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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 06/01/2011A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: CITY SECREARYS OFFICE Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Thomas Dreyer Darren Bates Alana Manrow Sabrina Ramirez Committee Members Absent: Irene Martinez (Excused) Bertha Romero Harvey Salinas Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson {Human Reiations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Jamie Kyle (Engineering} Marc Denson (PolicelParMng Control) Brian Narvaez (Le Staff Members Absent: Stephen Draper (Development Services) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) [Mr. Alonzo skipped Item 1.B. Requests for Excused Absences] 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 05104111 Motion to approve the May 4, 2011 meeting minutes as amended made by Carlos Vargas, MOTION was seconded and passed. Amendment: On Page 10, Item 6.E. 1., add "Darren Bates asked Marc Denson if he would provide a disposition about outstanding projected loss for the city on accessible parking placards," [Mr, Alonzo continued to 1.13. Requests for Excused Absences] B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Irene Martinez for the June 1, 2011 meeting made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed, 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Public Transportation — Crystal Lyons, Corpus Christ! RTA Board Chairman Page 1 of 15 Intro duction Transit board members have mn integral policy and decision-making role inADA implementation in their communities, Movement Towards the ADA Whm��� w�� . Americans —'_. Disabilities Act was Established The ADA'spub transportation requirements.,. are means to create integration sut individuals with disabilities can not only travel to work, school, and other activities, but can dosoUom non-segregated way. Foreword I Employment 11 Public Services and Transportation III Public Accommodations and Services Provided by Private Entities IV Telecommunications Miscellaneous Federal Agency Responsibilities The federal agencies responsible for implementing the ADA are required to provide technical assistance to individuals and entities on the rights and responsibilities under the ADA, ADA Regulations and ADAAG Guidelines Affecting Operations, Customer Service, Vehicles& Facilities • Overall operational requirements • Fixed-route bus service requirements • ADA-complementary paratransit eligibility requirements • ADA-complementary paratransit service requirements • ADA-complementary paratransit planning requirements • Overall rail vehicle requirements • Heavy/rapid rail requirements • Light rail vehicle requirements • Commuter rail vehicle requirements - Public transit facilities requirements Part 27 Requirements Ensure that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States is excluded from participation it), denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, solely by reason of his or her disability. "Nothing About us Without Us" Need ongoing efforts to involve the disability community in planning Involve people with disabilities in the development and improvement of services U.S. DOT Public Involvement Techniques for Transportation Decision-Making * Human Services Transportation Coordination 0 Mobility Management • Universal Design • Complete Streets • Past - use of accessible public transportation primarily used for medical appointments • Now - it is used every day for employment, educational opportunities, medical visits, social activities and civic engagements References TCRP Report 53. New Parodigms for Local Public Transportation Organizations • [SPA: Universal Design & Accessible Transit Systems: Facts to Consider When Updating or Expanding Your Transit System NOD: The Current State of Transportation for People with Disabilities in the United States • U.S. DOT: Frame workfor Action: Building the Fully Coordinated Transportation System W ADA Compliance Accessibility Features Construction (new and existing facilities) Contracting with private entities • Lease/purchase of vehicles • Paratransit Training Page 5 of 15 AA Technical Assistance Centers www.fta, www.ada,gov Additional Resources • Center for Universal Design,nsu,edu/cud • • National Council on Disabilties National Resource Center on Human Services Transportation ff � MI Crystal Lyons Page 6 of 15 is Use any public bus or rail system. m Receive transportation route and service information in an accessible and useable form. m Use a common wheelchair or other mobility device to board a bus or train. tat Find all lifts and securement devices in good working order. at Ride the bus or train seated in your wheelchair or mobility device. at Have stops, major streets, and intersections announced along the route. Easter Seals Projectl� TON Easter Seals Project ACTION is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, • Use fixed-route transportation, when possible. • Know whether or not your mobility aid is within ADA requirements. Wheelchairs m a be 3- or 4-wheeled, 30" in wi 48" in length, with the total weight of the passenger and wheelchair no more than 600 lbs. Mg gp ' u, n Know how to contact the transportation provider and receive route schedules and information. • Arrive at the bus, train, or paratransit stop at the correct time. • Pay the proper fare. • Keep service animals under control. • Comply with the transit provider's policies on securing wheelchairs and mobility devices, • Request lop/shoulder belts and securement for your wheelchair if desired. • Signal or ask the driver to stop the bus at the desired designated stop before you get there. • Treat the driver and other passengers with courtesy and respect, � * * -_ 0 Lt It RL-W U fili a m Page 7 of 15 Let the ADA give you a IN Do you have a disability? Do you have places to go? The ADA gives you the right to: B. Airline and South Padre Island Drive Intersection — Jamie Pyle, Engineering Dept. No Presentation. Presentation deferred until next month, 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Discussion and Action of Appreciation Letter to Leon Bazar for Service to CFPWD Sylvia Wilson stated there was discussion at last month's meeting whether or not the Committee would provide Leon Bazar with a plaque or an Appreciation Letter from the Committee for his dedication and service to the CFPWD, Carlos Vargas asked Mrs. Wilson to order the plaque and he would take care of the cost. Darren Bates asked Mrs. Wilson if she would send the information that will be printed on the plaque via e-mail to the Committee members prior to placing the order. Mrs. Wilson stated she would send the information to the Committee Members via e-mail. 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Sylvia Wilson provided the Committee members with copies of the May 2011 Monthly Performance Report, Highlights were shared with the Committee. IlUNI ANFIELA I CION S Month 1 1 April.) I M lSMON Ail} SERVIC FSTYA1ViX J i Willi a pxll and lajoil 19virf-timerit5 , Willi Respcaaijvj lkiniall Relations Deproloicul .ill I - coi�dllvt and enforce Ii oil il I F�a 1ployinall,_ Frii r fitoil Ji Acconin to d, 1 o, a rol ( oolliti a will) itic Americans with DisabiliticsAcl(ADA)wilhin thG c'sly ofC(ojni50Trkti We Will also make iepi-its ,31id )IA40 I )LSAND SFRVICTS: X. Non-Diminillialion llriv:;sljj_ I lot, ke, 2 Community Owrcadi, lalucalion,and Atkarioii Ss 3, lechn[caland Athaiakiralive Semecs 13, ADA Coinjilhiace 2, C ordinilioll f11111) lic Italion, lihmiloriatt, and ajolate of flit Cilywide AIM Flall.S11ion 1 PER YO RA IANC' MEASURE OBJEk I IVES A lual Adopted M ay 20 t4 -20111 2010-2011 lir NO- 1 oil A SEAV jQ- IN IV! I Pmvi e Ser, ice to nidudt lolike, illveitigaliun, 1"Opali0o, T! OAIC11136011, too it o6fle lluq� 601, ill inchiifin6 XDA)jair Housing, awl Public Avwnffliotlatioji il!(Tr! 77,7711 Tr Mosureq Z' oll 108(103%) to(). 7 rotal Intake Goal (I(elcricd to FFOC) Folal and ✓ ol'(Goal . Ifln to 9/30 110 (1 vrxi) 98 18 fk 8 51;52 %) It ID Yair I hamlit; Coniplaim Rooluricin lotal -7d1voW30 45 42 1 C 3 35(83%) IT(T iew to SAFO in 8 days or k i (ai % of) -- M r — 96% 16"1 4M 3 341i 31 tt419� OC chatites cloin"MIT at lays Aq 01 M101 77777, Y 1 1) - 10/1 to 9130 55% 75% 4 +7 5 1 %) 11 214 ItUD Fair clowd "ohal 100 days as % oli 1 7 044 Ill (1 (Kl% 1/$ 00) I L 'Ut RVICE LEVEL 0 11JEC I"] Y E 1'rovale "Collir , lunily Oulreavli� Filticalion, anti AiYa[cuesss" "Ifeasurel. OuIpul "777777 1711 "'her ofifaining scaiorns, voliturollirly louturles, and ililininalkaial cycaits - 8111 to 7/31 1 48 40 41 C:_&L(Njuv FL"Vrl, (1 I'm I hovide Alert Acemilida, At, -ommodalionii, and 't Cwrlll llill Assislanci Re sl resoloit . n I T7777777 7 7 7 ADA Cirizens'Com1flainti 115 100 4 5 fi 3) Pohlk Accommodation Itra aretiES 75 55 8 --------------- 20 ADATsriiih Service Amish, 0 20 ADATec linicil Assistarwv, 4B Q 7 4 78 Mau Reviowilske Visils le 4 Key I lighbi May; 1 lte�lllesl (o ex - -nil coll(ract received 5/9"1 for IN 1 Oj2O 1 0 .91201 COO Page 8 of 15 Sylvia Wilson stated the report she provided the Committee members was not completely updated. Under ADA Citizens' Complaints (Accessibility) there was only 1 complaint instead of the 8 indicated. Under ADA Trash Service Assistance there were 8 new processed requests instead of the 1 indicated. Mrs. Wilson reported that under the number of training sessions, community meetings and informational events there were only 2 and June Martinez conducted those sessions. The low numbers were due to Walter Bryant (Housing Outreach Coordinator) leaving the department when Leon Bazar retired from the City of Corpus Christi. Mrs. Wilson stated she is working on utilizing college student Stacie Barrera to fill in as the new Housing Outreach Coordinator for the department (pending the hiring process) for at least a couple of months during the summer to help with the outreach program. Ms. Barrera is in the Public Administration Masters Program at the university. 2. Budget Update Sylvia Wilson reported there was no update. The budget process will continue to take place in June and July. Mrs. Wilson stated that she wanted to make the Committee members aware of upcoming public budget meetings that were scheduled for Wednesday, June 16th and Thursday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. 3. Committee Members Contact Information Update Sylvia Wilson asked Carlos Vargas and Alana Manrow to meet with her briefly after the meeting to confirm their contact information, 4. Discussion and Action of Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities Awards Nominees Sylvia Wilson stated she e-mailed the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities Awards nomination forms and additional information on previous award recipients to Committee members to give members insight on nominating an agency, business or a person(s). Mrs. Wilson asked if there was any discussion on any potential nominees and categories anyone wanted to submit for awards. Motion to nominate Crystal Lyons for the Governor's Trophy made by Darren Bates MOTION and seconded by Carlos Vargas, Motion passed. Governor's Trophy (for a person who has achieved the highest success in enhancing the empowerment and employment of Texans with disabilities) B. Development Services Department — No Report Page 9 of 15 C. Engineering Services Department 1, ADA Compliance Annual Report Jamie Pyle provided the Committee members with a copy of the following report: Committee for Persons with Disabilities Annual Report of ADA Bond 2008 Funds June 1, 2011 WHOMEWamiePy\Gen%Crty Projects\Bond 20081Sond 2008 ADA Pro.1eCtsW3eneraIkBudget\ADA Budget 2011 06 01,xis D. Parks and Recreation Department 1, National Parks Service Litigation Update Stacie Talbert updated the Committee members on the National Parks Service Litigation and provided copies of the following: Page 10 of 15 �ADA IMPROVEMENTS 13OND 2008 Project lContract Amount Contingencies ADA BOND 2008 Funds Other Funds Little Miss Kickbat ADA Parking tot and Fire Lane - Construotion $27,82222 $ 2; 7 82 . 40 $30,604.22 $0.00 ADA Improvements Group I Bond 2008 - Design $353,60&00 $22,984.52 $218,019,52 $135,586 48 ADA Improvements Group 1 Bond 2008 - Construction $1,448,396.50 $333,131,20 $1 ,0841,584 70 $696,943,00 ADA Improvements Group 2 Bond 2008 - Destgn $326,715.00 $21,236.4B $279,370.32 $97,480,65 ADA Master Plan $440,850,00 $28,655.25 $211,615.65 $229,234.35 TOTAL FUNDS FOR ADA BOND 2008 PROJECTS $2,597,391.12 $408,789.45 $1,824,194AI $1,159,246,48 Remaining available ADA BOND 2008 FUNDS $3,115,805.60 $224,000,00 1 Other Bond 2008 Projects with ADA Components Bond 200& Street Overlays Group 1 i Other BOND 2008 Fund WHOMEWamiePy\Gen%Crty Projects\Bond 20081Sond 2008 ADA Pro.1eCtsW3eneraIkBudget\ADA Budget 2011 06 01,xis D. Parks and Recreation Department 1, National Parks Service Litigation Update Stacie Talbert updated the Committee members on the National Parks Service Litigation and provided copies of the following: Page 10 of 15 Greenwood Softball Complex Phase 1, It & IV $ 1 4 2,6-00 - 00 Parks Operation Maintenance Facility $34,00000 HES Pool ornplex Replaoement $321,000.00 CC North Beach Entry Development & Signage $52,500.00 Staples Street Phase 2; Barracuda to Gollihar $364,000.00 Marisheim & Helen/Manshein) Area Improvements $307,000-00 Yorktown Blvd. Staples to Cimarron $224,000,00 Bond 200& Street Overlays Group 1 $134,000,00 Bond 2008 Street Overlays Group 2 $205,000.00 Flour Bluff Dr. Phase 1 & 2 iSPID to Don Patricto $2.76,500.00) Kostoryz Road Phase I & 2 Unknown Robert Street I Gaines to Ocean Drive $83,100-00 I TOTAL FUNDS FOR ADA COMPONENT OF OTHER BOND 2008 PROJ ECTS 1$2,184,700.00 WHOMEWamiePy\Gen%Crty Projects\Bond 20081Sond 2008 ADA Pro.1eCtsW3eneraIkBudget\ADA Budget 2011 06 01,xis D. Parks and Recreation Department 1, National Parks Service Litigation Update Stacie Talbert updated the Committee members on the National Parks Service Litigation and provided copies of the following: Page 10 of 15 City of Corpus Christi - Department of the Interior Parks Complaint Proposed ADA Accessibility Resolution F I 17 - CLARENION] Pocket Trash Receptacle Bond 2008 g I WOOLDRIDGE 6229'Alinrxk Neighh, Trash Receptacle 2010 complah 2 f4 - SANDS 1802 Si Sand Dr. NeighLerhood Trash Receptacle Fla round Anxertlies Bond 2008 2008-2012 Summer 201 comp 3 15 -- PEARY Pocket t Trash Recepacle 2011 Bava skle yl walk imoprvruni oicture n I r uded 1750 PauWones Trash Reco2lale Further irt) rOverronts to oxur 4 06 - TURTLE COVE 9S16 Love Bird Neighborhood Trash Receptacle Bored 2 2008-2012 Summer 2011 eomp`etion 5 48 - WRANOSKY Pocket Trash Receptacle — 2012 corn larch (ale 20 422 Graharn Neighborhood &rowd,Amertbus 2011 &Ibkdu'ed Sep;. completion depanding on lundtig availabijqy 6 1 9 - D1fMIT Pocket Trash Rateptade 2012 — 202 Jester Pla 1grouncl Ancents ip - 7 f10 - SOUTH SEA Pocke� Trash Receplade 2012 28n Panay Drive Plaarowd Amenities 8 4 12 - CASTLE 3201 VorsaMos; Pocket Sidewalk 2011 Corti 9 #13 - WINDSONG Pockec Trash Raceplade 2013 24 5830 Meadu.Nbreeze Neighborhood Pia round Amenities 2010 CDmp!ete 10 07 - CANOLEWOCD 6226 Birchwood Neighbotood Trash Receptacle 2012 Access comptele, Trash Raceplacte 11 925 - WESTCHESTER Packet Sidewalk 2012 Corn�,�otc 725 Weslofiwer Di've Trash Receptacle 12 #21 - LAK-wOEW i 1 10 Rodd fielc Pleighbotciod ADA Parking 2009 Complete 13 k30 - JOE GARZA 3202 - Hqhland Neighbotood ADA Parking 2008 Complete 14 #33- LINCOLN 4400 Adkins Community Trash Receptacle Playground AmcnificS Bond 2008 2008-2012 Summer 2011 compk-lion is P37 SAM HOUSTON Neighbot.,cod Picnic Tables 2012 629 Brentwood Pocket Trash Receptacle 1 16 438 DAN WHITWORTH Neighbotood SidoAalk - 2010 Complete 29 701 Si. Pius No��boftod Trasli Recoptaclo 2012 F I 17 - CLARENION] Pocket Trash Receptacle Bond 2008 701 Caddo Efa 12roind Amenities 2008-2012 #40- KOOLSIDE Sidewalk 1 18 Dorothy Pocket Playground 2011 ruqyue Trash Reco2lale 19 #40 - CULLEN 910 Airliau COIT1111unity Sidvv�dk 2010 201 bond program 0 GD8G funding vide be pursijec dela corn larch (ale 20 39D2 Ro #42 - TFLAPI F gcsa , Neighborhood Ha Trash kerReceptacle round Amenities es round Arriendt 2011 &Ibkdu'ed Sep;. completion depanding on lundtig availabijqy 21 943 - KINGSTON Neighborhood Trash Receptacle 202 3909 Kingstun Playground Amenities 045 - CASWELL Pocket Trash ReWtacae 2012 4190 N12ples F`18)lround Amenities 23 1946 - PARKLANE Poc et Trash Receptacle -- 2012 4500 Arlem, Play2round Amenities 24 #49 - OSO PARK 1000 Prince Neighborhood ADA Parking Signs 2010 CDmp!ete [rash Rcc221acle 25 f'61 - BROOKDALF 414 Ashlard Neigitmood Trash Receptacle 2011 Corn�,�otc A5 2 - A L MA NZA Trash Receptacle 26 3405 Surrey NeiOborhwd Raygrour)d Amenities 2012 Sidewalk 27 453 - SAN DIEGD 3224 N�jwa Pocket Ficrac Table 2010 Gom"�Med 28 954 - GUIPER Trash Receptacle 211 i Guipet Pocket Playground AriviAlies 2012 SidoAalk 29 955 - MALIBU No��boftod Trasli Recoptaclo 2012 4224 T ips tli — Playground Amenities 10 A56 - CRESTMONT Pocket Trash Recepwtee 2012 3521 Cre-sthi I Playwouhd Amenities— ai 455- WES' HAVEN 1718 clif moss Trash ReceptaCk- Pia 22arouid Awmities 2011 SchErl"led Sept completion delevicling on funding aailiblilly 32 #62 - EDGEDhOOD Trash Receptacle 2705 Alexander Pocket Playground Aitenities 201 Sidewalk 465 - MIDDLE:;OFF 5 Merganser N,iqVWd*cd Raygrouid A rya nhies 2010 Compels Page 2 Page 11 of 15 34 # - OLEANDER M0 Ocean Drive FoqWdl Picnic TaLles 2011 &hedulcd Oct. cor pleUon deperdirrg oo funding availability 35 #84 - INWOOD 4821 Vestal Pike; Trash Receptacle 2010 Cornpe:e 36 rf85 - PAR<VIFW Community Trash Receptacle 2012 Comple 3500 Pa(<vi,,w Pa roand Amentes 37 086- SCHANEN Community Trash Roreptacle 2012 5933 O'Tooe P . eriteS _2iground Am .18 TI&I - FEE BLE 5922 HiHcnest Neighbotood I rash Receptacle Pia pond Arend a5 - - 2012 Comple.e 39 #90 G0 4017 01p4al [locket Playground AmeNes 2012 40 1*3 - MOODY 4618 Castenon Neightod Trash Receptacle Comp$otod 41 994 - STONEGATE 4610 Bonner Neighborhood Playground Amenities 20 1 S Nov compleJon depeoding on WdEN avaaablity n97 - DR. HECTCR P. 42 GARCIA Community Sidewalk 2010 2012 bon i pagram or CDBG fundM9 be Pijmjed - delay 4305 Greenwood completion dale 43 '102 .7 - DODDRIDGE 381 Ocean Udvo Neightorbood ADA Patng Signs 20"0 GOTPt(ne 01C4 -(ZGT.JD,BROCK Trash Receptacle 44 5327 Canadian Neighborhood Playground Amer4es 20 Sidewalk 46 #105 - GLEN ARBOR Neighborhood Trash Receptacle 2012 - . Tanglewood Playground Amerites 46 006 - SWANTNER Community ADA Parking 2010 CoTpIcle 5102 Ocean Drive Secswall 4 7 #107 - PALMETTO 5440 Noon Drivc Pocket Playground rili round Amees - -- 2012 ::48 WG - RIOGEWOOD 5730 Malden Ne�ghborhood Trash PI so +and Rec 2011 SS �: Schedu ej Nov. �cornpftl�on� Page 3 E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control 1. 1-113 1473 Status Update Marc Denson updated the Committee members on 1-113 1473 and provided copies of the following: Marc Denson CCPD / Parking Control Supervisor 514 Sam Rankin, Corpus Christ!, TX 78401 361.826.3003/ Cell 361.876,8700 marcusd0cctexas.corn 6/1/11 House Bill 1473ENR Jill S I prosecutable remedy to this offense. WNFEAVOINN An individual adjudged guilty of a Class A misdemeanor shall be punished by: (1) afine not to exceed $4, 000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year, or (3) both such fare and confinement. § 12.23. CLASS C MISDE ME A NOR An individual adjudged guilty of a Class C misdemeanor shall be punished by apre no t 1 0 exceed $500. This now gives Police Departments statewide the ability to write a criminal report that can be followed with a warrant for the offense or to seize a vehicle, pursue a warrant to search the vehicle, seize the placard and then the option to pursue a criminal charge against the offender. The Texas Parking Association has broadcast this bill to its members across the state encouraging Parking Departments to co-ordinate with their various prosecutor's offices to pursue those who violate section 681.011. lei; 171611 1945711MW 0 Association commended Corpus Christi in our efforts to get this Bill 1473 Introduced passed. This problem is not only found in Corpus Christi, but is a big problem in Houston, Austin and other cities, as well, While unfortunately there will always be people who disregard laws there will now be appropriate action available for those who 'choose' to infringe upon the rights of those persons who are disabled. Page 13 of 15 Marc Denson also briefed the Committee members and provided a copy of the following report which was requested by Darren Bates: Marc Denson CCPD / Parking Control Supervisor 514 Sam R,-A,*j*9mXww- 36 8263003 / Cell 361.876.8700 rnarcugq@L •. From May 2010 till present 693 outstanding citations = $349,965 Prior to May 2010 through fiscal year it outstanding citations = $609,960 o All V01 Ttal . U Marc Denson Parking Control Supervisor Marc Denson requested a letter of support in working with the apartment complexes regarding the importance of the enforcement of their ADA parking spaces. Mr. Denson Page 14 of 15 Parking Control Supervisor Into System Disposed Of Outstanding % Unpaid F.Y. 2011 1,161 657 504 43.4% F.Y. 2010 1,533 778 755 49.2% F.Y. 2009 1,501 861 640 42.6% F.Y. 2008 1,327 711 616 46.4% F.Y. 2007 1 997 570 36.4% TOTALS 7,089 4,004 3,085 43.6% Citation Potential Outstanding From May 2010 till present 693 outstanding citations = $349,965 Prior to May 2010 through fiscal year it outstanding citations = $609,960 o All V01 Ttal . U Marc Denson Parking Control Supervisor Marc Denson requested a letter of support in working with the apartment complexes regarding the importance of the enforcement of their ADA parking spaces. Mr. Denson Page 14 of 15 Parking Control Supervisor volunteered to draft a letter for the Committee, 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee 1. Chairperson Update Thomas Dreyer stated he did not have an update because the Engineering Sub- Committee decided to defer meetings until after vacations and graduations passed. Mr. Dreyer stated he will attempt to set up a meeting within the next few weeks and should have a report at next month's meeting. 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA " Special Needs Evacuation Presentation (within the next few months) [Darren Bates requested to return to Item 6.A.4. Discussion and Action of Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities Awards Nominees] Motion to nominate the Committee For Persons With Disabilities for the Martha Arbuckle MOTION Award (for outstanding pursuit and development of 1­113 '1473) made by Darren Bates and seconded by Thomas Dreyer. Motion passed, Martha Arbuckle Award (for a local committee with an innovative project) MO TION Motion to form a Sub-Committee for the submission of the Martha Arbuckle Award made by Darren Bates and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. MOTION l Motion to form a Sub-Committee for the submission of the Governor's Trophy made by Abel Alonzo and seconded by Carlos Vargas, Motion passed. [Mr. Alonzo continued the meeting with Item 9. Adjournment] 9. ADJOURNMENT MOT Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas, was seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 443 Page 15 o €15