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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/06/2011.r Committee For Persons With Disabil Summary of Minutes for July 6, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel -- Alonzo - . _ _ .__ _. _._.. - - . _.. - Thomas Dreyer Alana Manrow Irene Martinez Bertha Romero Harvey Salinas i Committee Members Absent: Carlos Vargas (Excused) 1110, 2011 CITY SECRETARyS 01=FICE -- Darren- Bates —_ — - Sabrina Ramirez Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development services) Jamie Pyle (En Brian Narvaez (Le Staff Members Absent: Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Carlos Vargas for the July 6, 2011 meeting made by Bertha Romero and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. MOTION Motion to excuse Bertha Romero for the June 1, 2011 meeting made by Irene Martinez and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. MOTION Motion to excuse Harvey Salinas for the June 1, 2011 meeting made by Bertha Romero and seconded by Sabrina Ramirez. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 06/01/11 MOTION Motion to approve the June 1, 2011 meeting minutes made by Darren Bates and seconded in unison. Motion passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES Kristina Mungaray stated she was recently terminated from her position due to her disability. Ms. Mungaray stated she was treated unfairly at her job and was seeking assistance from the Committee to help educate businesses regarding laws that protect people with disabilities. Mr. Alonzo recommended Ms. Mungaray contact Mrs. Sylvia Wilson of the Human Relations Department. The following is a handout that Ms. Mungaray passed out to all of the Committee members. Page 1 of 17 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses S1- Would help disabled persons to feel better and W1- HR department will feel they are not trusted, more comfortable about going to work. - -- - - - - - — -- - -- W2 Employers may - fee] thriratened or worried: -- S2 - WIl€ give the employer a cause to keep an eye on their HR Department and how they are treating W3 -May cost money to send HR to training. their employees. S3 -Could possibly lower the unemp €oyment rate. S4 - Could possibly increase the percentage of disabled workers. 85 - This accounts Cr the entire workforce and not just the persons with disabilities. _ Opportunities 01- Will give disabled persons the freedom to voice their opinions in the workplace in an organized format. 02 - Could possibly lower unemployment rate in other cities. Threats T1- Less hiring due to feeling vulnerable. T2 - Rise in unemployment rate. T3 - Decrease in percentage of disabled workers. 03 - The evaluation will be given to every working citizen in the city. [Mr. Alonzo skipped Item #4. Presentations] 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Appreciation to Leonides G. Bazar for Service to CFPWD The Committee presented Leonides G. Bazar with a plaque for his years of service to the CFPWD. Page 2 of 17 [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item #3. Public Comments] 3. PUBLIC - COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Luise Gazin stated she lives at Trinity Towers and was utilizing her power chair on Lipan Street. Half way on Lipan Street, she had to continue on the street because there are no curb cuts. She staffed that area needs to be addressed because if people want to visit public buildings, they should be able to do it safely. Mr. Alonzo recommended Ms. Gazin contact Mrs, Sylvia Wilson of the Human Relations Department. Mrs. Wilson stated she had Ms. Gazin's contact information. [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item #6. Staff Reports /Comments] 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Sylvia Wilson provided the Committee members with copies of the June 2011 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights were shared with the Committee. With a goal of "Fo te ring Divcise and Eg ililahle ifv imnm ith Reslrect and Yro 'Ile WfessionaI is, D " the l lurnat Rela ilons Dc nl rlmcnt rviII ..- - -. .... _ en and enforce aEosdivc prog oCuon- discriminatio N E Pair _Ho using, f'nbli Accmm m daliorh and Corp hlinnee with the Americans wllb Disabilities Act (ADA) within trlc City of Corpus Christi. We will also make reports and In the City Conucil and othe toward the beltermenl of gron: and inter -grou relnlionsll�ps with tilt coauou J1A lOR I'IEOCRA131S AND SERVICES: --- A. Non- Discrrud:vllran pro rlun : 1 bllzke brvash,,ahve and N hattatd RCSaluliou Serv - -' 2 C ouununit outreach Ld u c•Ihnn, a nd A wareness - -- 3 Techni and A dnn n_ is traove Smiles Ij`� B. ADA f iplfucv I Address and r1loldlaf ADA complianc and reiated I.S.SIICS, [Ii[Il % Mi al.eo reilllCSIS end jtr7,QII e6111p1n111ts; Cnnununi ISdacalion and Awareness; an Tec huicallAdminislnlive Assistance. I_ - 2 Coordi »anon t ilcenenr Inonilorin and update oFlhe Citywide ADA "I'rans Plan __ l' P ;RI ?ORAIANCF.NI OBJE CTIV! L 5 _ 1 Atlallted M ar April May Jun VTD 2010 -2031 1'rlar hluolh Prior Month Priur wlonth Current Mondh 2010 -2011 A. slsavrcE LrvEL ou. rE:cTIVE : l'mvide Ltvesli alive Service to inchtde intake, invcsli anon, in dialiou, conciliminn, 111011itoriug, and char a reg_olutioo in -T 10 (including ADA), Fair Mousing, and Public Acconunodatiot - °" - -- -_ - " "- r rns'ures: ulpul LLOC ontfacl r osures ma - Toral and % of Gcal - 1011 la 9130 100' 7 4 4 14 58(58%) ola Intake Go a (Re leered to 'fatal and %of Coal - 1011 to 9130 98' 18 8 8 ! 7 76173 %) HUD •air nusmg CC111PIR1111 Itesolkiliall - 'Cctal - 7,11to 6130 42 1 1 3 8 90(95 . euSares t LIt uilwilesss LLOC C harge Wi Re-Ups er ecle rarge5 comp cle and scut to SAFO in 8 days or less (as %of) 90% 16118(88.8%) 418 (50%) 3 5 39148(8 E %) mrgcs Mosed rvtt tnr M days as o o Iola closures YTD � 1011 to 9130 75% 4n(57,1%) 2/4(59%) 2 9 29158(50%) •Alf Holiging Colilpl closed within 100 days as % ortotal 70% 111(100 %) 1/1(100) 313 (100°/x) 4 • 25!401(63 %) R. SF.RVIC;LcJAWELOHJECTIVE: PfOYILIC Odrllllllltll Owreach. Hdueatinn, and AwArenesas`� ' r ensures: utpul n, um OL Iremnlg sessions, wmnunuly meetings, an :Or inrommlional events - 871 / to 7/31 40 10 1 2 2 43 CSERVIC: A :VELOIJJEC•CIVFEVELOIJJEC•PIVF Provide ADA Accessibilil , Aceentmodations, and Technical Assistance Elee nest resohllio - easures: ulpu[ >w?nc�,"�,ff' .�s'i.,pst<,a,.a ':,a;•Tx�,e,.x k e3'w .5�."?a max- «.8✓ :Esr a�T • %'. ADA Citizens' Com plaints (Accessibility) 100 4 5 1 3 33 Public Accounnadalion Rc nests 55 8 3 2 5 26 ADA Tntsh service Assistance 20 - 17 7 8 2 51 ADA Technical Assislonca 40 7 4 1 2 79 Plan ReviewsfSilc Visits G 4 1 l 26 Key E[i�hlihls: -,___— -,- --- Ulilizedservices of The Deal and Har of Hearing C enter for an EEOC case. " -- Page 3 of 17 2. Budget Update Sylvia Wilson stated there have been various discussions regarding the City's budget; however, nothing has been approved. Mrs. Wilson informed the Committee members the first reading will be in about two weeks followed by the second reading in about three weeks. Mrs. Wilson will keep the Chairperson and Committee members informed regarding concerns of the Human Relations Department via e-mail or by phone as more information becomes available. _1.. Texas -Govern or's Committee on People with Disabilities_. Employ_.ment_Awar_ds_._._.._ ._._ A. Governor's Trophy Category Nominee Update Sylvia Wilson stated she submitted the nomination of Crystal Lyons to the Texas Governor's Committee. Mrs. Wilson received an e-mail confirmation that the nomination was received. She will keep the Committee posted. B. Martha Arbuckle Award Category Nominee Update Sylvia Wilson stated Darren Bates submitted the nomination of CFPWD to the Texas Governor's Committee. Mrs. Wilson thanked Mr. Bates for submitting the nomination on behalf of the Committee. Mr. Bates thanked Marc Denson, Leon Bazar and Carlos Vargas who were part of the Committee. Mr. Bates stated he wanted to nominate the Committee for all the work they have done and to also advocate for the City and provide awareness of individuals with disabilities and the barriers that they encounter. [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item #4. Presentations] 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Functional Needs Support Services Team — Judy Telge, C1BC1L Judy Telge, Executive Director of the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living, provided an informative PowerPoint presentation regarding the planning, preparedness, evacuation and return of people with. disabilities during a disaster. Functional Needs Support Team Integrated planning for improved access and response during emergency events in Corpus Christi, Texas Page 4 of 17 What is FNST? Peopple who are aging, have dlsabllities and those with >"unctlonal or access needs (traditionally called 'special needs'groups) are recognized by FEIwIA as important to the Emergency Preparedness planning process The local FNSream was developed to: • assist Emergency Operations to better prepare and respond to emergency evacuations for people with access & Functional needs • provide outreach, education and assistance In planning, preparation and ., • develop and provide cross-training venues for frontline workers Who are members of FNST? • Community -based organizations providing health services, supports or in -home care • Consumers — all disabilities, all ages • Family members/care givers • Transportation providers • EOC and City employees • 2 -1 -1 Why is this important? • Katrina - Gov's edict "no bodies floating" • Rita - City requested count for over -road buses • RSA supplemental grant "Go Coastal" • 211 Transportation Registry • City EOC `Special Needs' Subcommittee • Ike - cross - disability team at Oveal staging site * Cross - disability training for City staff developed * 2010 — FEMA adopts Disability Integration and REAL Planning across federal agencies What is a Citizens Corps? • Citizen Corps Program is sponsored by a city, county or combination for collaboration, outreach, integration with first responders • Local groups include Medical Reserve Corps, CC- Nueces Citizen Corps, Ingleside Fire Corps - -•- - No Corps - to - non- medical support of - people with access and functional needs • FNST Citizens Corps could be a model for other coastal communities How to get involved with FNST: • Attend cross - training and certification • Conduct outreach, education & preparation • Support at staging (evacuation) & return sites • Stay informed! Contacts: ]udyTelge (CBCXL) 883 -8461 Janna Shoe (2 -1 -1) 742 -5891 Betty Lamb (AAA) 883 -5743 Elizabeth Schlueter (MHMR) 886 -6900 Theresa Swirenko (hospice) Linda Falwell-Stover (RTA) 903 -3450 Lisa 011ver (City Senior Services) 826 -3150 During the presentation, Ms. Telge asked the Committee members to utilize the internet search engine Google and enter "planning for the whole community" to view a video prepared by Marcie Roth who is the Director of Office of Disability Integration and Coordination at the Federal level of FEMA. [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item #6.13. Presentations] B. Development Services Department 1. Projects Update Stephen Draper provided Committee members with copies of the department's Project Report. Mr. Draper stated the department has seen a lot of activity and there will be several new businesses opening in the near future (6 -9 months). Mr. Draper asked the Committee members to review the report and if any members of the Committee see anything that needs to be addressed please notify him. Mr. Draper stated the department will be including Sylvia Wilson in some of the project management meetings with some of the developers and contractors. Page 6 of 17 Development Services PM Project Report 6.30.1 f DM PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM LAST ACTIVITY 1 - < t mo. 2 - 2 -6 mos. 3 - > 6 mos. 4 - Inactive STAGE A -EA B - Platting C - Zoning D - Plan Review _ E - Inspecs F - CO - ED WATCH LIST Local City Project- Cale Park Renovation 9 role Park 02 Ocean Dr 21904008-0015 AG A Ci ty Project - reenwood Library Greenwood and Home 4044 Greenwood 1965- 0 - AG 1 B - Platting D ay are M I me Imarron Irine 1 C - Zoning Doug ownhomas Lake Padre 15038 Aruba 6185-0 2 -0C10 G 1 A I X Ma ,& Pizza & Curtis lark 5334 Everhart AG 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review _ ED uec,s o. ruck Wash & Litt Station C orn Products & Hopkins 2 1 Corn Products Rd 1 A WATCH Ocean Or. House Ocean & Montc 5301 cean r Tax ID # AU 1 A LIST Le al O cean Dr. House Ocean oleander cean r A Shurs Taxr dermy - Jamelle Rodd Pfe 2645 Ro i,l Rd 0899 - 000 - 0354 AG 1 A X So. Tx Botanical G ardens Stap les & Oso Parkway 8501 S S taples 0876 AG 1 A Wind .Enei _ Unit= Ctel.MarC.oIIe e_.. — ._. ..- -- -- -- — ..._ ..- - -- - -- — AG - DM — ... 1 -- - - -.p _... Five Points Shopping Center US 77 & FM 624 t33 SPID 898- 4D -0115 AG 1 B StarTex Oil Distributors Leopard & McBride McBride Ln AG 1 C Celebration Nation Sia Ies & WooArid a 5956 St Ies AG 1 D Christ A 08tollc Tabernacle Church aMon 14 Waldron Rd 5 -000 - 010 A 1 p i roe - eat Dept Renov Home 137 orne 5- p 1 er nvironmental 491 Novi ation 4101 Navigation 4- 1 D 1 D Pass ort lnn Island 15370 SPTD 8 4 - 0000.00 AG 1 D Stu io 1 3 lmarron & WaoldridQe 2401 Cimarron 9903.000 - 020 AG 1 D acv liell Saratoga atti 491 erato a 1924 -0 4 -0040 M 1 E exas reC r Onin am lance go %W o awk a win 1 o aw 531.0 - 020 D Bob all Padre ball Park 1354 SPIDI PR 22 163 -000 - 005 AG 7 E Callicoale mini Stofacle Ph 1 allicoate mirrslorage Ph 2 Crazy Buffet Callwate 4302 gaillco 4 Flour Bluff 4302 4 10241 aI icoate e ieaate SPID #102 2370 -0009- 4105-0000 -0045 AG AG 1 1 1 E Downin St Sr. Livfn Airline & Downin 2921 Afriine Rd 1633- 607 -09p AG 1 C enal ikon emode wantner 5656 wantner 44 - DM 1 E EDM a oraties- Mtke Amend Downt own �TMberAale DM E McTurbine - Above Ground Fuel tors a Mustan Islantl North end 6745 Junior Beck _ 36 _ 9 _ 6 _ G0 _ 0 _ 5 _ 0 _ 0 f0 A 4 E X i i Han Nail alon- Anthon N Everhart& Harry 701 Everhart 00 5- 0007-0010 um 3 E Thomas Mackie III Twan Bar& rill Wa€ -Mart Flour B u 11-1:11 Access Alameda & Airine behind #250 Flour Bluff )r 10342 4855 1250 11137 Access Rd S. Alameda Flour Bluffrr 7289 -00 - 020 1994- 0203 -0 00 AG AG AG 1 1 1 E X Whis erCreek ownhouses Tea ue Wildcat 136 Tea ue Ln 4540 01 -0050 1 E X Wind Ener Unit - Johnstone Su I SPIN & Ro old Rd 805 ID 85 - OS -0020 AG 1 E Wind Ener Un €t- ohl'S AG 1 E Wooldridge Creek Animal Hospital to Ies 7201 i es 8451.000 - 015 AG 1 A Ana Sidewalk Cha &Lawrence 326 Cha areal St AG 1 A X Water 8ottfe Hamlin Ctr BP #11 -80 1 Weber 3801 S.Sta Ies 9243-0000-0 1 AG 1 A B order atroi 441 larkwood Facili Catholic antes - Homless Shelter ISD Elem. Southslde Zac a Kolde Ele Ci ra eat Peck, Ghannel Develo ment HEB Alameda! oherts arkwootl US 44 Mestina -& exieo Rodd Field 1 Slou aC a Alameda and Roherts 1601 3402 1 4320 Meslina R d r Alameda 3795.0003 120 2476-0028-0316 0062- 00.0010 pM D DM 0 DM 1 7 1 1 1 fiA X X Dev elopment Services PM Project Report 6.30. 11 DM Page 7 of 17 STAGE A - ER LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C - Zoning 1 -<1mid. D - Plan 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review _ ED 3- >Bmos. E - Inspecs WATCH PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4- Inactive F - 00 - LIST Le al North Beach es[ Ludeke North Beach ul reeze a es Nueces punt Packe Ghannel Par ark d 22 p Rodd and Yorktown niersection Rod Fie and Yorktown DM 1 A em's Everhart PID fEverhart DM q The Villa a GL and Und rftl e t33 SPID 898- 4D -0115 D R Sunnse hores Badaliw H 361 DM 7 E A era S t. Gary am M i Project: Cor us Christi Beach Beach in rant of 2914 N. Shoreline 4097-0 -_C0 D M 1 p C ity Project: Packe Channel Overlook Packe Area 137 Zahn Rd p 1 Parkdale ?'Arm Wal -Mart Staples and Golihar 4101 S 5 - 0000 -n0 0 D 1 D Texas State varium 8 4 - 0000.00 DM 1 E Buena Vida Rock R idg e Affordable Elderly rownsiville! Omaha 465 Old Brownsvi e d 7536.00D9.013 M 1 E C Pro'ett� En lneerin Annex Hall Rd Hall R at Water um st 491 Hall Rd 1924 -0 4 -0040 M 1 E Ci Pro ect: out, Guth 685eDall Paul Jones 1901 Paul Jones 531.0 - 020 D U lty Project: State School Athletics Air ort Rd 1354 Ai ort Rd 163 -000 - 005 QM 1 E race United NVV 1JZ4 14521 Northwest Blvd 5874- 002 -00 1 DM 1 E Miracle Field State School pro 1354 Air art Rtl 1633- 607 -09p M 1 E Mirador Sta Ies and Timber ate 5656 DM 1 E Nueces Lott G m Downt own �TMberAale DM E an i er Condo Exterior Remodel Mustan Islantl North end 6745 7655 000 0101 M 7 E urner ndustries Grou Inc rk IH 37 and Clawoed 860 0926. 001 -0010 um E City ro ect! roadway Treatment Plant 1402 W Brea a 1402 W Broadway 0540 - - 010 Tartu a SH 361 and Zahn d 14801 SH 361 X North side of Shr hannel DM 1 roadwa WW Office ui dm OM 1 p Universe Downtown Litc ensteln M 1 A Ocean House Rincon Channel DM 1 A X Sonehen a Ext. ember ate Area Behind Mirador Prc'ect DM 1 A Ashle Furniture SPI❑ J 1 A hill Dd re Locatio t0 a determined Ca T T JD 1 A Dominican Sisters - Adult Ua Care Facility Hearn & Cellicotte 1 HEB Kosto z an o mar osic and Golihar JD 1 A X Junior Becklprtiz Construction Junior Beck 10101 O!d Brownsville R 1 A X New Mobi a Home Park Clarkwood Rd. Clarkwood Rd 1 A X Parkin Lot Expansion - is JD 1 A YMG U er Btoo wa Upper Broadwa 940.0 1-0030 J 1 A Rancho V ista - Rezonin Va uero & re s oll 1 C! Health IinIC Oily Hall - Bl loor 1 D CMC ec olio -New Site H . 44 3ronco Rd D 7 C X X F2" 2x round Facili CCI Pison Rd. Pison JD 1 D Funera ome an Cremetarium Crosstown and ers 5409 A ers 847 - 0004 -0038 J 1 Ro s Custom Paint & Body Holly Rd H 1 utoNallon Da ! ID 702 I - 0018 -00 JQ 1 Page 7 of 17 Development Services PM Project Report 6.30.71 DM Development Services PM Project Report 5.30.11 DM STAGE STAGE A -EA A -EA LAST B - Platting LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C - Zoning ACTIVITY C - Zoning 1 - <1mo. D - Plan 1 - < 1 me. D - Plan 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review ED 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review ED 3 - > 6 mos. E - Inspecs - WATCH PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION site # 3 - > 6 mos. _ E - lnspecs WATCH F - CO PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4- Inactive F - CO LIST Legal B! Red aarn Da care Hall 1288 13 a tl R0009 8 -0000 [TD 5 1 E C ousln Authority Phase I - Corban A ern t. 1455 Corban 6270 - 0007.001 JD 1 E C 2 us nsh each Paviilion Central Pa laments Schaal 3602 McArdla 3602 eArdle 1500-0001-0010 JD 1 E Do ie Reha 2 urlside City Airport Termma emodef 1OOD International 1uuU Intamaltona€ 7546- 000 -0000 JD 1 E 1 orktown 102 Ci Pro act: CGfA - Stara elMsint. Bld 0 International 308 international 7548 -0 00 -000p 1 E 4718 emin! Corban Town Homes Corban ve. A orban Ave. b27D-N07-0012 1,10 Retail enter 1 E US H 77 Rd 454-0051-0011 SS Doctor's Office - Sandra BransEo Patton St Patton tit choo JD 1 E 36 -000 -0090 SS X DR. Albarracin New Offices 1215 Santa a 1215 ­ Santa 0486-0009-00Y0 JD 1 3986-0002-C()20 5 1 Dr.s Office 805 Morgan _ 805 Morgan 5983 -0004 -0010 JD 1 E A Dr.sMce - BraseltonHomes Staples 7326 Staple Baldwin JD 1 E .Flour - BIuffConcesslon - tend -- FlourBfuff Middle chodf — 5 - -- Waldron Rd 2555 -0002 -000 JD 1 E WA oncession L F Distr€butors A nee west of a r ort SAame a ST H 44 0274- 143 -020 JD 1 E Ru ed Cycles 4 . Water La a meta Mall - Tenant Work 54 PID 5488 SPID D JD 1 Wal -Mart Southsi a 6101 any can orlan a Efementa Carroll Lane 1 strati Lane X 1 E I rownsvl e Ma Mal er o the hutch - os ncinos Frio reenwood 1705 Frio St _45_7U_ -0020 Above round Fuel Stara a Tank 602 Flato, Miller Envlronm E Flato 7430.0006.0160 Miracle A artments 1634 141 t, 1634 14th St Bluff Lending Outdoor Pavlllon - J 1 E 0034690 -0000 1 E U River Road 1 1 4 IH ccessRd 5755 1 -0 JO 1 9524 -0000 -0050 1 E West so JF Elementary School 1526 Cliff Maus 1526 Cli sus 3899 -0W'I - 0 JD 1 E E C e ars Restaurant 58555PID 5855 5 9e46- 0000 -01 0 JD 1 F Genesis utnLon Store 711 arato a 7114 aralo a 0899 - 0001 -0060 JD 1 F nn Ex ress La Palmera - Common ace 5488 SPID 5488 ID 1 JD 1 F ter A artmonts nnls JoslinlAlameda Iva Actin Aurora eatre 5 5 Everhart 56 5 Ever art 8 01- 40 J 1 F 6814 N ew eslauranl 4 River Hill Dr 1 E JD 1 OCeanlEnnis Jeslm 6124 Ocean r Paradise Pocl Billiards 5141 akhurst 5141 Oakhurs! 5947. 0000 -00 JD 1 SS PF Chan s La Palmera Mall 5488 PID # 5001 Champion Technolo Ies - Matthew Trevino JD 1 Centaurus 8330.0005 -0180 AG 2 Zavala Pads Elementary School 3102 Hi hland 102 High Land 4007 -0006 -0010 JD 1 7946• 32 -001 AG 2 C Exterior Spray Faint Booth Holl Farmers ow - hell La Encanta a Holl JD 5 Staples 1 E Water Park Port Ave. Santa Elena Port Ave JD W -00 -0110 1 A CGISD High School ew immarron LI as NE 4444 MCArdte JR 2 1 A U Pull €l Junk and Art stuaiolofchesldence to IesfBooi 15 to es JR 1 A aleesASian intro aka Hunan Bistro Sarato a & to ' Baker Hu has Hrgnway 441CIarkwcod 712.00 1- 050 A 2 E R T A Muff! s and North end X CCISD midtlle school Holl uture Ennis Jos n 2 A JR ern ate' 1 Mixed Use A o ee she with drive thru undetermined A JR North oath Hotel F!re ama ad) i A rosstow. F!I tanlMes ulte JR Northwest 1 Ca alien Dr 1476- 2000 -0010 DM Oe MarAviation6uilon i od roe X J SH 3611Whitecao 1 6125- 21 -101 DM 2 Noecea Garaen Plat souiheasl o Lea and Iplel LasCasitas R 1 0888-0000-0 40 SA! 2 Mes uite Rip a Plal FM 624 o Rd 95 JR =5 Nla era la ars 1 - 1 tialdeiached era a 98fi2 Dais JR 501 ueces Ba Blvd 1 Nuecft Blvd 0480- 0000 -0010 SS 2 A Kosto and SPID 3138 SPID JR 3001 u sl 0 1797- 41- 9 S 2 Baldwin Car l ot JR 1 SO Mueller Street A aliments Leo and & ueller 3618 Muelier 2164000 -0250 SA Above Ground Fuel tors a Tank Marina arin SS 1 ullain wlout ermits 4 6 5 1 Buildin wlout armifs 5 2 Stoc t SS 1 Development Services PM Project Report 5.30.11 DM Page 8 of 17 STAGE A -EA LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C - Zoning 1 - <1mo. D - Plan 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review ED 3 - > 6 mos. E - Inspecs - WATCH PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4 - Inactive F - CO LIST l al ulfdin wlout ermits 529 sae SS 1 A Car Show Best Bu Parkin Lot 5 i A urc x anslon Pro"i 2913 Ro ars St en 2913 Ro ars L 1391 -0 10 -0040 1 A C 2 us nsh each Paviilion 1 A Do ie Reha 2 urlside 01 W_ Su sltle 1055 -0 53 -0010 1 A Excavation 1 orktown 102 Yorktown 476 -0051 -2900 S 1 Mechanic and Salvage 4718 Gemini 4718 emin! 9 -0001- 10 SS 1 A Retail enter 4101 US H 77 Rd 4101 US H 77 Rd 454-0051-0011 SS 1 A choo 3875 S. Staples nma oli 3875 to Ies 36 -000 -0090 SS 1 A Veterinary Ilnic 7721 S. Staples 7721 Staples 3986-0002-C()20 5 1 ells ar o - Flour Bluff Waldron __4_M!_ Waldron Rd 1 A Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank 42 ut a cWn Horton A Baldwin 1152-0009-0243 oolmront and 15 5 aravel 45 Caravel 6820 - 0031 -0380 1 WA oncession IW h chool 2 30 SAame a 4779 -0 00 -0010 S 1 D Ru ed Cycles 4 . Water 4 1 S Water 1020 002.00 SS 1 D Wal -Mart Southsi a 6101 Sarato a 0994 -0 ul -uwov S 1 D X H ants a Utlera ome Brownsville Kos( I rownsvl e 1 • 1- 5 1 Above round Fuel Stara a Tank 602 Flato, Miller Envlronm 602 Flato 7430.0006.0160 1 Bluff Lending Outdoor Pavlllon - Laguna hores ndale 424 La una Shores 0034690 -0000 1 E uena Vida RV Park 5115 U River 9524 -0000 -0050 1 E Cha el Road Field aratc a 3001 Rodd Fla 0905 -cu 1 -0020 S 1 E Car Deafershi Ex ansion SP D Kosto z 056 S 4425- 0012 -0030 SS 1 E oor UP to Ies 0 5 Sta les 7921 -0 01 -0075 SS 1 E nn Ex ress Navigation Navi etipn 9597- 0001 -00 55 1 E ter A artmonts nnls JoslinlAlameda 1773 Ennis Joslin 37131- 02 -COB SS 1 E eber Rd 6814 Weber Rd SS 1 E Oso Pier OCeanlEnnis Jeslm 6124 Ocean r 22 -7 55 1 F Marker 37 SS 1 Champion Technolo Ies - Matthew Trevino Centaurus 350 and 350 Centaurus 8330.0005 -0180 AG 2 C Southern Technical Controls - 8aller Leo and TUI05F 854 Leopard 7946• 32 -001 AG 2 C X Farmers ow - hell La Encanta a Staples & Yorktown 742 5 Staples 412 -0007 -0020 A E GHX Warehouse - Western 6ILel Santa Elena 4733 ants Elena W -00 -0110 2 Herita 8 a ti5t -new sanctua MCArdle& Lavaca 4444 MCArdte AG 2 U Pull €l Junk and Agnes A nes - A - G - aleesASian intro aka Hunan Bistro Sarato a & to ' 564 arato a 712.00 1- 050 A 2 E Beach View Estates Muff! s and North end 2 A ern ate' 1 Mixed Use Across from cliseum DM A North oath Hotel F!re ama ad) A at ollc Retreat Center Northwest 4501 Ca alien Dr 1476- 2000 -0010 DM X Hi & Dry Boat/RV Store a SH 3611Whitecao 15338 6125- 21 -101 DM 2 LasCasitas 30435PID 0888-0000-0 40 SA! 2 A ramatonum =5 Nla era la ars 1 - 1 Daniel Office 501 ueces Ba Blvd 501 Nuecft Blvd 0480- 0000 -0010 SS 2 A estaurant and Bar 3 01 udside 3001 u sl 0 1797- 41- 9 S 2 Page 8 of 17 Development Services PM Project Report 6.30.11 OM Development Services PM Project Report 6130.11 OM PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM LAST ACTIVITY 1 -<Ima, 2.2 -6 mos. 3 - > 6 mos. 4 - Inactive STAGE ED WATCH LIST Legal Roscher Rd Platting, Mike Pedrotii Rosher Rd & Yorktown 3901 Rosher Rd I AG 4 A -EA RV & Boat Storage - David Hobbs Leopard & 1 -37 11910 Leopard 3237 -0000 -1000 AG LAST 8 - Platting Sandra Lin A is - LOG Qevelo ers Sandra Lane 6801 Sandra Lane 0465.0007 -0010 AG ACTIVITY C - Zoning X Shopping Center - Jesse Reyes - Kasto z AG 1 --1pro. D - Plan TDK Apia. Staples & Timber ale 6810 S Staples 2476 -0011 -0172 AG 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review ED Wallace, David - New 3 -Unit Office Bldg Violet Rd & Blades St 4137 Violet Rd 5125- 0001 -0190 AG 3 - > 6 mos. _ E - Inspecs WATCH PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4 - € nactive F - CO LIST Legal Addition 3448 Newcastle 3448 Newcastle 7489-00DO-021V S87 4 b Cil Project - Public Sahety VTa -raft a and Ayers 6425 Ayers 7721 - 0001 -0080 AG 3 A PUD Townhouse Proil Sta Ies & Chico o 4613 S.P.LD 4825.0002 -0054 AG 3 A X Bluff Bay Marina Small Sca a nd o ki erlJester 1 kl er 41500003 -0010 OM 1 3 1 D exan Trail Mad offices Texan Trail 1002 Elizabeth 0807 -0002 -0120 DM 1 3 A La Tran uilla Mustan IslandlSH 361 131 119 427 NAS Dr 5625 -0001 -0120 ❑M 3 B Alameda Retail Center Alameda 825 Cantwell 7556 -0012 -0210 AG 4 A Pepsi - New Office and Warehouse 1054 S. Nava anon 1054 S. Nava anon 7536 -0 G9 -0060 AG 3 E - Sea Gulf Villa A is. 416 N. Chaparral 416 N. Cha arras 0540 -0012 -0040 JD 3 A The Broadwa Old ui din upper tbroadway UU7 N. Upper Broadwa 0797. 00& 010 JB 3 A X Thrift Store -Mor an Ave. 1724 Morgan 1724 Mo an 0480. 0003 -0110 JD 3 A 5 in Shoreline Parkin are e- - -- - Mill 1440 ants a Street— - - - '1'44 - - S arta "e 0 5983 =0 _ 210 JD- --. - 3 -- - O taro a Buildin 1Com lax -Kram Kram St. 67 Kram t 787 - (YO . 10-01 0 JD 4 ❑ C osta 18faqOnna II NPID & IH37 5517 IH 37 Access Rd 9402-05OC-0090 Tr 4 A K CZOnlng . 11423 up River Road 11423 Up River Rd 0268.0138286 AG 4 F TFO 4535 Everhart 4535 Everhart 6037.0002.0022 SS 3 C D,F Adult Day Care - Vidal Conde- with Club Baldwin (3102) and 1102 Second St 0486 -0001 -0130 AG 4 F Cielo Morgan 3102 Baldwin + Morgan 1730 - 0000.0055 AG 4 A Aml os Bake & Cakeland Staples & Woclddd a 5960 Staples 4520 - 0016.0034 AG 4 A And Norton Staples Weber & Staples 4020 Webg 9243 -0000 -0010 AG 4 A Anzaldua. Anthony - New 4 -unit office Williams 5328 5326 Williams 2711 - 0012 -0180 AG 4 A Ayers & Baldwin • New Bldg, Rick Ayers & Baldwin, across 2401 Cim9903 - 0002 -0020 AG 4 F Velas uez from Del Mar 2314 Ayers 2838 -0001 -0010 AG 4 A Nueces Eleclrit Rand Morgan (1701) and DM 4 A X PI Car Wash Bible Believer's Baptist Church - Sanctuary McNorton 1701 Rand Mor an 5779 -0001 -0010 iAG F 4 A C all enter- Former Stemmart McArdle d. Air 58G1 MrArdle Holly Rd (4750) & Car Wash Everhart 4750 1 Rd 8450 - 0001 -0010 AG 4 A Car Wash on Cedar Pass Collins 4513 Cedar Pass Dr 8523 -0011 -0020 AG 4 A Carmel Plaza Shopping Center Staples & Carmel Carmel P AG 4 A city Fire Station AG 4 A Garden. Solid Waste H eia 5326 Richter St 7894.0001 -0010 AG 4 q Doctor's Office - Sandra Branscomb Alameda & Booty Alameda AG 4 A Doctor's Office - Sandra Branscomb Holly Rd Holly Rd AG 4 A Gonzalez Betty Jean Betty Jean AG 4 A Harris Law Firm Williams & Sta les Williams AG 4 A KST Electric Annaville Area 2411 Rand Morgan 0247.0001.0040 AG 4 A Oak Park Cottages - Advanced Housing Alternatives Mueller 3757 & Erin 3757 sage 5 Mueller 9866 - 0002.0082 AG 4 A Development Services PM Project Report 6130.11 OM PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM LAST ACTIVITY 1 -<Ima, 2.2 -6 mos. 3 - > 6 mos. 4 - Inactive STAGE A- EA 8 - Platting C - Zoning D - Plan Review E - Inspecs F - CO ED WATCH LIST Legal Roscher Rd Platting, Mike Pedrotii Rosher Rd & Yorktown 3901 Rosher Rd I AG 4 A RV & Boat Storage - David Hobbs Leopard & 1 -37 11910 Leopard 3237 -0000 -1000 AG 4 A Sandra Lin A is - LOG Qevelo ers Sandra Lane 6801 Sandra Lane 0465.0007 -0010 AG 4 A X Shopping Center - Jesse Reyes Kasto z AG 4 A TDK Apia. Staples & Timber ale 6810 S Staples 2476 -0011 -0172 AG 4 A Wallace, David - New 3 -Unit Office Bldg Violet Rd & Blades St 4137 Violet Rd 5125- 0001 -0190 AG 4 A Wind Energy Unit - Richard Bell Pharoah Dr 6625 6625 Pharoah Or AG 4 A Women's Gym The Esplanade Dr Esplanade Or, The AG 4 A Bay Vista Apartments Phase II Water& Buford 814 1 Carancahua 2653 -0001 -0010 AG 4 1 B Yalee Shin Platting Issue SPID 4613 4613 S.P.LD 4825.0002 -0054 AG 1 4 1 S Qualls, Jonelle - House to Office Holly Rd 6710 Holly Rd 41500003 -0010 AG 1 4 C South Bluff Methodist - Historic Bldg Demolition Elizabeth and Seventh 1002 Elizabeth 0807 -0002 -0120 AG 4 C Tomas Villarreal 433 NAS Drive 427 NAS Dr 5625 -0001 -0120 AG 4 D Adrian Electric Addition Cantwell (825 825 Cantwell 7556 -0012 -0210 AG 4 E Aka Sushi Water S1 415 415 Water St 0540 - 0003 -0045 AG 4 E - Bibeau's Restaurant- John Kendall Baldwin 4506 ) 4506 1 Baldwin 7556.0004 -0090 AG 4 E GreatstalTransmissions SPID 3487 SPID 4440- 0002 -0096 AG 4 F X Ho a House Robinson St 656 658 Robinson St 4475. 0038-0140 AG 4 E Motorcycle Assembl lPaintin Kinney & King 923 Kinney 8161 -0012 -0060 AG 4 E McKinzie Jail Annex -Water Su I Im rove NPID 745 N,P.LD. 0068 -0015 -0010 AG 4 E Wind Fne Unit- Mango Car Wash Waldron Rd 1529 1529 Waldron Rd 9175 -0001 -0050 AG 4 E Beachcomber Cottages North Beach - Gulfbreeze AG 4 F Discount Liquor Store - David Larkin Leopard 10801 10801 Leopard 0212 - 0002 -0100 AG 4 F Fulton Construction Offices Second St & Buford 1102 Second St 0486 -0001 -0130 AG 4 F Mission 911 at 911 Park Ave - Tony Reyes Park Ave 911 Park Ave 8171 -0004 -0060 AG 4 F Papa Murphy's - Bob Westrup Waldron & SPID 1216 Waldron Rd #133 4105 -0048 -0010 AG 1 4 F Papa Murphy's - Ron Miller Weber & Staples 4020 Webg 9243 -0000 -0010 AG 4 F Patton St. New Office Bldg Patton St 5933 Patt9905 -0002 -0017 AG 4 F Saltwater Grill Cimarron Wooldridge a 2401 Cim9903 - 0002 -0020 AG 4 F South Shores Shopping Center - Moe Moto hi Alameda & ehind CV 4855 Ala1994 - 0203 -0000 AG 4 F Nueces Eleclrit CR 52 and W Comer DM 4 A X PI Car Wash N Padre Is Park DM 4 F Page 9 of 17 Development Services PM Project Report 6.30 11 DM Development Services PM Project Report 6,30.11 DM PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax 1D # PM LAST ACTIVITY 1 -41mo. 2 - 2 -6 mos. 3 - > 5 mos. 4 - inactive STAGE ED WATCH LIST Le al Qui ley Cottages Park Rd 22 just south of Whitecap 15829 SPID 6125.0017 -0810 DM 4 A - EA Next to Broadway WW LAST S - Platting Reality Ranch treatment plant 1515 N Tancahua St 05400058 -0011 DM 4 A ACTIVITY C - Zoning Rest, At former Jumbas location Sla ies and Sarato a 6418 S Staples 7731- 0003 -0060 DM 4 A 1 - <1mo. D - Plan tH 37 and Sun Tide DM 4 A 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review ED DM 4 A Stripes Mar an 3 -> 6 mos. E - Inspecs WATCH DM PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4 - Inactive F - CO LIST Legal City Pro Coliseum Shoreline 304 Shoreline SH 361 and Park Rd 22 14402 DM 4 F q p 1126 Central Flour Blu SPID and Central 1126 Central 2481 -0905 -0370 DM 4 A A 3201 Rodd Field Rodd Field 3201 1 Rodd Field 2476 -0020 -0096 DM 4 A AVANCE X town area Lexin tan Rd 2476 - 0026.0125 DM DM 4 A LOMR -F Terra Mar Bell Family Plat RhewlSedwick DM 4 DM 4 A Gulf Coast Electrical Union Sarato a lust east of X to 2301 Brad Homer Street Improvement Flour Bluff McIver ST. DM 4 D DM 4 A Preston Park 7417 X Carroll Lane Park Car Wash Carroll lane and Staples 3619 S Staples 1325 -0006 -0040 DM 4 A SPID 4403- 0007 -0010 Chilli Peppers LG and Glenoak Laguna ShoreslGlenoak 2830 Laguna Shores 9399 - 0003 -002D OM 4 A DM Christian Triumph Blunter! Ruth 905 S. Bluntzer 8764 - 0006.0130 UM 4 A - --...— . —.... Cit Pro'ect: Bill Witt Bathroom - -- - - - - --- Bill Whit Park- Yorkfewn M 6809 — y — - - — - Yo town . ......_ _24 DM _ A q 4 F 5826 Es lanade Whitecap Es lanada 2329 -0061 -0060 OM 4 F City Pro Whitecap Turnaround Whitecap Turnaround Airllne & Holf 2133 I Turnaround 9902 - 0001.0015 DM 4 A Ennis Joshn at McArdle NW of Baypoint A artmen 1514 Ennis Joslin 2476 -0029 -0016 DM 4 q E. Riverview Drive Fairway Villas Commodores 14111 Ccmmordores 4 DM 4 A AtWilleford -Bod 5ho 38125PID 3812 SPID 8187.0009 -0090 JD Lugana Shores! A Drive -Thm Mini Store Port Ave. Fitness Facility La una ShoreslGfenoak 4 Glenoak DM 4 A A ers 0847 - 0014 -OD27 Flour Bluff Bed & Breakfast Bluff Landis Claudia St 4113 Claudia 8953 - 0001 -0110 DM 4 A JD Golden Cottage PUD North Beach North Beach Gulfbreeze! Neal Salazar Subdivision DM 4 A JD 4 Harrison Landing Expansion City Marina 108 People's T -Head St H .624 14641 DM 4 A 4 A Park Rd 22 just south of C VS at 3205 Alameda 3205 Alameda 4475- 0004 -0010 JD 4 E Hasse Padre Island Whitecap 16413 SPID 6125 - 0013 -0410 DM 4 A X Industrial District Amendment Just east of Allison WW treatment lant JD DM 4 A X J. Poses (FB) Multiple locations 2110 1 Laguna Shores 2476 - 0054 -9900 DM 4 A Montessori School Lichtenstein Bu[Iding Downtown JD 4 A DM 4 A Li esl Staples 8 Plex Li es just west of Staples 5446 Li es 1799 -0001 -0020 OM 4 A Logan NA A DM 4 A JR JR M. Jordan Yorktown near Mud BridgE 1610 Ramsfield Park Master Plan DM 4 A 4 Magellan Oil Poth and IH 37 OM 4 q Mandel Sub - Division Cimmarron 3422 Cimarron 2476 - 0020 -0180 DM 4 q Metro Ministries Leopard near X town 1906 Leopard 33900001 -0010 DM 4 A North Beach Hotel M. Jordan DM 1 4 A Open Market 6 points 1647 S Alameda 2451 -6903 -0070 DM 4 A Padre Island along Packery Point Packery Channel 14002 SPID 6205 -0002 -0000 DM 4 A Padre [stand RV Resort: Andy Griffin Multiple locations DM 4 A Porto Villa eo SH 361 Muslana Island 153 Porto Villa eo Dr 6981 -0001 -0010 OM 4 A Staples $t. near Le Providence Professional Plaza I Pelmera mall 1 4613 S 543 Fes 7C49.0000 -0040 DM 4 A Development Services PM Project Report 6,30.11 DM PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax 1D # PM LAST ACTIVITY 1 -41mo. 2 - 2 -6 mos. 3 - > 5 mos. 4 - inactive STAGE A -EA B - Platting C- Zoning D - Plan Review E - Inspecs F - CO - ED WATCH LIST Le al Qui ley Cottages Park Rd 22 just south of Whitecap 15829 SPID 6125.0017 -0810 DM 4 A Next to Broadway WW Reality Ranch treatment plant 1515 N Tancahua St 05400058 -0011 DM 4 A Rest, At former Jumbas location Sla ies and Sarato a 6418 S Staples 7731- 0003 -0060 DM 4 A Shrines Sin tH 37 and Sun Tide DM 4 A Sta leslLi esTownhomes Sta ]eslLi es DM 4 A Stripes Mar an Mor an ave 5000- 0368.0000 DM 4 q Tortilla Flats Downtown - Water St OM 4 A Tortu a Harbor SH 361 and Park Rd 22 14402 Sand Dollar 6125 -0000 -8100 DM q p Trium h Churoh Bluntzer & Ruth 905 Bluntzer 8764 -0006 -0130 DM 4 A Violet/ IH 37 ..Kermit Violet... IH 37 Northside of intersection DM 4 A Brid a cinte Landis SPID! Lexin ton 5246 Lexin tan Rd 2476 - 0026.0125 DM 4 B LOMR -F Terra Mar Terra Mar DM 4 B Gulf Coast Electrical Union Sarato a lust east of X to 2301 Sarato a 7720 -0001 -0050 DM 4 D X Preston Park Indusiriaf- Pathfinder Preston Park 7417 Leo and 7015 -0001 -0010 OM 4 D X 3502 SPID True Medical EXP. SPID 3502 SPID 4403- 0007 -0010 DM 4 F 390 NAS Lea in Lizard NAS Flour Bluff 390 NAS DM 4 F Wooldridge just east of 5626 Wooldrid a Sta les 5626 Wooldrid a 4520 -0184 -0060 DM 4 F 5826 Es lanade Es lanade Buss. Park 5826 Es lanada 2329 -0061 -0060 OM 4 F Aldine & Holl A is Airllne & Holf 2133 Noddin Pines 9902 - 0001.0015 DM 4 F DPS Crime Lab SPID 1922 SPID 5842- 0000-0020 DM 4 F E. Riverview Drive E. Riverview Dr. 4872 E. Riverview Dr, 7259.0001 -0010 DM 4 F AtWilleford -Bod 5ho 38125PID 3812 SPID 8187.0009 -0090 JD 4 A Drive -Thm Mini Store Port Ave. JD 4 L &W Su [ 6601 A ers 6601 A ers 0847 - 0014 -OD27 JD 4 A A Madin Hameka Old Brownsville & Tu er JD 4 A Salazar Subdivision H .624 JD 4 A Sal -Con Inc H .624 14641 JD 4 A C VS at 3205 Alameda 3205 Alameda 4475- 0004 -0010 JD 4 E 72 3 Broawa Coffice to res. o JD 4 X Auto Pads Horne Rd JD 4 A Flee Market Island JD 4 A A Montessori School JD 4 A Waldron Rd A t JD 4 A Wards JD 4 A Port Trans ort Facili Brews[erlN Sem Rankin sge JR JR 4 A Park Master Plan 4 A Page 10 of 17 Development Services PM Project Report 6.30.11 DM Page 9 Page 11 of 17 STAGE A - EA LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C - Zoning I - < 1 mo. D - Plan 2 - 2 -6 mos. Review ED 3 • > 6 mos. E - Inspecs WATCH PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4 - Inactive F-00 LIST Legal Owens S. Staples Shopping Center Staples & Li es 7402 S Staples 2412 - 0001 -0040 SS 4 q Citv Pro'ect: Zahn Road Improvements Zahn Rd Zahn Rd JDM 5 E Autozone- Parkdale Staples St 4101 Sta Ies A003- 7928.0000 DM 5 F BIII Kelly (Apt. Pro'ect Chapparrall 1410 N Chaparral 0540- 0055 -0100 DM 5 F Cft o Modular Buildings Cit o plant 3801 Huisache St 5933- 0004.0040 DM 5 F Old Corn USA - Precision Cancer Center SPID east of Staples 5701 S.P.LD 4756 - 0100.0010 DM 5 F Roxy Plaza Saratoga west of Weber 3833 Saratoga 7732 - 0007.0060 DM 5 F Texas Chifd Protective- Services Greenwood — 4201 — -- Greenwood 4635=0001.00 0 Dlur _ 5 F XPenn s Remodel La Palmera Mall JO 5 E Old Wards Bldg. -New Parkin Lot 513 N, Cha arra€ 513 N Chaparral 0540- 0011 -0030 JD 5 E Pszzi Construction Offices 15709 SPID 15709 S.P.I.D, 6125.0016 -0310 JD 5 E Big Valley Auto Auctions 5661 Agnes 5661 nes 7430 -0002 -0010 JD 5 F Dlflard's Remodel La Palmera Mai JD 5 F Car quest Staples St & McArdle 4701 S Staples AG Dorado Transportation W. Broadwa Stillman 2702 W. Broadway St. JAG Wooldridge Rd Lift Station Odor Control AG Bart! Scavo CM The Palms C& Leopard - The NRP GrOLP cm Dog Rehab CC Beach SS Holly/Nodding ( A ts. SS Ace Hardware on Golihar Castle Manor , Fill ermit S- Yorktown Pinnacle Fitness Page 9 Page 11 of 17 C. Engineering Services Department 1. Airline and South Padre Island Drive Intersection Jamie Pyle provided the Committee members with a photo presentation of the Airline and South Padre Island Drive Intersection. The following are some of the before /after photos. Before Photos Page 12 of 17 .:_.: Page 13 of 17 I- EAM i0i w After Photos V N A. A. . Ad 'IT r, .1, � Ow Page 14 of 17 Page 15 of 17 D. Parks and Recreation Department 1. National Parks Service (NPS) Litigation Update Stacie Talbert stated at last month's meeting she provided the Committee members with a annual update spreadsheet indicating how the department is moving forward on improvements of accessibility at various parks in the City due to litigation. The Department of the Interior (D0I) recently contacted the department via letter and phone call requesting an annual update like the one she provided at the last meeting. The annual update to the DOI will also include photos. The NPS asked how the department was coming along with the Master Plan and public meetings held back in February. Ms. Talbert reminded everyone that the Parks and Recreation Department, in addition to the town meetings, committee meetings and phone surveys held, the department also has a web survey so Page 16 of 17 people who were unable to attend the meetings can give them their input on what they would like to see in the parks system over the next ten to twelve years. Citizens can find the survey on Ms. Talbert stated she will forward the link to Sylvia Wilson so she can forward it to everyone on the Committee. The survey will close on Friday, July 15, 2011. Ms. Talbert reported the Parks and Recreation now reports to Assistant City Manager Oscar Martinez. E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - -- 1 Activities - -Summary - Marc Denson was absent. No report. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee 1. Chairperson Update Thomas Dreyer stated the Engineering Sub - Committee met on June 23, 2011. The Sub - Committee's concern is money being spent on ramps built where there are no sidewalks. The Sub - Committee would like to meet with TxDOT during the planning stages to avoid ramps being constructed where there are no sidewalks. 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • Parks and Recreation — Mayor's Fitness Council Community Action Plan • Office of Emergency Management — Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Bertha Romero and seconded by Harvey Salinas. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m. Page 17 of 17