo continued the meeting with Item #5 Presentations] 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Approval of Motion to Recommend Re-Appointments of: 1) Darren Bates 2) Dr. Candellario Huerta 3) Harvey Salinas 4) Carlos Vargas 5) Alana Manrow MOT Motion to recommend re-appointments as listed above made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Irene Martinez, Motion passed, [Mr. Alonzo continued the meeting with Item #4 Presentations] 4, PRESENTATIONS A. Parks & Recreation Master Plan — Mike Morris, Director The CFPWD February 2, 2011 Monthly Meeting was dedicated to the Parks Master Plan, Parks and Recreation Director Mike Morris and Kimberly Annis Parks and Recreation Facilities Planner (HALFF Associates, Inc.) have been conducting several meetings throughout the community and one of the identified needs was to get input from the Committee For Persons With Disabilities. Representatives from sixteen area agencies were invited to attend and provide input. The following agencies were represented: TAMU-CC Disabilities Services Office, Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living (CIBCIL), Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), Coastal Bend Council of the Blind and Advocacy Incorporated. "ON " mm HALFF' MIN Corpus Christi Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan February 2, 2.011 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Discussion Topics I What single wort] describes the way you feel about fill- ('onus Christi Parks and Recreation system? 2, 00 YOU Paftidl)Atir in Outdoor recreation programs or actwiii 3 What outdoor park and recreation facilities or ljc d DOI L a wh — � eV lk I be�t ai 4 Do you oaoticipate in indoor recreation programs or ac ti v iti es ? 5. What indoor recreation facilities or activities do you like best, and why 6 If you don't part icipitil in indoor or outdoor recreation activiti what are some of the reasons why? 1 1 IN Crty meeting your needs m tenets of Parks, recreation and leisure rlppor du flit ills? 8 What ty of recreation programs or activities do you want to see offered by the Coffins Christi Parks and Itecreatioo Depaftnreni? 9, Are Corpus ChostioLititoorpark and recreation facilities accessible to i your opinion? If not, why? 10. Are rdyindQqr I'llofifics such is rec. centers, senior canters, swinuning pools a nd Cit li accvssiblc in your ripir If nor, wily? 11. What three things can file City do to help You participate in indoor or outdoor recreation activitiol? 12. What smile new faciinvor recreation attlVily would YOU like to have I rjso? N'� Page 3 of 18 Staff Reports were provided in written form. 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Written Summary to be Provided Page 4 of 18 JIUMAN RELATIONS 711. 2111 I MISSION AND SEI(VI(x With a coal of "Foslering E quitable I'mvirounnents Will) Rmcc an ro t d 1 lion jan Relations I onasin, t kpartnient will co lainct'llal "Ifotcc a TiPs-I I !vc PrOgICa Of 11011 iscri M i na tiolli ' I lion o Ynjc it rair 13,yuhlic Acconin lation,and CoinjAlancC With the Anmicans with Disabilities Act vilhill the City of C ortrils Cill-isti. We will also make repoits and rcconlarcta to Cite City Council and others , tmvard the betternient ©f uon all(] inter-groul relationships within the co) MMOlt PROGRAMS AND SERVICES- A, IN oail on P ME1 L k iam e,ljiv CtY nunu[Iiiy Outreach, Educ,-lnon, and Awareness, 3. Technical and Administralive Services 1. Addlessarid monitor ADA collipliance, lind iclawd issue S, illroll�h acconurrodainin ruques(s and c' Iplailits; I COMIUM ­ I - 11 1 Education and Assistance 2 Com (I i nation of il nplenicivatioi i, i nonitoring, and _lidlic Of tile CH 4N ille AIM Transilion Nall i PERFORNIANCE MEASURE Oil 'S Actual Adopted lice hn YTD 2010-2011 1 '1llolith Current INIonti A. SERVICE LEVEL OUll EIC71 L: I'l lnvcsti�ativc Service to noodc investitmion, Inediation, conciliation, 111011 ----f orulg Charge r eSttl ution III Elliployinerat �hlclkjdin ADA), fair I lolising, and Public AG c nrrioda FFOC' Contract Yr Closures z1oll 1'4)1,ilan(]%tjfGoal-10/lio9130 108(103%) 104 3 l'olal IntaRc oal (RcRircl to IT 7 (202%) I'oial and % of Goal - 1011 to 9130 110(100-/.) 98 7 111111 171F I loosing Complaint Regolution 4 20(20,4%) Folal - 711 110 6130 45 42 3 2 117("5flres � 1-Ilenvellesss --- 24(53 .3% IT"Ou Charge Write-Ups (1 Charges) conlille"I .will to SAFO in 8 days or less (as % oo MOM 90% 90% 41 4/4/(100%) 13/20(65 %) F.F.OU (Targes within 180 daY7 as % 01 Mal I closures YTD - 10/1 to 9130 I JUD !at I loirsing Complaints 55% 75% 213(06,6%) 417(57.1%) 9/14(643%) closed within 100 (lays as % of total , 70 % 113(33.3%) 2 i 2 ( 100 %) 16124 60.6 %) 11. SFRVICE, LEVEL 0 113 I ,, C I IVE: - - - , , Provide "(ollillillllity_Otitrc, liducation, and Awmenesss" - Measures: Output MuniScr ol training sessions, coninimil niectings, all(I informational events - 8111 io 7131 48 40 5 C. SERVICEMPUToBjEcTi7r, 3 26 Provide ADA Accessibi1q, Acconutioda(ions, and'Feclinical Ass is ace equestiesololi '17easures: Outpul ADA Citizens'Complainis (Accessibility) 115 100 z 5 .. Public Accommodation Ike nests 75 55 Q ........ 2 7 . .......... ...... 3 ADATrash Service Assistance 0 20 1 10 9 ADATMinical Assistance -7-8 40 10 1 23 ­_7 I'lan Re6cm/Nne Visits, 4 6 Key 1.1-iOligids� 5 9 * Si nificant increase in ADATrash 8 11 all 1-1---11 1-11--, - - I I Ct 19 enroffinClit lorajS oil for IICX( 111011 - 4 Closed two(2) oldest l"I'M Charges - case age average at 1$ ( la ys * Reviewed two( Latchkey issues and SUI)j)(iftell scilaration from programs for 1) 0111 to physical 101ol15 loward other childrell and dimpiive and uncontrollable i)eirMor Page 4 of 18 B. Development Services Department 1. Written Summary to be Provided Corpus Christi Development Services Monthly Report Attached are the upcorning ordinances that will be discussed in public meetings to be presented by the Development Services Department, A schedule of the meetings will also be provided so you can attend if interested. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments "Mixed Ilse Development Standards" "Residential Mixed Use Standards" "IJptown-Downtown Special Mixed Use (SMU) Overlay District" "Target Area (SMU) Overlay District" "Strectscape Zone Standards" "Off Street Parking & Loading Amendment" Page 5 of 18 ° I � �> 4 F N l- 's ` k br „�� 5�e!.,xl.-- �,.����i0 `9 �:• ,d u! t a� c r� �' 9 � � L s •f a « - . 5 +f R% +, N.Nw , lAK48r&b,.,SA � ~"'+•'v. .lad r �r E � a ° I � �> 4 F N l- 's ` k br „�� 5�e!.,xl.-- �,.����i0 `9 �:• ,d u! t a� c r� �' 9 � � L s •f a « - . 5 +f R% +, N.Nw , lAK48r&b,.,SA � ~"'+•'v. Page 7 of 18 Adaptive Reuse Incentives WE'xisting heights, floor area, and qcibacks, which do not currently meet the standards of the Zoning District would lit permitted to remain, w New mezzanines for lofts constructed of less than one-third the floor area of the floor below would not be counted as floor area. a Lot area anti density standards are waived (no limit on the 'lumber Of apartments, live /work units, or guest toorus permitted) provided that any new floor area added does not exceed 125% of the existing floor area. ■ Qualify to enter the "Fast Track" development review process at no additional cost. ■ The adaptive reuse of structure within the Jjpt Downtown Overlay of Target Area Overlay Districts would be eligible for a 50 reduction in rezoning fees, if required for the project, ■ Additional new parking spaces or loading spaces would not be required, provided that all existing on- Nile spaces are maintained if required by the underlying zoning djHtfiCL Page 8 of 18 se Page 9 of 18 Farmers & Fish Incentives for SMU ■ No minimuin lot area requirements. ■ Use Privilege Agreement Fee shall be waived for all awnings installed within an SINIU Overlay District. ■ Allowance for outdoor dining areas, provided at least 5 feet is maintained as a Clear Zone within a sidewalk. ■ No additional parking requirements above what is currently present, Target Area Redevelopment Special Overlay District Includes Areas Set Forth Under an Adopted Area Development Plan for Redevelopment ■ Mixed-Use Development ■ Residential.Mixcd-Use Development ■ Adaptive Re-Use Development ■ Compact- Clustered Development ■ Cottage I lousing Development (CHD) ■ Tfaditional. Neighborhood Design/Development (TND) ■ Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Page 11 of 18 RV Parking Standards This Not This A 000 Page 12 of 18 Page 13 of 18 C. Engineering Services Department 1. Written Summary to be Provided THE COMMITTEE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT February 2, 2011 ADA Improvements Group I — Pre-Construction Meeting and Notice to Proceed will be issued February 3, 2011 to TI-ZACK Construction. 11. ADA Improvements Group 2 — Design is 75% complete. Final Design should be submitted at the end of February. HL Joint Wl'Afl'xD(Y17MPO/County/City Monthly Meeting: a, Johnny Perales, Assistant City Manager for the City of Corpus Christi, was asked if there was some help for ADA complaint inspections. Johnny said he had ail inspector that could be trained to help with the complaints oil a part time basis which is what would be required, Leon Bazar and Jamie Pyle will develop a check list so the investigation can be consistently recorded and cataloged, b. Leon Bazar, Director of Human Relations for the City of Corpus Christi, informed the group of the impending legislation oil ADA placards and fraudulent abuses. Leon told the group about the efforts of the City's new Parking Director and the success that department is having on the abuses of Parking for Persons with Disabilities, c. ADA Master Plan — A technical review workshop will be scheduled to include the RTA, Committee for Persons with Disabilities, Planning Department, Building Official, Hurnan Relations, Engineering Department, and other City staff, d. The ADA Master Plan will include a roll out presentation to select groups such as the American Institute for Architects, American Society of Civil Engineers, Associated Builders and Contractors, etc., c. Janan Sahtout-Lce of TxDOT announced their ADA Curb Raulp Project will be complete by the end of February 2011. The Saratoga /Staples Median Project is oil schedule. There will be new traffic signals installed at Pa" Drive on Saratoga and oil Yorktown at Staples. f. Victor Vourcos of 'rxDO'r announced that the Corpus Christi District Office is discussing excluding brick pavers as an acceptable detectable warning surface. He also stated that audible pedestrian signals, as opposed to non-audible, are going to be required by law in the near future. There also was some discussion about a U-turn issue at FM 624 and River Run Drive. g, Sharon Montcz with the RTA announced the selection of their new CEO. Sharon is the Chief of Capital Planning and Service Development for the RTA. She says there will be sollic new service coming in the near future. Page 14 of 18 D. Parks and Recreation Department 1. Written Summary to be Provided Coq)tjs ChOsti 11 - lai - ks aiid Reereatioii DepaftnieW Latelikey Request foi• Reasmiable Accoiiiiiio(latioji Pi-ocess a I Upon registration all parents are given a Request for a Reasonable Accoriji 11 od tio 1 Form. While some parents submit the request immediately, a good portion of rcqLICStS are niade, after child has been attending the pro rain and problems have ariseii. Reasonable accon are made upon a review of the request. Each time a p . articipatit cm in a program, a new request for reasonable accommodation intist be made. Failure to make a timely request for a reasonable accommodation may result iii delay of the review and implementation of aii accommodation or delay the participant's entry into the program. Participants will be unable to attend the program until the request has becii reviewed mid a determination has been made. Parciits that need accommodations for their child because of a disability or limiting condition are asked to fill out forte. A doctor's signature is required. Tile parent is contacted once the form is received aild accommodations are diSCUSsed. The next step involves the area manager and the site supervisor. The accommodations are discussed and agreed to by both staff, ']'lie parent is notified and the child is able to attend the program upon approval. If child is attending the program when the accommodation is requested I will discuss request with the site supervisor and area manager before speaking with the parent. We determine what modifications can be implemented to help child succeed iii the program, Leon Bazar, Minim Relations Director is consulted as needed, to erasure all possibilities have becii met. While all accommodations requested are similar in nature, we did have a challenging sittiation dealing with unsanitary conditions. Currently, we have approximately 2200 children enrolled in our prof rain and an average of 15 accommodation requests. Tlie acconiniodatiOlIS I - C(ILICSted and approved for the 2010 summer camp and the 2010- 2011 school year are listed on the following pages. Page 15 of 18 Summer 2010 DisaWlity G alld C811leteFized Anxiety Disorder & Tourette Syndrome Severe allergies Asthma (4) Asthma & Lactose Intolerant (2) ADIID (3) ADHD/Bipolar ADIJD/l3lpolar/0DD Fticopresis (difficulty controlling BM) Request Allow private nurse and private room to Use as needed to Feed and empty bag Assure instructions are understood; repeat if nccessary, ignore ties, protect from teasing /bullyilig Hold Epipen until needed Hold inhaler until ilecdecl Hold inhaler & SQrVC,jLHcc or water only Takes reeds at noon daily Takes mods at Ipm daily Takes needs at nooll & 4pm daily RR breaks every 30 minutes, 1)1,11-111)s 2010-2011 School Year Disability Encopresis (difficulty controlling BM) Food Allergies Allergic to fire ants Asthma (2) Lactose Intolerant (2) Allergic to wasps Asthma & allergic to peanuts & peallUt bllttCI' Request RR breaks every 30 IllillUtCS We suggested and parent agreed for Child to wear pull-ups, DO ]lot give snacks Containing nuts Administer epipell & benadryl Hold inhaler until needed Serve juice Only Administer epipen & follow doctor's orders Bold inhaler &_ do not serve peanuts/butter Page 16 of 18 Anxiety Disoder/ADD/Tourette Syndrome A DFID (2) AD1 AMID/Aggression Issues/Seiisory Overload ALltiSt1C/I,aCtOSC IntOlffallt Autism /Rest Syridroinc/ADI (child never enrolled) Requires wheelchair. (teniporary) [Carlos Vargas left at 3:48 p.m,] [Irene Martinez left at 3.50 pm.] Redirect, allow child to take it time-out & use his spiral to document hi feelings Redirect, time-out, likes puzzles, beads, Sortirig Redirect, allow child t go o h owl), don't crowd her or force her to quiet down Walk him away fi- s on one Coach should address issue, walk him Outside Redirect, likes sorting, serve juice; only Possible Otte-oll-olle, sigri language (Parent will show staffsoine signs) Send child into rr by herself and re mind her of rr breaks Needs help getting at - 0111)(I Rides bLIS from another school and riec(Issonleolle t wa it f I when dropped off-CCISD cannot leave hiri without someone waitijig at bLIS Mel) Page 17 of 18 Parking Control Supervisor Marc Denson provided the Committ Members with G written report, Police—Parking Control will be 'Dp|ndpH 88 8 line item on the agenda he�|DD'DO Dpvf month. _ _ Marc Denson CCPD/ Parking Supervisor 514 Sam Rankin Corpus Christi, rX784O1 3$1.828,3OU3/ Cell 361,O7O,8700 Since our inception cf the ADA enforcement by Parking Contro vwe have seen a major reduction io violations. Where we once saw no parking spaces available throughout the day vvo now see as much as 50% of the spaces available, with the exception of high volume traffic areas. � Where weare experiencing problems is with sornwof the downtown and uptow/ facilities aVachodbobonkv Sonmeofthmmhavgbmenha|UnuUnohban���0hsdUl - . ���~ r eymanuue�h�nofor|nadingaod unloading, parking people, Additionally vve have � had some problem with armored cars using the Disabled spots for depositing money at the banks, We have been a this but might want to send arl'information letter'to buildings with parking garages politely educat thern oil t State Transportations code or) this, If done properly where it is not offensive, but informational, I think it would help the situation. It is tough to issue citations when the landlords tell their tenants they can do it and would result in less adversarial conversations. Rudy Garza contacted me requesting additional information and clarification on the amendment addi altered placards to the counterfeit placard legislation. I responded with detailed data that he said was very helpful, but looking for o sponsor for the bill, He also requested CCPID representative kzhmsUfv|f needed vviU)wnobnnmmKtenUiiie sponsored. COPD has suggested that /bo assigned that task ' s I am the one most familiar with the problem. Marc Denson Parking Control SUpervisor 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS B ADATit|e I/Emplo Comprehensi Subcommittee — No Re C. Engineering Subcommittee �0Q f�mo 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA . South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind 9. ADJOURNMENT MOT Motion to adjourn made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Alana Manrow. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m, Page 18ny18