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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 04/06/2011Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for April 6, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Alana Manrow Irene Martinez Thomas Dreyer I MAY Q 9 2011 CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE Committee Members Absent: Darren Bates (Excused) Bertha Romero (Excused) Harvey Salinas Staff Members Present: Leon Bazar (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Brian Narvaez (Legal) Staff Members Absent: Marc Denson (Police /Parking Control) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Darren Bates and Bertha Romero for the April 6, 2011 meeting made by Alana Manrow and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. [Mr. Alonzo skipped to Item 3.] 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES None [Mr. Alonzo continued to Item 2.] 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 03/02/11 MOTION Motion to approve the March 2, 2011 meeting minutes made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Thomas Dreyer. Motion passed. MOTION [Mr. Alonzo requested to adjourn and reconvene outside City Hall for the Green -N -Go Cabs Overview presentation. Motion to adjourn made by Alana Manrow and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p,m] 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Green -N -Go Overview (Adjourn and Reconvene Outside) Jack Rylant from Green -N -Go Cabs demonstrated the company's new accessible cab to the Committee members. fflEffiffown Page 1 of 5 [Mr. Alonzo called the meeting to order at 4:23 p.m. Quorum confirmed prior to continuing.] B. Budget Process Overview Leon Bazar shared information regarding the City's budget process and distributed information regarding the Budget Open House Events, Mr. Bazar stated the City currently has a budget shortfall of over eleven million dollars and community input is being requested. He invited the Committee members to attend any of the meetings listed on the handout. The meeting which will be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers will be specifically for members of boards and commissions. Members will have an opportunity to speak and express their concerns. The departments continue to work on various budget scenarios and submitting them to the budget department. Budget Open House Events Summary A series of silt open house events will be conducted to give residents the option to complete the computer based priority survey; provide additional information on the current status of the. budget and informally ask questions regarding the budget process. Events would begin at 4:30 p.m. and end at 6:30 p.m. and have no formal presentation rather a come and go atmosphere for residents to include their input and visit with various department personnel attending each open house. Date& & Locations Monday, April 4, 2011 Northwest Library 3202 McKinzie Departments: HealthlUbrary (MS, P10. Budget) Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Garden Senior Center 5325 Greely Departments: - Municipal Court/Streets (MIS, P10, Budget) Thursday, April 7, 2411 Broadtnoor Senior Center 1651 Tarlton Street Departments: Museum/Solid Waste (1Lll,S, PIO, Budget) Monday, April 11, 2011 Greenwood Senior Center 4040 Greenwood Dr. Departments: Fire/Community Development (MISS; PIO, Budget) Wednesday, April 13, 201.1 Ethel Eyerly.Senior Center 654 Graham Rd. Departments: Police /Park and Recreation (MIS, P10, Budget) Thursday, April 14, 2011 City Hall 1201 Leopard Street Departments: Engineering/ mi kgtio (MIS, P10, Budget) r y��') fi '� 1201 "' 1 ro:3d7'�• 4v� . YJ1 ! " ,� a.�'�S t �aW1rvF1SStD}�$ l tB1�wb. �,'t Page 2 of 5 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Recommended Nomination and Approval for Vacancy on CFPWD Leon Bazar stated he, Mr. Dreyer and Mr. Alonzo met to review candidates who submitted interest in being appointed to the Committee. The vacancy was created due to Dr. Candelario Huerta's resignation last month. After reviewing the vacancies, the Committee recommended the nomination and approval of Sabrina Ramirez. Sabrina is a student at Texas A &M University - Corpus Christi and is working on an internship with the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living agency. MOTION Motion. to recommend Sabrina Ramirez for appointment to the CFPWD made by Carlos Ramirez and seconded in unison. Motion passed. [Stacie Talbert arrived at 3:27 p.m.] 6. STAFF REPORTSICOMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Leon Bazar reported following: • Closed 7 EEOC cases — 34.6% of goal • Large number of intakes — 22 (18 were deferred to EEOC in San Antonio) • Closed 1 Housing case — 60% of goal • Accessibility Grievances — 4 Public Accommodations — 8 • Technical Reviews -- 7 • Project Reviews — 6 • ADA Trash Assistance —11 • Outreach Presentations —10 2. H.B. 1473 Status Leon Bazar reported he went to Austin on March 16th and spoke before the State Legislative Committee on Transportation regarding altered ADA placards. Current law states that a counterfeit placard is a felony but it does not address altered placards. The bill was placed on consent calendar to be voted on in Austin. Mr. Bazar believes there will not be any opposition to pass the bill. B. Development Services Department 1. UDC Highlights /ADA Impacts Andrew Dimas provided a brief overview on the Unified Development Code (UDC). The UDC is a culmination of six years of work with various groups in the City to combine several ordinances used on a day to day basis. These ordinances include the zoning, planning, driveway, etc. Instead of having a library, combining ordinances into one document will make it easier for city developers, city staff and anyone coming into the city. The UDA contains selections and articles that divide zoning, boards, and committees that go through development services from technical review, to landmark commission, to planning commission, board of adjustment, sections on infrastructure tools that everyone can use to improve the City of Corpus Christi. [Mr. Alonzo skipped Item 6.C.] Page 3 of 5 D. Parks and Recreation Department 1. Budget Impacts on Summer Projects Stacie Talbert reported on how the city's budget will impact the Parks and Recreation summer projects. The following are some of the highlights: • Latchkey Summer Camps will be ongoing • Same pool hours • Full schedule of swim lessons • No summer concert series this year E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control 1. Activities Summary No Report. [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item 6.C.] C. Engineering Services Department 1. ADA Master Plan Rollout Preview Jamie Pyle reported the ADA Master Plan Rollout Preview will be presented to the City Council on April 26, 2011. Assistant City Manager Johnny Perales and engineering firm LNV will also assist with the presentation to City Council. Ms. Pyle presented two Master Plan charts to the Committee members that showed examples of accessible routes, compliant and non - compliant sidewalks and curb cuts. The purpose of the presentation is to ask City Council for ADA Master Plan support. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. ADA Title I /Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee — No Report B. Engineering Subcommittee -- No Report 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • ADA Master Plan [Leon Bazar announced his retirement from the City of Corpus Christi effective April 15th [Abel Alonzo resigned as Chairperson for the Committee For People With Disabilities effective April 81h.] 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m. Page 4 of 5 HUMAN RELATIONS Month: Mar. 2011 MISSION AND SERVICE STRATEGY; With a goal of "Fostering Diverse and Equitable Environments With Respect and Professionalism ", the Human Relations Department will conduct and enforce a positiv@ program of non-discrimination in ElMloyment, Fair Housing, Public Accommodation, and Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA ) within the City of Corpus Christi. We will also make reports and recommendations to the City Council and others, toward the betterment of group and inter-affroup relationships within the communit . MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: A. Non - Discrimination Program 1. Intake, Investigative, and Mediation/Resolution Services 2. Corrununity Outreach, Education, and Awareness 3. Technical and Administrative Services R ADA Compliance 1. Address and monitor ADA compliance, and related issues, through accommodation requests and citizen cam plaints; Community Education and Awareness; and Technical/Administrative Assistance. 2. Coordination of im lemorptation, monitoring, and update of the Cit wide ADA Transition Plan PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVES Actual Adopted Feb Mar YTD 0 2010 -2011 Prior Month Current Month 2010 -2011 A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to Include intake, investigation, mediation, conciliation, monitoring, and charge resolution in Em to ent (including ADA , Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation. MeRSIIP&S': Output G II Vhllll 9NI01 �I III p -, 1I Contract Yr Closures Goal - Total and %of Goal - 1011 to'9 /30 108(103 9'.) 104 III I� I� UPI, F II ICI 8 I W �IP.. IIEIIOIIII /III I 7 I 'a ` II€ II I' /III I. 36 34.6% Total Intake Goal (Referred to EEOC ) - Total and % of Goal - 1011 to 9130 110(100 0 /.) 98 5 18 43(43.8%) HUD Fair Housing Complaint Resolution - Total - 711 /to 6/30 Measures ectivenesss EEOC C e Write -Ups (Per cted Charges ) complete and sent to SAFO in 8 days or less (as % of) 45 VV LILI] I. R � IR A �h 90 42 II I li IIIH� III IIII9 90% 3 d9�t zl. "s _ I 515(100 1 II .i Ill 1'll 16/18(88.8 28 66.6% II .1111 d I'IIII II /III IC i 34/43(79.1%) ]I C es Closed within 180 clays as - /. or total closures YTD - 1011 to 9/30 75% 418(50 4/7(57.1%) 20136 55.5% HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed within 100 days as % of total ;; r 70% 9-12(100 111 l OD% 19/28 67.8% R SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide "Community Outreach, Education, and Awarenesss" measures: Output 4 Itll glu'I. il11 Number of training sessions, community meetings, and informational events - 8/11 to 7/31 48 tl .I�� i! I iai 40 ilil imii b ai 5 r �giuuu Ili II 10 I,, Iliiii 41 C. SERVICE LEVEL 013JECTIVE: Provide ADA Accessibility, Accommodations, and Technical Assistance Re uest resolutio Measures: Output I f 'ill II - I �l III m P I III P IIIV fl'� ml IWVI ADA Citizens' Complaints (Accessibility) 115 100 III it It - 1 /II i�llll Ill� -.i 111 4 II i II Illli I II h III: 32 Public Accommodation Requests 75 55 2 8 20 ADA Trash Service Assistance 0 20 7 11 41 ADA Technical Assistance 48 40 9 7 78 Plan Reviews /Site Visits 5 6 20 Key Highlights: *EEOC- charge average age is 159.8 days - lowest ever! Average W was in excess of 287 da s in Jame 2005 - EEOC requires 240 days avg *EEOC- average closure age is 179.4 days - better than the EEOC averse of 180 days *ADA Trash assistance added 11 new clients